The Huntress by tw_holt

The Huntress by tw_holt A mom goes on a reality TV show where things go horribly wrong. , Author’s note: It takes a while to get to the incest. -1- “I can do this. I can win. This is my chance!” Sandrah said, at the gym, pushing herself farther than ever before on the smith … Read more

Jennifer's Wise Advice by SummerWine1979,SummerWine1979

Editor: ShadySweet Special thanks to ShadySweet for helping me with editing. My sex life was diminishing into a routine; my boyfriend seemed to be interested in everything except me. My insecurity was hitting red and I was not in my best shape. So I decided to talk straight to my best friend Jennifer, who mysteriously … Read more

Prize Island Pt. 04 by ColonelB,ColonelB

DAY 4 Harry woke before Diana and figured it must still be early as the room was still relatively dark. After a quick and necessary visit to the bathroom he walked to the windows and opened the curtains slightly. It was dark and overcast and the rain was hammering down. He knew the weather in … Read more