The Hidden Camera by Max_1

When my wife died eight years ago, I was left to take care of our two beautiful daughters, who, at the time, were only five and seven. They didn't really ever fully grasp what happened, I was able to hire a nanny while I worked, I got flexible hours, and tried to give them as normal lives as they could have.

I work for a security company, I build, install, and test all sorts of hidden and visible cameras and microphones for banks, offices, and some government buildings. A lot of the time, I have to test the equipment at home, setting cameras around the house, making sure they output video correctly, or that the infra-red works well.

Now, my daughters are thirteen and fifteen. My thirteen-year-old is named Shelly, and my fifteen-year-old is named Kayla. Both girls are honors students, they get A's in all of their classes, they stay involved in pretty much every sport they possibly can be in at once, and they still seem to have time to run up my cell phone bill to preposterous heights every month. I've made sure that I'm home when they are, that they get a good meal every night (God only knows how many cereal dinners they would have had if it weren't for me), and that they stay abstinent; possibly one of my biggest rules is the “No sex before marriage” one.

Kayla is currently a freshman in high school, a very astute and sports-minded girl. She plays softball, soccer, tennis, and even golf, if her schedule allows. She is a petite five feet and two inches tall, and she can't be over 110 pounds. From the last time she tortured me (she calls it “shopping”, and it seems to cost me more than $200 every time we go), I found out that her bra size was a sizeable B cup. She has slender but muscular arms and legs, and a nice tan from all of her time in sports. She seems to be very popular at school, especially with the upperclassmen guys, which as a concerned parent, scares me.

Shelly is in eighth grade, a very bright student loves reading and music. I can almost always hear music playing from inside the girls' bedroom (they share the master bedroom, while I use the other bedroom for myself), whatever the latest cute boy-band is, and she is probably reading Nancy Drew or another novel in there as well. She swims and runs track for the school, and she is in the top 5% of her class. She is about five feet and six inches, taller than some of the boys, and she has a very slender figure. After cleaning up their room one day in an attempt to see the floor for the first time in years, I found a few of her bras scattered about the floor, all either A cups or small B cups.


About two weeks ago, I was walking past the girls' room to go to bed, at about midnight, when I heard a quiet moan, followed by a low “Ssshh, he'll hear you”. Intrigued, I waited outside the door a few minutes, but, upon hearing nothing further, I retired to my bed, and slept soundly until morning.

When I woke up, they had already left to go to school. I wasn't scheduled to be at work for another few hours, and I still wondered what went on the night before. I checked in the room for signs of any sexual activity, but I found nothing. What I did notice is how a vent sat high on the wall, to the side of the bed (instead of getting them two beds, I decided to just leave the king-sized bed in the room, and theyould both use that). So, I grabbed one of the cameras I was testing from the garage, and slipped it into the vent, pointing at the bed and the area around. I connected the wireless connection to my computer in my bedroom, and I went on with my day.

That night, after we had dinner, the girls went off to do the rest of their homework, and get ready for bed. I took a seat at my computer, and turned on the video feed. I wanted to make sure that no boys were going to sneak in while I was home. About twenty minutes after I sat down, the girls went into their room, they were talking about something, I didn't have a microphone on the camera, so I couldn't hear it.

It was another hour before they finally turned the light out, at which point I started up the night-vision on the camera, which, to my surprise, worked quite well. They were still talking to each other, I could see them move around, facing each other, fidgeting a bit. As far as I could tell, there were no other guys in the room. As I was going to turn off the video feed, content that I was raising good children, I saw something that caught my eye.

The girls got onto their sides, facing each other. They each took their hand and put it down on the other's hip. I was partly confused, but then I saw them kiss.

This was no ordinary “goodnight sis” sort of kiss. It was something more erotic. They both pressed in, and when they pulled away, I saw their tongues, still grappling each other until they were too far.

Kayla put her hands down, and started to pull up the big t-shirt that Shelly was wearing, until it was over her head and at the top of the bed. I saw Shelly's small breasts jiggle as they were disturbed by the shirt, her nipples, small and light, seemed very hard. Kayla bent down, and started to lick around her sister's nipple, careful not to touch the nipple, teasing her. After a minute of this, Kayla put her mouth over Shelly's nipple and started to suck on it, sending an electric shock up Shelly's spine. Kayla did the same thing with the other breast after that.

Shelly took the initiative next, pulling Kayla's shirt off, but going directly for Kayla's larger, darker nipple. Kayla let out a moan that I could just barely hear from my seat, and her hand slipped under Shelly's pajama bottoms. Shelly gasped and stopped licking for a second, but then just increased her intensity. After a while like this, they both took off each others' pajama bottoms.

Now both were clearly and completely nude. Kayla had a beautiful shaven pussy; Shelly's was glistening with her juices, and a she had only a little bit of fuzz over her pussy.

Shelly whispered what looked like an “Are you sure?” to Kayla, who nodded. Then, Shelly spun around, so that they were in a 69 position. Kayla spread her legs and locked them around Shelly's back, and Shelly did the same to Kayla.

Kayla started first, taking gentle licks around the outer lips of Shelly's pussy. Slowly, she worked her way closer to Shelly's clitoris. Shelly had her head back in ecstasy, her hands were wrapped around Kayla's butt, one of her fingers was probing around her entrance, getting wet with Kayla's juices.

All at once, Kayla pushed her tongue into the entrance of Shelly's wet pussy, and Shelly let out a large gasp. She started to slurp and swallow the juices that were now flowing quickly, and then Shelly pushed her middle finger into Kayla down to the second knuckle. Both were breathing heavily, and started to increase their pace.

Shortly after, Shelly arched her back and moaned as she started to orgasm, Kayla licking up all of her juices, slowing down gently. When Shelly recovered, she continued to fingerfuck Kayla until she too had an orgasm. They both relaxed, holding onto each other, until Shelly spun back around, and fell asleep. Read 42840 times | Rated 71.5 % | (151 votes) Vote list (Close) :
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    , 14 comments 2Report  2008-01-11 08:31:23 yeah, ur standard night vision doesnt sho actual colours, but other types can READERReport  2007-06-28 12:05:13 good story but it needs to be longer but just as well writen 8/10 READER1»

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