Innocent Devil’s Harem Taboo Ch. 02 by KaizerWolf

Gabriella was then thoughtful for a moment. “Serenity also told me that she really thought God sent her an angel for a brother, since you had none of the normal qualities a normal baby would have. And even as you’ve gotten older — even when you’ve been standoffish to others, you still go out of your way to help people in need. Granted, I doubt your sister has any idea to what extend you do that, but that’s still you, even in the simpler ways like opening the door for strangers.”

I let out a deep sigh as I allowed myself to relax a little. Slowly, I loosened my grip on my knees and placed my hand on her thigh again, just letting it rest there.

After a moment, Gabriella spoke again. “Am I what you want?” she asked seriously.

“Well…” I began, not really sure I’d thought much about it. “I’ve never been so attracted to anyone before, but I’m not convinced it isn’t just physical. I don’t know very much about you…” Which was true, though a big part of the appeal was her natural scent. In terms of raw hotness, my older sister was a huge contender, but I’d never met anyone who smelled as amazing as Gabriella.

But that was kind of the problem. I loved my sister — like, really loved her — whereas right now I just wanted to fuck Gabriella like a wild animal in heat.

“That’s another reason why I like you,” she admitted. “You’re actually concerned about the fact that you only want me physically right now. Most guys, that’s all they care about. They don’t care who I am, they just want my body.”

“Sorry,” I whispered. I felt bad, because I sincerely didn’t think I was much different from those guys, despite the fact that she thought so. Plain and simple, I just wanted to fuck her, though it was true I was holding myself back for similar reasons as what she thought.

However, what would she think if she knew I had the hots for my older sister? Not that I’d ever share that secret with her in a million years.

“Don’t be sorry,” she replied gently. “It just means I need to tell you more about myself, so you can like that too.”

Thinking about it, I realized I wasn’t as uninformed about her as I initially thought. “Well, I guess I do know a little about you,” I admitted. “There are certain things you can assume just from looking at people.”

“Like what?” she prompted curiously.

I gently began rubbing her thigh again. “Well, like I know you take care of yourself. You’re well-groomed, but not to the point where I’d think you were conceited. It’s more like you just have really good self-hygiene. And you obviously have good self-esteem too, but not to the point of arrogance. I’d feel confident in saying that you seem fairly mentally stable, especially considering what you’ve just been through. And you aren’t shallow. You sincerely care about knowing people on a deeper level, like my sister for instance.”

“Huh, wow,” she replied. “And yet another reason why I really like you.” She grinned at me. “So then, you do like me beyond just the physical.”

Sighing, I turned my head slightly to glance at her, even as she ran her fingers across my scalp again. She met my gaze and held it this time. “I guess…maybe…” I was surprised when she didn’t advert her eyes, so I continued to stare at her, falling silent.

“You really are beautiful,” she unexpectedly whispered.

“I…I am?” I said in surprise, with that being the last thing I expected her to say.

Her cheeks flushed, but she didn’t look away. “I mean the colors. You’re very handsome, but the colors of your eyes and hair are really pretty.”

“You too,” I replied softly. “I really like your green eyes and red hair. I’ve never seen anyone with hair so naturally red.”

“Thanks.” She blushed again, continuing to stare. She then looked down at my mouth, as she considered her next question. “Umm, is it alright if I sleep with you down here?” she wondered. Her eyes then jerked up again as she clarified. “Like, actually sleep. I’m afraid I’ll have nightmares if I sleep alone.”

Fuck. Of course, she had no interest in actually doing anything, not that I could afford to anyway, with my sister just upstairs. I was already risking a lot by letting myself be transformed out in the open like this.

“Oh, umm…” I focused on the fireplace as I considered it. “We would just have to wake up before my sister is all. Otherwise, she’ll see me like this.”

“Okay,” she nodded eagerly, beginning to get up. “I’ll go get my phone, so I can set an alarm.”

The moment she stood, my hand flashed out before I even knew what I was doing, and I grabbed her wrist. She froze solid from the touch, with it feeling like an electric current was suddenly running down my arm. I had no idea what I was experiencing right now, but I could sense that she was experiencing it too.

I focused on her plumb juicy ass for a few seconds, just staring at the shiny purple material that was taut in all the right places from its own weight, each cheek perfectly defined, before glancing up when she slowly looked over her shoulder to meet my gaze. Her face was flushed, her emerald eyes longing and passionate.

I tried to remember why I’d stopped her, desperately trying to come up with a reason for why she didn’t have to leave. “I, umm, I have my phone,” I said hesitantly.

She nodded slowly, but didn’t budge an inch. It was as if I was in complete control now, just from barely touching her wrist. My hand was an unbreakable shackle — not just because I was strong, but because she chose it to be.

Gently tugging on her wrist, I lowered my legs at the same time, and she willingly fell into my lap right on my throbbing cock, still facing away from me. Trembling again, I wrapped my arms around her waist and buried my head underneath her armpit, forcing her arm to wrap around my neck. She twisted her upper body around in response, the silk running across my cheek, and wrapped both arms around my head, pressing her heavy tits against my face.

My cock throbbed against her ass, actively leaking precum, while my whole body felt like it was burning with passion. The thick aroma coming from her was intoxicating, making me wish I could figure out what was so seductive about it. But there was no fragrance I could think to compare it to. It was definitely sweet like candy, but unlike anything I’d ever smelt from flowers or food, or anything else. I supposed maple syrup might be a somewhat close comparison, but it was still far from being as enticing as this.

After a moment of intense arousal, my mind began catching up with me. “I’m…I’m sorry,” I whispered.

“Why?” she asked softly, holding my head tight.

“Well, I don’t know,” I answered honestly. “I guess, I just feel like I’m taking advantage of you, given what you’ve just been through.”

She laughed at that. “More like I’m taking advantage of you. You’re the younger one here.”

I abruptly pulled away to look up at her. “You’re only two years older than me!” I exclaimed.

She grinned. “And you’re still technically in high school,” she teased, only to clarify that she was truly joking, due to my grimace. “I’m just teasing you, cutie.” Her expression then became more intense. “Lucky for you, I like younger guys.”

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