Punishing a slutty sister by sandstorm3636

By the time her orgasm subsided, her cunt had become so slippery that the bottle had just popped out and rolled to the edge of the island where Adrian caught it and set it on the kitchen counter. After catching her breath, Riley refused to look up at him. She was too tired to express how upset she was with him. She just kept her eyes averted while reaching out to him and flexing her hands, silently instructing him to pick her up.

Unfortunately for her, watching his sister cumming for minutes at a time had turned Adrian on again. Rather than picking her up he pulled her to the edge of the island by her legs so they were dangling off the side. He then pulled her knees apart so he could get a good look at her wet and stretched cunt. The outside was even a little puffy from rubbing against the smooth glass too much.

She blushed as she waited for him to be done staring at her most private of places. Just because she had showed it to more than a few boyfriends, did not diminish how important it was. Having her brother look at her there meant they were sharing something she had only shared with her boyfriends in the past. She tried to force her legs closed but Adrian held them apart, staring at her glistening pink hole like it was the most mesmerizing thing.

She bit her fist to stifle her complaints. If he did not stop staring at her cunt now then he would never hesitate to strip and touch her in the future and she knew it. She had to regain some of her dignity or she would forever be his slutty pet for him to do with as he pleased. Just as she resolved herself to slapping him to make him let go of her, he yanked on her legs and pulled her off the island. Her face reflected her shock as she fell right onto his now completely hard cock with her legs still spread. Her stretched and wet cunt slid over his cock with ease. She squealed and spasmed in his arms as she felt it slide further into her than the bottle could, even if it did not stretch her as much.

She punched him in the chest a few times but there was not enough room between them for her to build the momentum to cause him any discomfort. He pulled on her ponytail to force her to lift her head. Her cheeks were bright red and her eyes were swimming with water. He kissed her without warning and forced his tongue past her teeth.

Riley’s eyes fluttered as she struggled to keep them open. Compared to being kicked in the crotch so hard she pissed herself and having her urethra fucked with a chopstick or her cunt fucked with a bottle, he was being downright gentle with her and she could hardly keep from reciprocating. She wound her tongue around his while running her fingers through his thick hair.

Most of her boyfriends were older than her and liked to fuck her and be done with it. They didn’t give her the chance to be affectionate with them at all. Her brother was younger and she was used to messing with him, so touching his body like this came naturally to her. She was loath to admit it, but this was better sex than she had ever had with any other boy.

Her blissful enjoyment was ripped away from her when she felt something warm splashing inside her cunt. Her eyes shot open and she pulled his head back from hers by his hair. He quickly set her down on the island again. “Are you kidding me?” she was more than a little annoyed. She did not know if her younger brother was a virgin but she had hoped he would last a little longer, especially after having already cum inside her asshole.

She lifted one leg and propped it on the island with her heel so she could get a good look at her cunt. It was still shiny with her own cum but now it had his distinct white goo running out of it. When she saw her phone still in his hand, she snatched it from him and took a picture from a low angle, making sure her face was not visible but enough of her body was so that anyone who knew her personally could recognize her.

Adrian watched in confusion as she tapped out a message and sent it. She then handed her phone back to him so he could see what she had done. She had posted the picture to a group chat with five of her female friends. The caption simply read “Adrian is such a quick shot.” His face turned red in embarrassment. Before he could even attempt to remove the image, several replies began to pop onto the screen.

Belle: “What a loser.”

Sarah: “Do you mean fifth period Adrian or your brother?”

Natalie: “Of course she means her brother. Why would she date that loser?”

Sarah: “But… her actual brother. Isn’t that a little gross?”

Natalie: “He’s hot, isn’t he?”

Belle: “Too bad he’s a preme.”

Sarah: “I can’t wrap my head around this.”

Joyce: “Don’t panic. Just keep it a secret. We all knew Riley had a thing for her brother and it’s not like they are even fully related, so what’s the problem.”

-Sarah has left the group-

Natalie: “Stuck up bitch.”

Joyce: “She’ll come around. We all had to deal with her being a dyke so she can learn to deal with Riley loving her brother.”

Belle: “I don’t think it’s the same thing.”

Natalie: “No, but it’s hella interesting. It’s some next level Game of Thrones shit. Riley, do you have more pictures? I want to see everything.”

Belle: “Are you sure you’re not a dyke?”

Joyce: “Congrats, Riley. I know how much you’ve always wanted this. Tell us all about it at school later.”

-Joyce has left the group-

Belle: “Yeah, congrats, for now at least. Still kinda hoping you mean fifth period’s Adrian but I’ll ask later. Since you’re not responding I’ll take it you’re busy with round two. At least he recovers quickly, I guess.”

-Belle has left the group-

Natalie: “Remember to send those pics. If I don’t see Adrian’s face then I’m just going to assume you’re messing around with Todd and playing a prank on us.”

-Natalie has left the group-

Adrian handed the phone to Riley again. “Explain this?” He pointed to the line where Joyce stated Riley had a thing for him.

She shrugged. “I talk about you a lot. Maybe they got the wrong idea.” Her face was red and she was obviously still drunk which probably contributed to her poor decision to share the picture with her friends in the first place.

“So you don’t like me?” Adrian asked.

“Are you stupid? You think this was all a setup by me? You’re the one who’s been messing with me for the past hour. Are you so full of yourself that you think I like you? If I send a picture like that, of course they are going to fill in the blanks, but it doesn’t change the fact that I didn’t start this.”

Adrian gritted his teeth as he took the phone back from her. He stared at the last line about her boyfriend Todd for a long time before coming to a conclusion. He went back to the image of her masturbating with the wine bottle and captioned it, “Much bigger than yours,” before sending it to Todd’s name in her contacts. He was not sure what he planned to accomplish by trying to make her boyfriend mad. He had thought that after everything he had done to Riley today they were perhaps getting closer, if not as siblings then as a couple, but the harsh reality was that she was not even single for him to date.

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