Punishing a slutty sister by sandstorm3636

With her knees on either side of his waist, she tried to lift herself off of him only to have him push her back down. She sputtered, almost spitting out the egg in her throat but it was lodged to tightly. Drool was forming in her mouth because she could not swallow it and it was running out of the corners and down her front, making her bare chest shiny.

After staring mesmerized at the pink plastic lodged in his sister’s throat, Adrian took a moment to admire that her breasts were not as bright as her crotch which meant she had taken the effort to tan topless at least once recently. She really was a slut.

Riley’s eyes rolled back as she lost herself in the sensation of her brother bouncing her on his cock with a vibrator in both her pussy and her throat and a cork in her asshole. He seemed obsessed with filling her up and blocking her holes so she just had to writhe there with fluid inside her. She almost laughed as she imagined her brother would be just as satisfied fucking a water filled blowup doll. Of course, laughing was painful on her throat though.

She was brought out of her thoughts by the warm sensation of Adrian’s cum filling her cunt and spreading around the vibrator as it shook inside her. He may have been a little quick, but he certainly could cum multiples times in a row. As the vibrator in her cunt was now lubricated, it moved around more until she began to cum as well. As she threw her head back, drool spilled down her cheeks. She clutched at Adrian’s shirt as her whole body shook and her knees became bruised rattling against the toilet seat.

When she tried to swallow her drool on instinct, the vibrating egg slipped further into her throat, lodging itself in such a way she could not breathe. She stood up and jumped off of Adrian’s lap. She stumbled straight into the bathroom wall and fell over on her side, coughing and sputtering while tugging on the cord of the egg.

Thinking fast, Adrian stood up and kicked her in the stomach. She spat out the egg at the same time the vibrator in her cunt slid out, covered in a mixture of their cum. Even the cork in her asshole popped out, forcing her to clench her anus to keep from expelling her bowels. She stood up as quickly as she could, clutching her stomach. She hopped over the side of the bathtub and laid down again before finally relaxing her anus and letting the wine from nearly an hour ago finally spill out of her body.

Adrian leaned over the edge of the tub and starred at her with concern. She wanted to complain that he went too far, but she had already given up a long time ago. Instead, she pulled herself up just enough to kiss him before laying back down. Adrian turned on the water so that she could clean herself up before he left the bathroom.


Riley had no idea when she fell asleep in the bathroom. When she awoke she was in her own bed and it was past midnight. Her mother was probably already home if she was not spending the night out with her date. Riley quickly flipped on her bedroom lamp so she could see herself properly.

Although she was still naked, almost all evidence of her ordeal was gone. She had been cleaned thoroughly, presumably by Adrian. The only remaining proof was the bruises. She could feel them when she touched the roots of her hair or the edges of her cunt. There actually were purple marks on her stomach and yellow ones on her knees. The red hand prints on her butt were gone and the pin holes in her nipples had closed almost completely.

After finding her phone on her night stand, she took a picture of her bruised stomach. None of the other marks were proof of what Adrian had done. Even if she wanted to tell on him and get him in trouble no one would believe her.

She did not really want to get him in trouble though, not for this. If she told their mother, they would probably end up in some sort of family counseling. Deep down, she knew why Adrian had snapped. She had abused him for far too long. It was inevitable he would fight back one day. She was actually surprised her waited this long.

It almost seemed fitting that he had chosen to rape her rather than just beat her up. Fighting a woman is considered an unmanly thing, which is why Adrian had put up with her for so long. Now he had a solution; treat her like a woman in the worst way.

She almost laughed at her brother’s ingenuity. How interesting would the world be if all bitches like her only ever got raped as punishment for acting like they do? For her who is already close to being a slut, it was like no consequences at all.

Riley was scaring herself a little by how easily she was justifying Adrian’s incestuous actions just by telling herself she deserved it. She was likening it to a parent spanking a misbehaving child. If her father had not run off before she was born, would it have been his job to discipline her instead of Adrian’s? Would he have bent her over his knee and spanked her naked ass until it was red. Would he have gone further like Adrian and put his fingers in his daughter’s butt or maybe even his cock.

Perhaps no matter what, her life would have ended up like this. Perhaps she really was that much of a slut. As she tried to dream of a father she did not know violating her when she was just a child, she began to touch herself between her legs. With no face to assign to her father though, she kept thinking of Adrian instead.

After a while of getting nowhere, she threw off her covers and leapt out of her bed. She made a beeline from her room to Adrian’s and did not even knock before entering. She dropped down on his bed and curled up next to him. “What’s wrong?” he mumbled without opening his eyes.

“Did you clean up the kitchen?” she asked.

“Of course I did. You were too out of it for anything. I’m telling mom you drank that whole bottle of wine by yourself, by the way.”

“Okay,” she did not argue. Instead she crawled into his arms from below and nuzzled herself against him with her butt resting against his crotch.

“What are you doing?” he finally asked.

“Someone hollowed out all of my holes today, so I’m feeling empty and lonely.”

“Go snuggle with Todd,” he grumbled.

“I’ll do that tomorrow, but today, you’re all I’ve got.”

“Do you want me to fill you up again?” He touched her butt and realized that she was naked. Instead of answering, she wrapped his arms around her waist and closed her eyes. He really wanted to fuck her so hard she would forget all about Todd, but he was actually quite tired. He had cum inside her three times already. If she was still in his bed in the morning, he would ream her with his morning wood.

Every day since Adrian could remember, the two siblings had fought over everything; the bathroom in the morning, who got to shower first, what food belonged to whom, what to watch on TV. That night, he dreamed of never having to argue with Riley again.

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