The Maintenance Man 6 by pars001

“So you were going to take him on? Oh my god Nissie don’t you realise how dangerous he is?” a look of concern crossed his face.

“Not directly, no, but with her resources and the low life types that she is over, I knew if anyone could get him it would be her.”

So far Mark was impressed with her idea, taking out a new scanner, he hadn’t used before, he scanned around the room. Soon he had a very weak signal. “You’re right Nissie, he is here, the other side of the city, he’s in a strategic position.” Again he cursed under his breath.

“What’s wrong Mr. Mark? what has he done now?” she asked the fear apparent on her face.

“It’s not what he’s done, it’s where he is. The little bastard is hold up almost dead center of the city. My counter programs has this building and the few around us protected now, but the rest of the city is wide open I have to……” Mark’s eyes opened wide that was it! He kissed Nissie and ran from the room, leaving a very pleased and very confused Nissie behind.

The head master had just sat down to enjoy his lunch, when he recieved an emergency call.

“Head master I need it, Tantka’s here and I now know what the problem was with it.” Mark shouted the excitement apparent on his face.

“Calm down son, now what are you talking about?” he replied slightly confused.

“The eradicator virus, that’s what I meant,” Mark was very excited this was the first time he knew how to fix a program he had wrote, that there was something wrong with it.

“Mark you know we can’t the council….” he started

“Yes I know but I figured it! for the first time I know what’s wrong with one of MY programs” Mark then began to tell the head master about what he had learned. The head master nodded and began to enter the commands. 30 minutes later he confirmed what Mark had already guessed.

Sending the new information to the council, Mark waited as did the head master for their ruling. Checking up on Nissie he saw that his sister and mother were there.

“Mark, is it true that the little maniac is lose, here, with us?” his mother almost screamed at him.

“Yes,” he shouted back at her, “we don’t need you going off the deep end mother, you tend to do that alot.” sputtering she started to say something when Mark raised his hand, “I don’t need that right now, I have to figure a way to get the bastard if the council doesn’t agree to me using eradicator,” his mother gasp sitting down hard.

“You can’t use that! You’ll destroy everything and everyone. No Mark there has to be another way!” she cried the panic spreading across her face.

Mark grabbed his comp and handed it to his mother, “What is this eradicator virus?” Nissie asked almost afraid of what they were going to say.

“It’s the toughest most dangerous computer virus ever created.” Sam chimed in while her mother kept reading what was on Mark’s comp.

“How so?” Nissie asked really curious now.

“I created it as an ultimate weapon,” Mark replied

“You created it? so why is it so dangerous?” Nissie pried

Sighing Mark wasn’t sure he wanted to tell Nisse about the horrible thing he had created when he was younger. “The virus will attack any computer anywhere on a planet, the way I created it though, it would destroy them also”

“That’s not so bad, we out here have been without them for a while” Nissie shrugged

Again Mark wasn’t sure she would like this next part, “the virus is just that a virus, designed to attack the computers and the living entity that is in front of it. The death is painful, excruciating pain that doesn’t end til the virus makes the body just… fall apart. I saw the test results it was a gruesome slow death.

Nissie put her hands over her mouth, “How could you create something so horrable? she gasped out.

“You remember when you first met me? How I was?” Nissie just nodded her head affirmative, “The pain I felt at the time, was the only emotion I had felt in years, betrayal, shame, something to be shunned and tossed aside,” Mark looked away as the pain was still there, but now it was being replaced by two stubborn women. At that he smiled a little

“Oh my god! you think I hate you? you think I wanted nothing to do with you? I have been so proud of you for so long” Trina gasp out tears streaming down her face, “You took everything that day wrong!”

“Did I mother, did I really? You fucking little pervert! you god damned little shit! GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE! Sound familiar mother huh? How about I NEVER want to see you again!” Mark was hysterical now screaming at the top of his voice all the years, all the pain, everything came out as Mark only spewed venom at her.

Trina shrunk down in the chair as Mark’s tirade continued, “Oh yes, mother,” he sneered out at her, “Let’s not forget the icing on the cake hmmm? If I ever see you here again I will castrate and kill your ass! Well here I am mother! give it a try, let’s see if YOU have the BALLS to take my BALLS!” with that Mark slapped Trina as hard as he could leaving a huge red mark on the side of her face. Turning he stormed from the room, then stopped looking back “Oh yeah by the way I own your daughter for the next two years, she broke a contract with me and though she won’t be my slave she is my servent, I’m going to enjoy working the shit out of her!”

Trina had fallen out of her chair as Mark had almost fractured her jaw, laying there in a sobbing mass of useless flesh Nissie and Sam could only stare at her.

“That’s what happened!” shouted Sam, “I always wondered what drove him away! All these years I thought it was me! It was you all along no wonder you’re proud of him YOU drove him away! Mother I don’t know why and I really don’t care why right now, but Mark is at his most vulnerable and I’m going to him,” Sam ran from the room as Nissie got up to follow. They both followed the trail of broken pottery, holes in the walls, the shoe prints that had cracked the wall a few times, til they finally they found him. Punching a bot his hands were now bloody with multiple cuts on his arms.

Sam threw herself at her brother, he shook his head seeing her tear strained face, he held her close. Nissie moved closer and looked at his bloody hands and started to cry, “Your beautiful hands, my god your hands, you’re hurt we need to get you fixed up! ” as she stumbled trying to pull him back to the room. Mark caught her snapping back to reality, “Nissie! you shouldn’t be out of bed for at least 5 more hours!” Holding them both close he made his way back to the room, looking in he expected that bitch to still be there but the room was empty.

Laying Nissie down he kissed her, when he started to get up she pulled him down to her and deepened the kiss. Forgetting for a moment that his sister was in the room he ran his hands between Nissie’s legs and gently rubbed her pussy. “Oh god! thank you I’ve been wanting that for so long!” breathing hard Nissie orgasmed stiffening as the waves of pleasure swept over her.

“Oh my god! that was so hot and you still have your clothes on!” Sam panted, Please brother do me now please, I’ve been waiting for you for years.”

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