Steam powered attraction by DiminutiveDame

Steam powered attraction by DiminutiveDame <br/> Steam punk, action, romance, Obe steals Amelia away on his ship. , Amelia sat as she always did, upon the cushioned seat of the open bay window, the cool evening breeze tickling her short, richly colored hair against the back of her pale neck. She sat with her feet … Read more

A Christmas Carol by thelastenglishking

A Christmas Carol by thelastenglishking <br/> Charlotte, ‘Chaz’ Dickens is a slim, attractive redhead. Forty-six years old and the mother of two children she may be, but Chaz still ‘turns heads’ and is the envy of many women, ten, even fifteen years younger than herself. That said, by 9:30pm on Christmas Night, Charlotte was tucked-up … Read more