Sue Set free: The Bar by schmoe90,schmoe90

My husband, Dave, and I have an open relationship, but we also sometimes play with other people. Well, I play with other people, he usually just watches. He likes that, and often takes pictures of me with my pickups.

Dave had been planning a trip to his parents’ for his Dad’s birthday. His Dad likes old cars, so he’d got him a wooden old car model that he was sure he was going to love.

When we got to Dave’s parents’, we picked them up and took them out to dinner. We had birthday cake, but didn’t force the staff to sing “Happy Birthday” to his Dad.

After dinner, we went back to their place, and Dave and I spent the night in his childhood bedroom. No sex, as I don’t want to look at his parents in the morning if they hear anything.

In the morning, we took his parents out to the mall, bought them lunch, and stopped at a garden center on the way home to get his mother a large shrub she wanted. We even planted it when we got back to their place.

In the evening, we suggested going to a bar so the men could watch the football. His parents were tired – it seems they didn’t usually do as much during the day as they did when we were there.

Dave spent some time on his phone, rounding up a group of his old friends to watch the game, and I showered and made myself look presentable.

We were both going to be drinking, most likely, so neither of us wanted to drive. Dave called an Uber, and we stood in the front garden chatting with his parents while we waited.

When the Uber pulled up, Dave glanced at the driver and said “he’s cute. You should ride in the front with him.”

Eh, whatever. I opened the passenger door and said “can I ride shotgun? I get car sick.”

The driver just nodded, and I got in. I noticed him give me the once over as I clambered in and sat down. Dave, being a gentleman, closed my door, and then got in behind me.

We drove mostly in silence, but we did chat a bit. The driver hadn’t been driving for Uber long, but he seemed to like it so far. He didn’t go out late at night though, when there were more likely to be drunks and fights and so on, so he hadn’t bothered getting cameras all set up yet.

As we got closer to the bar, Dave asked if he had another pick up to rush off to.

“Not yet,” he said, “they’ll ping me on the phone when there’s something in my area.”

We pulled into the parking lot bar, and Dave told him to park over in the quiet corner. As we pulled up and stopped, Dave said “we want to give you a good tip.”

“Oh,” said the driver, “you do that through the app.”

I felt Dave reach around the seat, between me and the driver, and slide the left straps of my dress and my bra off my shoulder and down my arm, letting my left tit fall out.

“Oh my,” said the driver, turning to watch.

Dave slid the other side’s straps down, leaving me topless, with my arms pretty much tied to my sides by the straps.

“You can feel them if you want,” he said, “they’re real.”

The driver reached over and stroked my tits, one at a time. He went to pinch my nipples between his thumb and forefinger, but I said “gently.” I’d not had the piercings for too long, and I didn’t want him to get them weeping or anything. Even so, his gentle brush against them caused them to start to stiffen even more.

“You can suck them,” Dave said.

“Gently,” I said again. “No teeth.”

The driver bent his head to my left tit, and sucked the nipple into his mouth. I felt his teeth graze it, causing me to shiver.

“If you put your seat back, she’ll suck your dick,” he said.

I turned and looked at him, and the driver let go of me and turned to look at him too, just for a second, as he was sliding his seat back.

He cranked the back down to about forty five degrees, and started undoing his jeans as I slid my arms out of the straps of my dress.

I was going to have to do this, so I leaned over him, moving his hands out of the way, and finished unzipping him. I put my hand inside and fished his cock out, then leant lower, licking my lips, and ran my tongue over it.

I licked up and down his cock, then swirled my tongue around the head and along his frenulum. It was starting to get a bit uncomfortable leaning and twisting sideways, so I moved, ending up kneeling on the seat so I could take his cock in my mouth properly.

“Grab her head,” I heard Dave say, and the driver did, pressing down slightly as I went down, then relaxing to let me lift back up. He’d put a bit of pressure on the back of my head so I’d keep the helmet in my mouth at the top of the stroke, and then down I’d go again. His other hand was on my left nipple, feeling my tit start to flatten against his seat as I went down.

I heard Dave’s door open and close, then the dome light came on and I felt the cold air of my door opening behind me. I felt Dave lift my dress over my back, then pull my panties down to my knees while I was sucking off the Uber driver. I wondered if he was going to fuck me here, before we went into the bar, but after a few seconds I figured he was just taking pictures of me with his phone.

All of a sudden, there was an electronic bleeping noise, and the driver said “goddamn it.”

He stopped pressing on my head and said “shit.”

I slid my head off his cock to see what was going on.

He was holding his phone.

“I’ve got to get this,” he said, and started tapping away. “It’s a fare, and I should go now.”

With my panties around my knees, I sort of shuffled backwards until I could get my legs under me and back out of the car. I grabbed my little bag, standing there trying to redress myself as he started the engine.

“Maybe we’ll see you later,” Dave said as he closed the passenger door.

I had my arms in my bra and the straps of my dress, and I was pulling my panties up as the car drove across in front of us and headed for the exit.

“Well, that was fun,” said Dave.

I just nodded.

“Do I look like I was just sucking off the Uber driver?”

“Nah,” he said, “you look fine.”

He grabbed my hand and we headed for the back door of the bar.

Inside, Dave quickly saw his friends at a couple of tables pulled together. We went over and did the usual greetings, sort of distractedly on their part because they’re watching the game, as we moved around people and found somewhere to sit. Dave went up to the bar and brought back drinks for us, and a couple of the other guys.

We sat there, with them watching the TV, and me feeling a bit annoyed. I was all flustered, as I’d had a cock in my mouth, but didn’t finish. Sometimes I like to get a little… frustrated… by sucking somebody off before sex with Dave, as then I’ll really attack him, but I couldn’t think of a time when I hadn’t got to swallow some guy’s cum, and I think I felt like I’d missed out.

I knew we were going to be here for a while, so I entertained myself by looking at porn on my phone. Luckily the WiFi in the bar doesn’t block that sort of thing.

You know that feeling you get that somebody’s watching you? Well, I got it. I looked up from my phone, and around, and I saw Bob sitting at the bar. He’s an old guy, but he’s been nice enough to me, and let me suck him off a couple of times. “Let me suck him off…” like he’s got better offers or anything. Still, I thought back to previous times, and figured I had a chance of sucking his cock again. I’m sure he wouldn’t leave me without a load in my tummy.

“Just going to stretch my legs a bit,” I said to Dave. He sort of mumbled back at me, without really looking away from the TV.

I walked over to Bob, and breathily said “hi” in his ear, as sexily as I could.

I put my phone down on the bar.

Bob leaned in to me and said “hi” back.

The old woman next to him leaned around him and said “who’s this?”

Uh oh. I sort of figured he was married, but I’m guessing this was his wife. I’ve never told him my name, so I deliberately pushed my tits into him as I leaned over to her and said “hi, I’m Sue.”

I had thought about using a fake name, something like “Cassandra” or “Chastity,” but I knew I’d forget to answer to it or something.

As his wife looked at me, critically, I decided to have some fun right here, right now. Bob was facing away from the bar, and I took his hand from his lap and put it on my bum. He immediately started stroking it, like he has before. I think he’s as ass man.

“How do you know Bob?” asked his wife. I noticed she hadn’t introduced herself, and Bob seemed like he was staying out of it.

“Just from here,” I said. “Neither of us likes the football, so we’ve…” I paused for effect, “chatted a couple of times.”

I decided to have more fun, so I reached for Bob’s hand, and put it under my dress.

Bob’s wife seemed put out that he hadn’t mentioned me. Why would he? “Hi honey, this girl sucked me off at the bar this evening?” How would that go over, I wondered. I just said we were chatting about the regulars, and people watching, so there wasn’t really much to tell.

I decided to push my luck even further.

“Do you need a drink?” I asked her, and turned to face the bar. Bob’s hand didn’t move, so it was now on the front of my panties, right over my pussy.

“No,” the old woman said, “I don’t need another drink.” She said about getting back to her friend, and looked away from us.

I sort of rubbed my pussy, humping against Bob’s hand, while I waited for the barman.

He slid two fingers under my panties, at the leg hole. I decided to humor him, and moved his hand so I could pull my panties down a little.

I put my hand on the bar, and pretended to not pay attention to Bob as I waited to get served.

He ran his hand down, stroking my little landing strip, then dipped lower and started stroking my lips. This was exactly what I wanted as I was still turned on from the Uber driver and watching porn, and I humped my hips forward, getting his finger wet with my juices. He started to rub my clit, getting me really turned on.

The barman came over to me, so I leaned in towards him and stood on tip toe to order a beer. I had him put it on Dave’s tab.

I stayed there, standing on tip toes like that as Bob diddled my clit, waiting for the beer.

Bob moved his hand further into me, stroking my pussy as his thumb tapped against my clit.

The barman put the beer down in front of me and wandered back over to the till. I was getting soooo close, so I settled down again, putting my heels on the ground and driving Bob’s finger up inside my pussy. I put my tongue over the top of the bottle and pretended to drink, but also pretended it was a cock in my mouth. I let a little beer spill around my tongue, like it was cumming in my mouth, and I felt a little orgasm run through me as I swallowed it.

I tend to get a little sensitive when I’ve just cum, so I turned my back to the bar again. Bob’s hand was now on my bum, stroking again. I felt a cool spot, where my juices were wiped against me and were drying.

The old lady leaned across to say something, and I leaned over to her, pushing my tits up against Bob again.

“What does your husband think about you talking to strange old men?” she asked.

I glanced at Dave, paying no attention to me at all. I decided to have a little more fun.

“Oh, when he’s watching the football, I swear I could strip naked and suck off strange old men and he wouldn’t notice.”

Bob choked a little, and his wife looked at him.

“Something went down the wrong way,” he said.

She seemed to have finished talking to me again, so I stood up straight and went back to drinking beer.

Bob turned to face the bar and swapped hands on my bum.

I lifted the leg closest to him and put my heel on the rail. Bob took the little bit of extra room I’d given him, and felt down to my pussy again.

I decided to tease him a little further, and put my hand on his leg. I ran it up until I found his cock, and started playing with it. I squeezed the head between my thumb and forefinger, and ran my nails up and down the shaft like I was jacking him off.

I realized I still wanted somebody to cum in my mouth, and Bob was somebody. I finished my beer, and turned and put the bottle on the bar, dislodging Bob’s hand.

I grabbed my phone and leaned towards Bob’s wife. She saw me, and leaned in to hear me.

“It was nice to meet you,” I said, “but I guess I should go powder my nose then go back to my husband.”

I mouthed “bye” to Bob and headed over to the bathrooms.

I paused in front of the ladies’ room, then looked at Bob and went in to the men’s room.

Luckily there was nobody in there, as it was the middle of the game. I went to the disabled stall, locked it and took off my dress, hanging it on the coat hook. I slipped my panties the rest of the way down my legs and stepped out of them, and as I unhooked my bra, I heard the door to the men’s room open.

I held my breath as I hung my underwear on the hook.

He tapped gently on the stall door.

“It’s me,” he said.

I opened the door, standing behind it to let him in.

I locked the door again and turned to face him.

“They’re new,” he said, pointing at my pierced nipples.

I nodded.

“They’re still healing, so no playing with them, I’m afraid.”

I went and sat down on the toilet. I handed him my phone, and took over pulling his pants down – they were already unzipped and open.

My mouth went to his hard cock.

I pushed my face all the way to his stomach, then reached up and put the hand not taking pictures of my debauchery on the back of my head.

I slowly pulled back, then went forward again, licking the underside the whole way. I started stroking his balls as I went down on him again, I felt them tighten up like he was about to cum.

I stay with my nose against his stomach, and let him unloaded spurt after spurt down my throat.

I slid my mouth off him, sucking him as dry as I could on the way.

“Thank you,” he said as I took my phone back.

“Go back to your wife,” I said and smiling at him.

He quickly dressed and unlocked the door.

I heard the main door open, and realized somebody else was coming in. I pushed the door shut and locked it, then set about getting dressed again.

Once dressed, I didn’t want to hang around while everybody else came and went, so I brazenly opened the door and went to wash my hands.

“Excuse me,” the guy in there said, “this is the men’s room.”

“I know,” I said, “the ladies was all busy and I really needed to go.”

I left him standing there, staring at me, as I headed out.

I went back to the group, and gave Dave a kiss. I saw his eyes go wide, as he could probably smell Bob’s cum on me, then he went back to the game.

During time outs, Dave would look at me, and occasionally mouth “who” or “where” and I’d just smile at him sweetly.

He’d look around, but Bob was with his wife, so didn’t arouse suspicion. Eventually, Dave gave up and just waited for the end of the game.

We traipsed outside with most of the other patrons when the game was over, and Dave had summoned an Uber to take us back to his parents’ house. Part of me wanted it to be the guy who’d driven us there, but most of me didn’t.

When the app beeped to say our driver was on the way, Dave was disappointed that it was a woman’s name.

When the girl pulled up, she was younger than us, and not much to look at. Dave used my car sickness excuse to ride in the front, and it seemed that was just too embarrass me on the drive. As soon as we pulled away, he turned around and loudly asked me who I’d sucked off, and where.

I’d watched the girl’s face in the mirror, and she’d seemed shocked. She did, however, seem interested in the reply. I could feel myself blushing with embarrassment.

“It’s nobody you know,” I told him, “and we went to the men’s room.”

“You wouldn’t go to a bar with somebody, then suck off somebody else while you were there, would you?” he asked the driver.

She shook her head. “That would be rude,” she said.

I sensed she was having fun with it, so I pushed through my embarrassment.

“After you had me suck the cock of the guy who drove us there, but he had to go before he finished, I was kind of all worked up. While you were completely ignoring me, I went and found somebody to finger me until I came. Then I took him to the men’s room, stripped off and sucked him off.”

I heard her snigger. Dave looked a little uncomfortable, like he’d lost control of the conversation.

“Well,” he said. And left it there.

We rode in silence for the remaining few minutes until we stopped outside Dave’s parents’ house.

“Thanks,” I said to the driver as I got out. She grinned at me.

Dave joined me on the sidewalk, and we watched the car drive away.

“She seemed nice,” I said, maybe a little snarkily.

He grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the house, but rather than head to the front door, we went through the side gate, and into the back garden.

Once there, he lead me over to the brick wall between the houses, and grabbed me, kissing me passionately.

“God, I’m turned on,” he said, taking my hand and putting it on his cock.

I started undoing his jeans, but he stopped me.

“Strip off,” he said.


“Oh, you’ll strip off in the men’s room, but not here?”

I looked around. It was dark. None of the lights were on in any of the houses I could see. I figured it was probably fine.

I pulled my dress up, taking it off over my head. I gave it to Dave, and he put it over his shoulder.

I’d hoped that was enough, so I leaned in and kissed him again, but while we were kissing, he unhooked my bra, pulling it down my arms.

I took my bra off too, and he took it from me and put it over his shoulder with my dress. His hands went to my tits, gently squeezing them while he kissed me again. I put my arms around his neck, and he slid his hands down to my panties, pulling them down a little.

“Really?” I said, letting go of him.

“Fine,” I said, and slid them down my legs.

I stepped out of them, and he took them from me and sniffed them, obviously, before putting them in his shirt pocket.

We went back to kissing, and this time I managed to undo his jeans. He helped me push them down his hips while we kissed, and then he turned me to face the wall, pushing forwards on my neck.

I bent forward at the waist a bit, and moved my feet apart, waiting. He plunged his cock into me, and it was all I could do to keep myself from moaning loudly.

He held me by my hips and started fucking me in earnest. Not too fast, but fast enough that I was getting really close. When he reached around and ran his finger over my clit, my orgasm burst over me, leaving me panting.

Dave hadn’t cum yet, and I knew what he wanted. I pulled myself forward off his cock, turned around and squatted down in front of him. I balanced myself with my left hand on his hip, but my right hand grabbed his cock and guided it into my hungry mouth. I knew he wasn’t going to last much longer, and sure enough after a few strokes fucking my face, he held still and fired his cum into my mouth.

I held his cock in my mouth as I swallowed his cum, and kept sucking gently on it as it started to soften. I took it out of my mouth, and wiped it over my face, as I know he loves watching me do that. With his, or anybody else’s cock, really.

Just then, I could swear I noticed a motion out of the corner of my eye, and I jumped up, getting behind Dave.

“I think there’s somebody in the kitchen,” I hissed at him.

As he strained his eyes to see, I pulled my bra off his shoulder and put it on.

I’d grabbed my dress and put it over my head when he said “I think it’s Pops. Come on, we’d better go in.”

“Panties?” I whispered as he started towards the back door, but he was too far away to hide behind him, so his Dad would have got to watch me put them on. I guessed it would be easier to go commando for now.

The light came on in the kitchen, and the door opened. Dave’s Dad stood there.

“What are you kids doing out here in the dark?” he asked, like he hadn’t just, at the very least, watched me suck off his son, naked.

We trooped in.

“I just thought we wouldn’t wake you coming in the back,” Dave told him.

His Dad fairly beamed at me. Fuck.

“Well,” he said, “I’ll head off to bed. Have a good night.”

As his Dad headed for the stairs, I punched Dave in the shoulder.

“Ow! What was that for?”

“Your Dad just saw me naked, sucking you off!” I hissed at him.

“I’m sure it’s the best birthday present he could imagine,” he said.

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