Innocent Devil’s Harem Taboo Ch. 02 by KaizerWolf

Gabriella stared at me in disbelief for a moment. “That’s, well, that’s amazing.” She looked away, seeming pensive, beginning to sound like she was speaking to herself. “Although, I’m not sure how that’s even possible, because the nose needs odorants in the air to detect a scent. It would mean that faint traces of the cigarette smoke were here in the house…” Her voice trailed off.

My eyes widened in surprise. “How do you know so much about the nose?”

She blushed, focusing down at the carpet. “Well, I just remember it from biology class in high school. I also took an anatomy and physiology class.”

“Oh. I’m in a second year of chemistry instead. I’m not a fan of looking at the details of the human body.” Except in private. Only in private.

“Because you might transform?” she assumed.

“Maybe.” I hedged with a shrug. “Just didn’t seem like a good idea.” She didn’t respond, and it was quiet for a few more minutes as I listened to her racing heart. She was hugging her knees tightly again, making me wonder if she was afraid to ask something in particular.

Finally, she spoke. “Is your sister asleep yet?” she asked.

Her unexpected question, and the potential implications of it, pushed me over the edge, and I felt my face rapidly turn dark gray while my eyes transition to yellow irises set within black pools. Stuttering, I responded. “Y-Yes, w-why?” But I already had an idea of what she was thinking, because I could smell her arousal. She was just as turned on as I was.

She blushed when she saw my face change, knowing exactly why. Her own face was so red it was almost darker than her hair now. “I…I just…” She hid her face again by resting her forehead on her knees as she tried to collect her thoughts. “I just wondered if I could move closer…”

“But why?” I asked seriously, still wondering what she planned on doing once she was. Obviously, I had ideas, but my sister was upstairs right now. And even if she was asleep, I couldn’t chance her waking up and catching me doing something with her best friend!

However, Gabriella didn’t respond, her face still hidden, and suddenly I could smell the saltiness of her tears as she began to silently cry. Had I offended her? Did she feel rejected?

Unsure of what to say, I quickly reached over to the space between us and patted the cushion. She looked up in surprise, her expression turning apologetic.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered as she scooted over.

I wasn’t sure if she was apologizing for crying, or possibly feeling like she was being manipulative with her tears. However, my cock went from ‘slightly stiff’ to ‘hard as a rock’ when I noticed the way the lamp’s light reflected off her shiny purple pajamas as she moved. It aroused me way more than I even anticipated, and I was suddenly glad my sister had never worn these after all.

I mean, on the one hand, I definitely wanted to see Serenity in them, but on the other hand, I couldn’t exactly afford to accidentally pop a boner and turn gray in front of her either.

Once she got settled, Gabriella ended up being only a couple of inches away from me, but it already felt like she was touching me — as if there was an invisible arc of electricity spanning the gap between our bodies. I wanted to reach out and touch her so badly, though I knew that would be a mistake. She’d just been through so much, and here I felt like I was in danger of climbing on top of her and forcing her to take my virginity right then and there.

Would she stop me? Was it right for me to take advantage of this situation?

Horny or not, I couldn’t imagine that was what she wanted right now.

Resting my chin on my knees again, I hugged my legs tightly, my cock throbbing between my thighs as I angled my face away from her. I wasn’t sure if my dark gray skin would show that my face was flushed, but I couldn’t help but feel like I needed to hide my reaction anyway. Granted, now that I was fully transformed, minus my wings, there was no way she couldn’t know how she was affecting me.

She was quiet for a few more minutes, mimicking my posture again, before she finally asked her next question.

“Is it alright…if I touch your hair?” Gabriella wondered.

Without looking, I replied simply. “Yes.”

She hesitated only briefly before I felt her hand gently grab the blanket and pull it off my head, revealing my pure white hair. She then reached up and, with trembling fingers, began stroking the top. Almost immediately she sighed heavily, and I could actually sense her muscles relax. She let the leg closest to me slowly slide down until her foot was just barely touching the floor, with her other knee still at her chest.

“Why?” I whispered.

“Why what?” she replied immediately, seeming a lot calmer. I could still smell that she was aroused, but everything about her body appeared to relax the moment she began touching me.

“Why is this helping you?” I clarified.

She was pensive for a moment as she considered the question, beginning to run her fingers more firmly through my hair against my scalp. I shivered from the sensation, tilting my head forward as goosebumps appeared all over my neck and arms, resting my forehead on my knees again.

Shit, I’d pay her to do this, all night and day. It felt amazing.

Granted, now that I was thinking about it, I’d totally pay her for sex too, though I felt horrible for even thinking that. Especially when I considered where the money I would use came from.

“Well,” she began. “This is really healing for me.” She then paused, working up the courage to talk about what happened to her earlier that day. “That man…he beat me. And he touched me. Although, you saved me from the worst of it.” She sighed. “But I still feel…dirty. Even after a shower.” She took a deep breath. “But when I touch you, it makes me feel cleaner. If that makes any sense.”

I nodded, understanding exactly what she meant. I hadn’t been physically dirty either, after killing the bastard, but still felt like I needed to wash off. “That’s why I took a shower for over an hour,” I admitted. “I sort of felt like that after killing him.”

“I’m sorry,” she replied quietly. I could smell guilt tainting her scent a second time.

“I’d do it again,” I said quickly. “Without hesitation.” I was still hiding my face against my knees, even though she’d stopped running her fingers through my hair. “So, don’t be sorry. I’m sorry I didn’t get there sooner. It looked like it was a close one…” My voice trailed off.

Gabriella resumed running her fingertips through my hair. “Well, sort of. He wasn’t planning on killing me for another few hours. He…” She stopped abruptly, and I could feel her hand begin to tremble again, but it wasn’t from nervousness this time. “He…wanted to break me. He wanted me to get to the point where I’d ask for it. Ask him to kill me…”

Without thinking, I immediately reached out my hand and rested it on her silky thigh. She jumped at the sudden touch, but I knew from her scent that it wasn’t from fear. I’d made her even more aroused, immediately dispelling the horror she had just been feeling.

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