Role Playing Ch. 02 by yellowjacket66,yellowjacket66


I was sitting in the back of a local bar, in a back booth as instructed. My wife had told me to meet her there at eight o’clock. I was working late and got my instructions when I called her. We went to this bar occasionally and knew the owner, the bartender, Jack.

I was having a beer and watching the ball game that was on TV. There were six or eight people in the bar, all watching the game.

I didn’t notice at first when my wife walked in wearing a raincoat. It was late fall and it was cold outside with a chance of rain. I looked up. She came to the booth and said, “Mr. Costello, may I talk with you?”

I’m not Costello. I let her continue to see what she was up to. “Sit down, lady.” I said.

She did and said, “My name is Emily (It’s not). My husband Clark (not my real name) owes you some money. I want to ask you to give him more time to pay.” I caught on; we were role playing.

I said, “He owes me twenty-five thousand plus interest and he’s late paying.”

She said, “He borrowed the money for his business, then the COVID crisis hit and he almost went bankrupt. Banks wouldn’t loan him anything so he went to you. But then he couldn’t get his materials because of shipping delays.” She was crying. “Please help us. We have three kids, the oldest is in college. You look like a kind man, please help us. We hope business will get better.”

I said, “The people I work for are expecting to be paid. If your old-man can’t come up with what he owes, he’ll be losing more than just his business.”

She said, through her tears, “Can’t you give him a little more time. I could give you my jewelry. I have a few savings bonds. I’ll ask my parents for money, if you just give us some time.”

I said, “Show me your rings.” She handed me her engagement diamond ring.

“Give me the wedding ring too. This puny diamond isn’t worth fooling with.”

She was crying harder now. She covered her mouth to keep others from noticing. “Please, not my wedding ring.”

I looked at her and said, “You’re a nice looking broad. What’s under that raincoat?”

She hung her head and said, “Just what I had on at the house. I need to get home to clean up. I told Clark I was going to the store.”

I said, “Take off the coat.” She reluctantly pulled it off her shoulders and let it fall behind her. “Show me your tits.”

She said, “Please Mr. Costello.”

I snapped at her, “Then get the hell out of here. A couple of my boys will come to see your dead-beat husband this weekend.”

She said, “If I show you, will you give him more time?”

I said, “That depends on how nice your tits are.”

She began to unbutton her blouse. She opened three buttons to the middle of her bra. Her breasts heaved out of her bra and her cleavage shifted as she breathed.

“Take off the bra.”

“Here?” she pleaded.

I said, “I’ve got to go.” I motioned to the bar-tender for the bill. She quickly began to undo her bra. She reached behind her back and unsnapped it and pulled one then the other strap off her shoulders. She pulled it out of her blouse and put it in my outstretched hand. She unbuttoned another button, then another and the blouse was open. She pulled the hem out of her skirt and opened her blouse to show me her tits. She tried to hide from the view of others in the bar.

The bartender came over to the table and ‘Emily’ pulled her blouse over her naked chest to cover herself. The bartender asked if we needed another drink. I ordered another beer and a tequila for ‘Emily’.

When he left, I prompted ‘Emily’ to pull her blouse open again and show me her breasts. Her nipples were hard on her wonderful beauties.

I looked for a few moments and asked. “What else are you wearing?”

She was embarrassed and said, “Shoes and stockings, a skirt and underwear.”

I said, “Give me one of your stockings.”

She started to object, but bowed her head and reached under the table. She lifted her leg onto the seat and worked the stocking off her leg. I could see most of her leg. She handed me the stocking. I sniffed it and put it in my pocket. The bra was on the seat beside me. I wondered it the bartender had seen it.

“Now take off your panties.” I said.

“Please, no.” she pleaded, but when I made no response, she lifted her butt off the seat and shimmied her panties down her legs. She got her panties to her feet and lifted one leg under the table for me to take them. I held her leg for a few seconds, stroking her calf. I sniffed her panties. She was getting aroused so her female scent was mixed with the scent of her perfume. I put the panties on the seat.

“Now your other stocking. Spread your legs so I can see your cunt.” I told her.

She lifted her leg onto the seat and I could lean over and see her public hair. I briefly ducked under the table and got a nice view of her snatch between her spread legs. She handed me the stocking and asked, “Okay now?”

I thought for a few minutes, looking at her bare breasts. Then I had another command. “Take off your blouse.”

“Everyone will see.” She protested.

I said, “Put your raincoat back on after you take it off.”

She gave me wicked look. She was enjoying how daring we were being. She held her raincoat over her shoulder and pulled her blouse off her shoulder. Then she put her arm through the coat. She repeated the procedure for the other arm. She now sat there with her raincoat unclosed with her tits sticking out. She handed me the blouse.

I smiled at her. She only had one item of clothing left under her coat. I decided to go for the ‘whole monty’ and told her to take her skirt off. She asked. “Really?”

I said, “If you want to have another week for your husband to pay his debt, you’ll do as I say.”

She reluctantly reached down to unbutton her skirt. She looked directly at me with a defiant expression and unzipped the side of her skirt. She lifted and wiggled a bit and her skirt slid down her legs. She lifted her leg to give it to me. I put it on the seat beside me. Now she was naked under her raincoat. The bartender brought the drinks. He looked at us kind of funny and I smiled and waved him away. He left with a smile on his face. When he got back to the bar, he whispered to a man sitting by him. The man started to look in our direction.

“Drink up before I ask you to walk up to the bar and get me another beer.” I shocked her with that.

I thought about whether I should make her do it while she chugged her drink.

I decided to push her further. “Button only one button on your raincoat and go up to the bar and ask for a tequila. Then stand there and chug it and ask for another. Then bring it back here.”

‘Emily’ was really nervous about this so I insisted. She didn’t know which button to close so she chose one below her breasts that would cover her waist.

Just before she left, I said, “Undo the button before you chug the drink”. She was incredulous that I asked her to do that, but she did it. I watched as she got up, trying to slide her legs out of the booth without ‘shooting a beaver’ at a guy who was focused on the ball game in a nearby table. The raincoat was not that long so it was fairly obvious that she wasn’t wearing a skirt. Her legs were exposed to midthigh. I watched as she got to the bar. The bartender and the man sitting with him along with a man and woman at the end of the bar were now focused on her rather than the ball game. It was half-time anyway. She ordered the drink and I watched as she unbuttoned and then took the tequila in her hand. She tilted her head back, let her left arm fall to her side and raised the glass with her right arm. For just a moment, our friend the bartender and the three strangers at the bar had a glimpse of her naked body, her pussy was exposed, her stomach and both of her tits peaked out, one then the other. She ordered another drink. While she stood at the bar, she left her coat mostly open so most of one breast could be seen, with a nipple poking out. She got the drink and turned to come back to me. She didn’t try to cover herself but let her coat open up on the way back. The old guy at the next table and another two guys in a booth on the other side had a nice view of my naked wife/’Emily’. Her pussy moved with her steps and her tits jiggled as she walked back.

When she got back, she sat down and chugged her drink. She looked at me and said, “Get me out of here before I fuck you on this table.” I knew she meant it.

I resumed the role-play. “Okay, lady come out to my car and we can discuss this in more detail.” She buttoned her coat and we headed for the door. I handed a twenty to the bartender and said “thanks.” He said, “No. Thank you!” and wanted to give me my money back, but I made him take it. He is a friend.

We walked to the car in the cool night air. My wife was extremely horny and I had to keep her in the role play. I took the raincoat from her half-way across the parking lot. She was nude except for her shoes. He nipples were as hard as I’ve ever seen them. It was then that I remembered that I had left all of ‘Emily’s’ clothes in the bar. I’d have to have a talk with Jack, the bartender and I hoped nobody else in the bar knew who we were.

We got in the car and I pulled out of the lot. She immediately went down on me, leaning over to suck my cock while I tried to drive.

I said, “You are doing very well at delaying your husband’s debt.”

She said, “Oh, you are such a nice man, giving us more time. Thank you so much.” She sucked my cock deep into her throat. I had trouble driving with her trying to consume my cock. She had never gone after my cock with such enthusiasm before. I held her head in my lap and held her there while I ejaculated into her mouth. She usually doesn’t like to swallow my cum, but she gobbled it up like she was starving. It felt so good.

We drove for a little while. She sat back up and talked like she was ‘Emily’. “What do you want me to do to delay my husband’s debt and save his life?”

I said, “If you fuck me once a week, I’ll count that as the interest.”

She said, “I’ll be fucking you forever then. What can I do to help with the principle?”

I thought a minute and said, “I could whore you out to my friends and to out-of-town visitors. Maybe our guys can fuck you in the ass as a reward for doing something. I’ll think up a schedule to work off the debt, maybe fifty dollars for a blow-job.” I knew she was calculating how many blow-jobs she would have to give to pay off twenty-five thousand dollars.

Thinking of that and seeing her naked beside me aroused me again. I pulled into a driveway of a closed business and made her get out and lean against the car. I stuffed my cock into her pussy from behind and fucked her hard. It began to lightly rain and it was cold. There were goose-bumps all over her body. In the subdued light I could feel her juices pour out onto my cock. It took a while for me to bring up another load of cum. The entire time I was fucking her, my wife was coming. When I finished, I led her back into the car, wet and naked. She shivered in the car and reached for her raincoat.

I said, “No, no. It’s my raincoat now. Take your car keys. You’ll drive home naked. Tell me your cell phone number and I’ll call you when I want you to come fuck me.”

She said, “What if my husband finds out. He’ll be humiliated.”

I said, “So don’t tell him. Keep it a secret. I don’t care.”

We arrived back at her car. I made her walk to her car naked. I watched her under the lights of the parking lot. She was beautiful in the light. I waited until she started her car. I beat her home. When she got out of her car, I was waiting for her with a warm blanket and then ran a hot bath. We kissed tenderly and she said, “Next role-play is your turn.” I smiled and began to think.

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