Midnight Ep. 034: RUNaWAY by SZENSEI,SZENSEI

(This series is a collaboration with my good friend Sanchez. His ideas, I ran with it. We will see how it evolves. He has a sound concept, and characters, I’m primarily piecing it all together and seeing how it plays out. We hope you enjoy our efforts.)




Mornin’ sunshine!

Lillian Dawn Bearpaw opened her eyes to blindness, daylight glaring through the accordion doors of her new master’s borrowed beach house. Straining her vision, she squinted to view the outside world to decide if it was all worth it. Waking alone in bed she tugged the sheets to her chest at an overpowering chill. Focus adjusting, she saw movement beyond the glass that lured her comprehension back into daylight savings time. Memory saved that is!

On the other side of the glass was the most extraordinary naked man she had ever met, that saying something considering her last few years serving a one Tomas Sylver. She was prepared to serve Tom forever if he allowed it, then in an unforeseen outcome Tom passed away in his sleep. He had cancer and did not tell her, wanting her to see him as a rock without weakness. To her surprise he left her well provided for, something she had never known, growing up in poverty. It took her grandparents to put her through college, then Tom paying all of her needs after meeting and training her. She was privileged to know such a great man. One that obviously approved of her new master. He whom allowed her to see past Tom for the very first time.

Nick Sanchez was beyond the glass on the large wooden deck facing the beautiful Atlantic Ocean. Absorbing his routine Dawn knew it was a form of Japanese meditation by his sleek musculature moves of hands and legs. While she had only guessed at his tattoo’s inner meanings, she didn’t truly understand the degree of study he obviously endured. His moves alone made it very clear he was versed in martial arts. Going from slow relaxing stretches to wilder somersault kicks then landing into a split that would have even made Dawn cringe, she thought only one thing. “Please don’t hurt those magnificent balls.” She needed their joyous content. Now she understood how it was so easy for him to disable Oliver Heavy Feather and his biker crew on the Rez. That man, that Kami, was a warrior born. In more ways than she might ever fully realize.

Exploring further without getting out of bed she noted a tray off toward the edge of the deck, just beyond his workout zone. Three teacups and a tiny pitcher lay in wait. “He must be expecting Midnight and I to join him once we wake up.” Strangely, she dreaded getting out of bed, she was comfy and warm, even if the scent of urine and cum was vibrant. What he did to her last night, all night long until they each passed out was breathtaking. Sensuality one minute, then reverse psychology the next in destroying her in a harsh reality of forced painful maneuvers, then back and forth an hour at a chime. Glorious it was the careful balance. Zen!

Hearing whimpers at the foot of the bed, Dawn chose to abandon her cozy bedding and crawl to the end of the mattress to peer down at Midnight on her sleeping bag. She too had been watching her Kami just without reach. On her knees and upper body, Midnight had her arms pinned beneath her, but her hands were intensely active, fingers in her tiny asshole now that her plug was missing, and others preoccupied in massaging her clit. The exhaustive look in her brow led Dawn to note the humongous wet stains on the sleeping bag. Body twitching in an extravagant dance it was quite evident another stain was near.

Lying flat on the mattress Dawn lowered her right hand and caressed Midnight’s ratted hair. “We need to brush your hair out. How long have you been awake?”

“I have not slept.” Midnight mumbled moaning with heated pants. “I must atone for my mistakes.”

“You’re really into this aren’t you?”

“I will not fail my Kami.”

“Nor will I. We’ve never really had a chance to get to know each other before now. I look forward to spending time with you.”

“This is my destiny.”

“I suppose you’re right. Commitment is not for us to decide. I wasn’t certain I was ready to serve another, yet Nick… Kami… has a way of making one think clearly. I spent $2,800 on that silver necklace only to have him break it and tear it from my person. That’s pretty insightful.”

“It was immaterial.” Midnight wheezed, her Kami’s rippling physique making her wish he would walk in and take her. The added dosage of the drug X-AP347 in her system, her already intense hormonal surges were quadrupled and going insane.

“This is true. We must give up everything to serve him properly. You heard his wishes last night about the things I possess. They are his, I intend to sign over everything. He can buy the home as he offered, and I’ll use it for others more so than myself. In the end I will have nothing but Kami, and I hope, your friendship.”

Without warning Midnight brought up her massaging hand and took Dawn’s holding it tightly. It was obvious Midnight hoped for the same. That, and she needed an anchor due to a most amazing orgasm. White cream trickles dripped from her cunt down upon her stained bed. Dawn mesmerized by the droplets drew Midnight’s fingers up to her mouth and sucked upon them one at a time. Ending her tour, she kissed the girls knuckle and planted her palm over her cheek. “Well done, Midnight! Well done.”

Embracing Midnight’s quaking limbs, the gift of nearness spoke volume toward both slaves. A final kiss to Midnight’s palm Dawn returned her gaze toward Nick. He was now seated with his back to them facing the tea tray, legs folded Indian style. Pouring tea by the looks of it Dawn had a hunch he would be expecting them. Rolling out of bed to her feet Dawn nearly tripped over Ollie the skull. Midnight swiftly reaching out to grab it and draw it beneath her as if guarding him with her life. Dawn a big fan of Lord of the Rings instantly thought of Gollum and mimicked the deluded Hobbit in a verse of, “My Precious.” He was to Midnight it seemed. Dawn was closer in her opinion than she might ever suspect. Story for another day.

Shuffling to the door Dawn was unprepared for electronics. As if sensing her Nick poised a remote over his shoulder and triggered the accordion doors into auto circulation. Before even touching the handle, the entire wall retracted, and the early morning rush of Atlantic air groped their every pore. Eyes closing at the refreshing gust Dawn sighed.

“Good morning to you too.” Remote lowered Nick then patted his shoulders without speaking any command. Wiggling out on to the deck Lillian Dawn dropped to her knees behind him and massaged his shoulders, her breasts teasing his back. A moment of calm before the storm they say. Kissing his cheek, she sighed. “Would you like me to make breakfast?”

“No! I’ll be taking you to the diner for breakfast.”


“Right beside you.” He then instinctively placed his fingers to his lips and let out an echoing whistle. Midnight immediately began crawling on her hands and knees until kneeling behind he and Dawn, forehead to the deck. “To my left.” He directed Dawn brushing her hand from his left shoulder. There was that hidden Tom again in TO My left. Maybe he was there in wait. She would do her best to never speak his name again, but his memory would comfort her new transition. “RIGHT!” was all he barked toward Midnight.

Hurrying to kneel, Nick altered his order, “Sit as I sit.” Both women swiftly moved into Indian style mode, Dawn hardly arguing the racism point being native Santee. Once settled Nick poured tea into the remaining two cups, he rested the pot then handed them both a cup. “Drink!”

Accepting his offered cups the beauties sipped. Not the greatest taste in the world but coffee was currently unavailable. “It’s an acquired taste.” Dawn expressed.

“Matcha! The dopamine in it increases your libido.” That and the secretive drops of X-AP347 he slipped into the pot before hiding the vial beneath his workout towel. His own tea natural without influence. He knew how it affected Midnight, but now his quest was in observing Bearpaw.

“I thought our libido was working overtime as it was.”

“I demand higher.” He winked at both of them. “Those pussies need to yearn. To CRAVE!”

“I love your style.” Dawn sipped further. “May I ask a question?”


“You know martial arts. I knew you were limber when you kicked Oliver Heavy Feather’s ass on the Rez. I guess you didn’t need to go all out Donny Yen.”

“Not for him.” Listening, Midnight envisioned Kami battling the giant and taking him down easily. It turned her on even more. Her eyes were bright and glistening at their conversation. “I studied aikido, iaido, judo, and karate. I lived in Japan for a year. Fast learner! Got my tattoos done there as well. Taekwondo in South Korea the following year.”

“Mixed martial arts. You are impressive Kami.” Midnight feverishly nodded without a word. Totally in agreement! “Another question?”

“Last one.”

“My necklace! Should I throw it into the sea?”

“Nope! Treasure it. Just never wear it again. His day is done. Your silver plug goes in my treasure chest back at Harbinger Shoals with that necklace.” Hearing his expectation Midnight whimpered. That was her chest. Wait! Nothing was ever really hers she realized. Emotions contained! She too was a fast learner.

“So, I am no longer tied to that plug?” It was laying on the floor of the bedroom.

“Oh, you will wear a plug. I’ll design something new. Both of you will be smothered in jewelry here in the coming weeks. My sluts will look magnificent at all times. At this juncture it’s about acceptance and training. Patience and loyalty. Endure the worst then endure the gifts.”

“Gifts? Jewelry? I thought we were to possess nothing material.” Midnight took the risk.

“You don’t! Like your body I own what you wear. You merely show it off. Deter your own thoughts, I own those as well.”

“Yes, Kami.” Dawn seconded that motion, and they finished their tea. Once their cups were placed back on the tray Nick stood up and looked to Midnight.

“Take the tray to the kitchen. If you break the porcelain, I will disown you. Do not wash them out I’ll do it. Those are worth more to me than you.”

“Yes, Kami.”

“You? Up!” Dawn rises to her feet just long enough to get thrown over his shoulder and walked out to the ocean. Like he had Midnight days ago he took her into the surf and swam underwater with her. No bull shark to interrupt them as before he shared his gentle side one last time. Fucking her beneath the waves was invigorating for both. The union seemed perfect for all too short a time. Oxygen meant more than any nut. Surfacing for air he kissed Bearpaw with a ferocity that devoured her soul. Baptized by Neptune her morning was bright.

Walking out of the sea hand in hand he took her to the mud and made love to her again. She was so into his kisses, his touch, his ample hip gyrations. Barely a moan went unchallenged by his lips. She and he came at the exact same moment. Beauty shown! Pulling away from her he stood up and ruined the fantasy. Soiled foot planted over her face he smudged her head into the thick wet mud. There was that Zen. Darkness balancing the light!

“Rinse off outside. Get ready for a morning run before breakfast.”

At the deck he rinsed himself of mud then grabbed his towel from the deck to disguise the vial of X-AP347. Into his bedroom he went, hiding the vial away. Stripping the bed, he tossed it all out onto the deck as Dawn showered. Midnight returning to the bedroom knelt in the doorway. She knew laundry was on her to do list.

Watching Kami get into his cache beneath the bed, he retrieved two dog collars and a split leash for two pets, yet one handle. Standing up he took a seat on the side of his bed and motioned Midnight to him. Crawling between his legs she let him hook the leather collar to her neckline. Dawn entering after drying off outside observed his attentions toward Midnight.

“Kneel beside Midnight.”

Drifting next to her Dawn dropped to her knees and accepted her own collar. Once clasped Nick got up and guided them to face one another. “Make out until I get dressed.” Lips locking the passion became intense, each girl trying harder to appear the hungriest. Dawn quickly realized Midnight was on a mission. Admiring them he put on a pair of running shorts and a black tank top, then his socks and running shoes. Cologne applied he quickly stepped to the bathroom and brushed his teeth. Looking refreshed he stepped back out into the bedroom and reached down grabbing both women by their hair and dragging them to their feet. Kisses still thriving he broke them up by yanking their scalps in two directions. One kiss to Dawn first steamy and welcomed, he tugged her head from his. Venturing left he kissed Midnight with it seemed more intensity. She melted in his decision. A full minute in Heaven, he tugged her away then spat in her face. It made her smile. That grin led him to slap her rather roughly. “Cherish my saliva. Drink up!” Her tongue captured the trickle down in theory. The sting to her cheek nonexistent in her desire to be what he expected.

Looking down at their bare feet he knew he had a solution in readiness. Going to a closet he brought down a pair of shoeboxes, numerous boxes up on the shelf above. “7 or 8?” He glared back at them. Both admitting their feet size as 7 he set the 8 back on the shelving and produced a second box of size 7 shoes. Removing them from the box he tossed them on the floor in front of them. “NIcKE up!” He found his Nike/ Nick joke humorous even if he didn’t show it. Dawn did as well by connecting the dots. Kneeling to sit on the floor the girls quickly put them on without socks. The newness fit uncomfortable but never mentioned. Standing up as if ready to go, Nick looked at the hook symbol on the shoes inspiring him. Dropping down to once again dig under his bed he brought out a rectangular attaché case. Opening it to be certain he had the right case he lifted it to the mattress and stood up.

Revealing the contents to the girls Dawn whimpered slightly at the sight of two chrome steel anal hooks with a length chain attached to them. Showing one off he lured Midnight to his side and motioned her back to him. Without any form of lube, he pressed her to lean forward, and he placed the hook inside her butt pucker. The sharp texture cool to her interior embraced he drew the chain upward as he ordered her erect. The chains length longer than expected he looped the links through her collar until taunt and clasped it. Her posture immediately felt right.

Turning to Dawn he eyed her ass length hair and ordered it pulled aside as she replaced Midnight before him. Midnight shuffling out of the way examined the uplift with a deep breath. Running with a hook up your ass was not going to be pleasant. Dealing with Dawn, Nick planted the hook up into her anus but realized that her long silky mane, although wet currently would get tangled in the chain up her spine to her collar. Not only that but it would obstruct the view. Once the chain was connected to her collar he toyed with her hair, drawing it into two lengthy tails. Bringing the left side forward over her shoulders he barked, “Coil it around your wrist, clench the rest in your fist. If you release that grip, I send you home to the Rez. For good!”

“I will not let go Kami.” Nodding he took the second tail and coaxed Midnight to her right side. Handing Midnight, the other portion he instructed her much the same way. Agreed to never let go Midnight stood proudly.

“Keep up! Lag behind at your own risk.” The two-prong leash connected to their chokers in front to a ring hook Nick nodded at his rule. Taking them out through the garage he made them run follow behind him down the drive to the highway. Morning traffic at 6:30 AM consisted mostly of folks on their way to work. One such passerby a certain Esteban Amador on his second day back to work. Half asleep as he drove by, he bulged his eyes at seeing his daughter Midnight on a leash like some chain gang prisoner. “Was that… Dawn Bearpaw?” Sad! In driving by them Nick refused acknowledgement, Midnight fluttering her fingers without looking directly at her father as he slowed down. He was running late to work as it were so simply grumbled and drove on. He had no say in the matter anymore, whether he thought he did or not.

Another car three minutes later, a Volvo drove by honking loudly, obviously horny. Shantel Bigelow was right on her man’s ass. Free at last!

“Keep up!”

“Yes, Kami!”

Joint effort!

Trial run!


Early to bed, early to rise. The Dive Inn Hotel in the town of Caretaker. 6:00 AM! Yes, before the morning run.

“I’m coming! I’m coming!”

Not what you think! Caprice Comstock heard pounding on her shared hotel room door. Having been awake since 5:30 she had scurried to take a shower and get dressed for work without waking her bedmates. Two Queen size beds in the room and four bodies shared one. At least for the night. Thankfully the two other women in bed shared Clinton Biles space so tightly, CC had room enough to fall asleep after masturbating beside them for over an hour, drained in her efforts she fell fast asleep. Her early morning cell alarm waking her she had shot a text to her co-worker Naomi Walker to get a ride to the diner. Here she was! Impatiently! Her calls going unanswered while blondie was in the shower. Compromised at the moment.

“I got the door.” Clinton rolled his wife Mindy and his new girlfriend Brit Saunders aside and crawled from bed. He needed to get around for work too. In his sleepy headed funk, he just went to the door, opened it and turned back around. Catching the door Naomi nudged it open to see the mountains full naked backside and bulged her eyes. “Still in the shower.”

“Should I wait in my car?” Naomi fanned herself, Bear turning sideways spotting his tree trunk penis with morning wood. “Oh, Sweet Jesus!” She had to turn her eyes away, being faithful to her fiancée Dalton Culpepper she turned tail and ran, “Tell her I’m in the lot.”

“Yep!” He threw on some pants and one of his new shirts, then barged into the bathroom, lifting the lid on the toilet seat. Caprice hearing him opened her curtain to reach for her towel and found bicep. He passed her the towel with a chuckle. “Crazy night, huh?”

Curtain whipped aside to see one another CC dabbed her eyes of water. “I’d say you’re in a predicament.”

“How so? I think I made my point clear. No more Mister Nice Hubby.”

“Do you believe Mindy can really let you see Brit without getting jealous? I know the vibes I was getting off of Britney she’s not giving up on you.”

“Barely had a girlfriend growing up in the foster system CC. Met Mindy we clicked right off. I was faithful up until last night. Now that I know there’s possibilities, I’m looking for change. Deputy job is a good start, whenever that officially begins. Brit was a pleasant surprise.”

“Your wife sneaking up on you wasn’t?”

“Shock to the system I reckon. She made her bed with our neighbor; I got every right to make my bed with my neighbors too.” He finishes his piss and tucks his trunk away, flushing the toilet. He even put down the seat. Such a gentleman! “Mindy’s going to either have to share me or we separate. I told her I didn’t want a divorce but if it comes to that…”

“I don’t want a divorce either.” Mindy stood in the bathroom door pointing at the potty. “Can I use…?” She faltered then began to turn away, “I’ll just go to my room.” She changed her mind it being congested. Turning away Clinton reached out and grabbed her by her hair and gently pulled her back in and kissed her roughly. In the small room CC snuck around them and headed to get dressed. In stepping out she found Britney on her cell half asleep.

“Morning Sheriff! What time is… WHAT?” Her face turned pale. “Oh crud! Why can’t my mother be normal? Let me get dressed and I’ll meet you at the station to go search for her. Is your dispatcher, okay?”

CC stopped putting on only her waitress uniform, with no undies she was dressed in under a minute. Listening in she felt badly for the girl. From sadness to joy to sadness all over again. Her own cell ringing CC expected it to be Naomi throwing a fit. Wrong! “Nick?” She snapped up her cell and answered it. “Hey, Nick.”

“Tell Biles I’ll be late picking him up. I have a few things to do. I’ll be in for breakfast later.”

“Naomi’s waiting on me now. Hey! Before you go… it sounds like Shantel Bigelow escaped the jail last night. Also, Clinton’s wife Mindy is here. She’s really nice. So is Shantel’s daughter.” She blew a kiss at a distraught Britney as if to cheer her up.

“Biles okay with her there?”

“So far. They’re making out in the bathroom. Crazy night, you might have been proud of us.” She laughed. “How’s Midnight?”

“Pissing on everything. I’ll be bringing her and Bearpaw in for breakfast.”

“Ooo! Threesome at the beach house? Foursome in our room. Got you beat buddy.”

“Wasn’t aware we were competing. All of that over there is no longer my concern.”

“Did you know Dolan’s daughter is missing too?”

“No.” He hissed, “One thing at a time. He’s got people who have people without my being drawn into it. See you at the diner.”

“Peace!” She hangs up then yells, “CLINTON? Get a ride to work.” Out the door she went carrying her shoes. Britney was all alone. Crawling from bed she got dressed and just went on back to her own room. Strangely, able to see their courtyard from the gas station across the street a young Lakshmi Surve watched with binoculars complaining at first seeing Naomi, then CC, and now Britney leaving Mister Clinton’s room. Jealousy was an ugly beast.

“There is Mister Clinton. Oh, my goodness he comes for his morning coffee.” Not quite! He deviated to the room next door. “Who is this bitch in the black nightgown now? He is a player. Please play me Mister Clinton. You must!” She had three customers in line to pay for gas and donuts.

Make that four!


The Santee Rez! Nodin Merrick’s prime real estate.

His maid the young Santee beauty Sasha Summerhill reported for duty. For the last two years she arrived right on time each and every day. Well paid to be Nodin’s housekeeper, chef, and often plaything. When his daughters were distracted or out, she dressed conservatively in jeans and blouse until changing here into her maid’s outfit. Pretty much French Maid, but with the girls around she was well behaved. Today would ruin their impression of her.

Knowing the alarm code, she let herself in and set out to change in a small room set up as a hired help cove to relax in during breaks in her routine. With Crimson in the hospital this meant Mikaela must have a male suiter staying over. The yellow Hummer outside seemed too manly to be any females. Hiding away she changed clothing covering her gloriously perfect body, much of it thanks to Nodin’s insistence. On her first-year anniversary he secretly paid to have her breasts enhanced to a bombshell 34F, never to sag again. Her other dimensions leading to a full scale 34F-26-36, at 5’6 in height she was a modest stripper. Her behavior always innocent around the girls she became much like a younger sister at 22, they 25.

Starting coffee and preparing Nodin’s usual breakfast of three eggs, ham slice, and cream cheese bagel she realized he still hadn’t come down. He rarely slept in, so she chose to tray up his breakfast and carry it upstairs. Finding his bedroom doors wide open seemed bizarre so she cautiously entered trying not to spill his coffee and juice. Eyes bulging at the sight of Nodin slumbering with two women she nearly turned away, fearing he might get mad at her for snooping.

“Enter!” She heard him whisper. Obeying she brought the tray to his bedside. Up close now, to her shock she found his daughter Mikaela clinging to him, her hand laying right over his hairy abdomen. “The portrait.” He nodded at seeing it on the floor across the room. “Take it to the attic and put a dust cover over it. I’ll bring my own tray down when I’m done.”

“Yes, Sir.” She wiped her hands on her thin white apron before picking up the painting of Nodin and his late wife Anastasia. In leaving Sasha caught a glimpse of the gorgeous redhead sleeping next to the Merrick’s. How utterly bizarre. Leaving them to their peace Sasha headed for the attic. Once that mission was accomplished, she set about her other chores. The thoughts of Mikaela… naked with her father strangely excited her. When did all of this all begin?

“A word Brother.”

Calvin Heavy Feather kicked his brother Oliver’s bed jarring him into a hasty revival. “Can it not wait?”

“Now!” Calvin shared a hint of anger. Oliver carefully peeled the beautiful barely legal Alexis Roster from him and left his bed quietly. Following Calvin outside on to their dilapidated front deck he winced at the sun coming up. “You are a stupid man Brother. Why would you bring the daughter of Caretaker’s Sheriff here to our front door? You have now incriminated me in taking her.”

“She wanted us. It was consensual.”

“You do not want this girl. You only use her to get even with her father. I have heard he sleeps with Caprice. I do have my sources.”

“Merrick! You misunderstand Brother. Yes, I was jealous. Yes, I am angry. But I like this girl.”

“You do not know this girl. Her father is looking for her. How do you think this will end Oliver?”

“Her being my ole’ lady.”

“You are a fool. I want her out of our home. Do not bring this down upon me. I will hold my tongue as long as she is out within the hour. A brother’s respect!”

“I will relocate her.”

“The Rez police know as well. Be careful.” Calvin went back inside and straight to bed. Long night! Following him inside Oliver entered his room and grabbed his cell. Stepping back outside he made a call.

“Staring Weasel? Bring your Caddy to my home in thirty minutes.” Benny Staring Weasel was working on his patch into the REZistance, his job was always on call for the club. Thirty minutes on the dot. Call ended he returned to his bed and threw himself over the slumbering beauty. “Wake up Cat in Heat.”

“Noooo! Another ten minutes daddy.” She was out of it.

“Do you not wish to earn your seat behind me?”

Eyes fluttering Alexis Roster glared at him. “Do you really want me, Ollie?”

“I do. Yet, you must pass the initiation or by the rules of our club, I cannot accept you. Do you wish me to take you home?”

“NO!” She sits up in start. “I really like you, Ollie. Muscles!” She brushed her palm over his chest, then his erection. “Bigger muscles.”

“It is very big.”

“Can I ride him?”

“Like my seat behind me, from last night on it must be earned. No more rides until then.”

“You suck!” She giggled and playfully pushed him with both hands. “When do I start?”

“Come! Shower with me. We leave in forty minutes.”

“Where too?”

“It is time you meet my club. See our base of operations.”

“Will they like me?”

“I am certain.”



Mindy Biles hotel room at the Dive Inn.

Upon following her inside Clinton slammed the door behind them. Mindy flaring her eyes at his unusually aggressive manner. Where was her Teddy Bear? Facing him with saucer like eyes she watched him step up close and sneer down at her. Trembling as he reached up to grip her black nightie she mumbled, “Baby?”

Shredding her black nightie with a ferocious ease he yanked the see-through material from her body. “I never liked this spaghetti strainer.” With it thrown aside, he surrounded his gigantic hands about her neck. “I love you Mindy, but I won’t put up with anymore shit.”

“Baby, listen. I was trying to get your attention. It wasn’t like I intended to leave you for Grant. I mean he wanted me to, but after you caught us and the whole 9-1-1 thing, I bawled my eyes out. I let my guard down with Grant. NEVER EVER AGAIN! I swear to you Clinton. If it means our love stays intact you can fuck that Britney all you want. Just don’t leave me.”

“I have no intention of leaving you. And yeah, as long as Brit’s interested so am I. You’re playing with her too. Got that?”

“Anything you want Baby. The fresh start will be good for all of us. I actually think Britney is cute.”

A knock upon Mindy’s door made her cock a brow. “That must be Britney now. Can you get it? Seeing as I’m naked thanks to those big ole’ paws of yours, Mister Bear.” She winked playfully. Chuckling Clinton turned to get the door. Opening it he looked down and flared his eyes.


“Good morning, Mister Clinton. I brought you coffee and donuts. My uncle owns this hotel. Continental breakfast.” Good one Lakshmi! She handed him the cardboard carry carton. In accepting it she smiled sheepishly, looked both directions then flashed him her tits. Very nice 38C’s with dark smoky nipples that were eagerly erect. Eyes bulging, he shook the cobwebs out of his head. “I will bring you breakfast each morning.” Scurrying away he shut the door and growled, “Huh! I’m liking this hotel more and more.”

Sharing his breakfast with Mindy he knew he needed to get ready for work. “Get your ass dressed you’re taking me to the Shoals. Time to meet the guy who turned my life around.”

Leaving her to return to his other room he froze at his door. Deciding to step over to the next door he knocked. Britney opened her own door fully dressed and ready to leave. Before she could say a word, he yanked her to him and kissed her hard. Melting she shed a tear. “What does this mean?”

“Means we live on Utah terms. I’m keeping both of you, so don’t argue.”

“I’m fine with that. For now, though, I have to go find my mom. No use calling those hospitals if she’s M.I.A.!”

“Shantel’s missing?”

“Jailbreak! She suckered the dispatcher and locked her in her cell. Took off in her car to lord knows where. The poor Sheriff must be pulling his hair out, he still hasn’t found his daughter. I’ll catch up with you this evening?”

“Yep! I’m going to have Mindy go do my laundry and make her quit her job. I don’t even want her going back to our old place without me. You can go with when we do. Long as you want to stay, I want you a part of everything.”

“That’s sweet of you Bear. I’m sooo in.”

“So is my dick tonight. Let’s try the anal thing.”

“Mmm!” She turns around and mimics a garbage truck backing up with, “Beep! Beep! Beep!”

Moment ruined!

He pictured Shantel!


Merrick House…

Leaving Mikaela and Airika Ferrec sleeping soundly Nodin ate his breakfast. A quick shower to refresh himself he ventured back into his bedroom to see them still dreaming. Staring at his daughter’s perfection he grew hard. Hissing at his newfound thoughts on incest he chalked it up to his daughters looking so much like their mother. With Airika here doing as she did with the portrait his brain was hurting. Anastasia was likely not happy with him, but that was nothing new. They fought like cats and dogs the final few years together. Her demise made him sad, but it was inevitable. Divorce would have been ugly.

Taking his breakfast tray back downstairs without even getting dressed Nodin was making a stand. No more hiding he thought, not even when Crimson came home from Cordoba. Now that Mikaela was invested, he would enjoy her more often. He should thank Airika for instigating it all, but he was still trying to understand the woman. Certainly bisexual! Definitely a freak! A charmer in every way with a great career. Puckering on his way down the staircase he considered that dinner date he offered Airika. Further exploration into this beautiful paleface was required. Even an Elder can change his view on Whiteman’s world. Perhaps! Tray taken to the kitchen he sat it on the counter as Sasha stepped in closer to wash the dishes. Stunned at seeing Nodin naked still she feigned a blush.

“Someone had an interesting night.”

“I did indeed! You noticed my daughter?”

“Hard to miss Sir. I will say nothing to anyone. Whatever makes you happy.”

“You help in that.” He steps behind her and unzips her maid’s uniform. Turning the water off at the sink he slides her uniform from her shoulders to her feet. Sasha enjoyed the feel that the soft material sliding from her body to the granite flooring expressed. Wearing only her white lace panties and heels she finds him kissing her back and moving down her spine. Sasha knew her bread and butter, so offered him a healthy dose of exhilaration. Moans combined with whispers of, “Oh, Mister Merrick!” for his imagination, she found her panties at her ankles, his face inhaling her cheeks. Perfume always to his liking, seeing as he purchased it for her, she leaned over the sink and let him do as he wanted. Upright, he took her from behind, drawing her head back to kiss her with passion. For a 58-year-old man his energy was high. She adored that about him.

In his fevered thrusts up inside her tight little pussy they both closed their eyes and enjoyed their time together. His free hand sliding down her firm tummy down across silky smooth flesh, her pubes Brazilian waxed at his suggestion, his money, he rubbed her pierced clit. Sexier the better he thought!

Lost in their erotic exhibitionism they hadn’t heard anyone enter until a cupboard is opened and closed behind them. Eyes opening Nodin peered over his shoulder to witness Dr. Ferrec pouring a cup of coffee as if she owned the place. He was not slowing up for a second his nut was too close, and Sasha was begging him to not stop. Airika turning to lean on the counter sipping her black coffee reached her left leg upward and tenderly tapped his wagging scrotum. He growled at her interference but at the same time found it erotic. The good Doctor loved to instigate.

Rather than torture his balls any further Airika lifted from her lean and walked right up behind Nodin, pressing her chest into his back. Coffee cup extended to avoid spilling she kissed his shoulder then whispered. “I need to head home. I’ll see about releasing Crimson today. Have fun Lover.” She then spun around to his right side reached over to tilt Sasha’s gaze toward her. “Love the hired help. Until we meet again.” A kiss to Sasha’s lips just as Nodin came hard inside the girl, Airika savored her tasty cries, leading her to orgasm. Airika knew just how to time her mischief.

“Ferrec!” Nodin huffed pulling out of Sasha in a cascade of her dripping juices. Airika lowered her gaze to the hard cock retreating and knelt to take his dick into her throat, mug still held out of harm’s way. Sucking him without touching his dick with her free hand Freak moved her hand up insides Sasha’s sloppy cunt and fingered her. Sasha was simply along for the ride, Nodin gripping the back of her neck to maintain her presence. A rapid hunger on Airika’s part she made Nodin cum a second time, Sasha squealing at the Doctor’s exam. Cum in her mouth shown to Nodin, Airika drew her mug in and spit his jizz into her coffee.

“I knew the creamer was around somewhere.” Downing her coffee, she stood up and handed her cup to a quaking Sasha. “Be a dear and rinse this out.” Leaving Nodin breathing heavily Airika Ferrec left the house and got into her Hummer, keys still in the ignition. Lime green shirt all she had to put on, she left it unbuttoned on the drive home. Sunglasses made up for her missing attire.

From her father’s bedroom window Mikaela waved goodbye. A few moments later Nodin brought Sasha to bed and let his daughter watch him fuck the maid. Five minutes into their missionary Mikki climbed in with them. She wanted Sasha’s tits. So jealous!

Life on the Rez was good.


Coastal Waiter’s diner! 7:30 AM, the doors open.

A three-mile run with Midnight Amador and Dawn Bearclaw they were exhausted and their new shoes not so pleasant. Nick Sanchez was impressed that they had even made the entire run without complaining. With those giant hooks in their asses pulling persistently taunt he knew their agony well. Both girls kept it to themselves. In reaching the diner he found Naomi Walker, Caprice Comstock, and the chef Dreyfus in awe of their arrival. Never had they imagined Midnight to be so open in her skin and proud. Even more seeing the leash binding she and Bearpaw, the hooks embedded, Naomi at least grumbled. CC smirked. Dreyfus? Hid his erection from both women.

“I’ll be in the kitchen.”

“No jerking off.” CC chuckled then went to meet the girls at the door. Nick, entering first grabbed CC and laid one on her. As the kiss broke CC fanned herself then pointed at him, “Not wearing any leash. Collar maybe! Definitely no bait and tackle. Damn that has to hurt.” She laughed. “You’re lucky we just flipped the open sign. No business just yet.”

“Wouldn’t matter if you had a packed house. I’d still have brought them in.”

“I know! At least Olan’s not here. Lynette’s day off, so I’m thinking he’s at her place while her boys are at school. Ain’t a secret no more he’s tapping Lyn. Grab a booth. Three menus?”

“Mine only! They eat what I feed them.”

“Gotcha! Mornin’ Sweetie!” CC pecked Midnight on the cheek. “You too Bearpaw!” No kiss for her. No words but sensitive smiles were open book. Removing the leash from their collars he curled it up and walked to his usual booth. Midnight’s table before she quit.

“Heel!” He pointed at the tile floor beside him, both beauties easing to their knees with their arms behind their backs, Bearpaw’s long tress still in iron grips. CC back with a menu Nick swiftly looked it over. “Eight scrambled eggs, 6 sausage patties, plate of hash browns. Coffee black.”

“Got it! Company comin’.” CC nodded at a car pulling in. “I think that’s Stacy Bell and her man David.”


“Stacy and David Bell. Stacy’s the dispatcher at the police department. They probably just took Gertrude home and needed a bit of peace and quiet. Sure, ain’t gonna get it here.” She set off to turn in her ticket.

Naomi cringed at the girls on their knees as they were. “Nick you’re going to get this place shut down.”

“We’ll be just fine. Community will get over it.”

“Uh huh! Not every person in a hundred-mile radius is going to think like you do Master Man.”

“They have no choice. Caprice?”

“You rang?”

“Clothes off!”

“Excuse me?”

“Want your tip or not?”

“Fuck!” She gnashed her teeth looking at Naomi, “I need the money.” Just as Stacy and David walked through the door they halted in step. Disbelief at what they were seeing they too shot a glare toward Naomi out of concern.

“Might as well get used to it. Nick there is here to stay.” Naomi scowled. “How’s your momma Stacy?”

“She’s at home. I think this made her finally realize it’s time to retire. Thanks for asking. How exactly did you know?”

“Dating Dolan.” CC poised her hand as she unzipped her uniform, “Don’t mind me, I’m only after the tip. Money at the moment. Dolan’s later.” Off her dress went. David just busted up laughing and gripped his wife’s shoulders.

“This place under nude management? New even?”

“Wait! Nick? As in Sheriff Roster’s… friend?” Stacy pepped up. “I heard you had Midnight there locked up naked in the jail.” She followed Caprice who kicked her uniform out of the way and showed them to the booth next door to Nick. In passing the girls David swallowed dryly. Who was this guy? Not only that but CC’s perfect tattooed body was hard not to look at. Stacy herself struggled and she wasn’t even bi. Beauty simply attracted the eye.

“Nick Sanchez. You’re Gertrude’s daughter? Hannah’s mom and dad?”

“We are.” David let Stacy slide in first, both of them sitting on one bench to face Nick. “I sure hope you don’t have your eyes set on Hannah.”

“Nope! I don’t even own Caprice there. She’s just easy.”

“HEY!” CC pointed then shrugged, “Yeah, that’s me. Long time no see Davy.” She swatted him with a menu. “He’s my garbage man.”

“Oh?” Stacy sneered at her husband.

“Relax Stacks! I’m not doing your ole’ man.”

“Oh boy! Dolan has you calling me Stacks too?”

“When I talked to him earlier, he said Stacks was on her way to take Gert home. Cute nickname. You are pretty stacked.”

“Don’t I know it.” David laughed. “Speaking of stacks, blueberry pancakes.”

“Plenty of slurp… syrup with that?”

“You know it.”

“How about you Stacy?”

“Fresh fruit?” The busty dispatcher enquired.


“That sounds delicious. Coffee please.”

“Absolutely!” Naomi backed CC up with a pot as the blonde wiggled away. David needed napkins, Naomi slapping a thick stash of them against his chest. Stacy chuckled over it.

“Nick?” Naomi spoke as she poured two cups for the Bell’s. “I think I have a problem we need to discuss.”

“They are not leaving the floor.”

“Not what I was getting at.”

“What then?”

“Has Midnight here told you I asked her to be a bridesmaid in my wedding?”

“Nope!” Nick glared at Midnight who sulked a bit. With everything going on with her parents and becoming Nick’s, it had slipped her mind. “When is this?”

“September 18th. I can’t let Midnight stand up there with me naked Nick. I got kids, my kin have kids. I really want my girl here there though. It’s important to me.”

“She’ll be there.”

“Wearin’ the dress, I’m buyin’ her?”

“Nope! She’ll be wearing a bouquet.”

“Come on Nick don’t do this to me and Dalton.”

“Going on a honeymoon?” Stacy brought up.

“Can’t afford one. Someday maybe.”

“Puerto Rico sound good?” Nick asked.

“Puerto Rico?” Naomi dropped her jaw, eyes wide but hesitant. “I just said we couldn’t, hold up… are you offerin’ to… don’t get my hopes up Nick.”

“I do own a plane.” He leered down at Midnight, the drugs kicking in the girls were both fidgety with their hormones on fire. Those hooks up their assholes pulling tight were agitating them. Lillian Dawn was biting her lower lip looking at Nick with sparkling eyes. “Problems Bearpaw?”

“No, Kami.” She panted slightly in her speech.

“Conditions!” He returned his gaze on Naomi. “CC in your wedding, too?”

“Yes, she is.”

“Any other bridesmaids?”

“My cousin Shelly.”

“Maid of Honor?”

“Lynette!” Her fellow waitress.

“Venue paid for already?”

“Reserved but not paid off.”

“Cancel it.”

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me. Cancel it! You’re getting married in Puerto Rico. Beach side! Nude beach side! Culebrita Island, off the mainland.”

“You are such an asshole.” Naomi frowned, “You expect me to get married on a nude beach?”

“If you want Midnight in your wedding, you will. Also, Bearpaw here gets added to your bridesmaids.”

“Are you paying for everything?”

“Three days for everyone but you and your fiancée. You can hang there for two weeks.”

“What about my kids? My daughter’s a flower girl.”

“No kids!”

“Damn that’s a heck of a deal.” David puckered. “Can we renew our vows on the island?”

“I am not going to a nude…” CC walks up with Stacy’s cantaloupe halved in two sections as if two big breasts. Stacy laughed at her, “You did that on purpose.”

“Stacks for Stacks.”

“I’ll agree to that.” He tells the Bell’s.

“You’re serious?” Dave looks at Stacy. “Who’s going to see us? Just the wedding party.”

“Hannah?” Stacy flared her eyes.

“Someone has to stay and be dispatch.” Her husband added.

“Got that covered.” Nick intervened calling over the diner as CC walked away, “Right, CC?”

“Mindy and Britney?”

“They have a month to train with Dolan.” CC returned again with Nick’s large order. Two trips at that. David was really looking her over now. Stacy noticing his roving eyes slapped his forearm. Gritting his teeth, he apologized and put his arm around her.

“This is insane.” Naomi couldn’t make up her mind if she should even call her fiancée. “Can I get back with you after I talk to Dalton?”

“Offer ends in one week. I’ll need time to make arrangements. That beach is only accessible by boat. Ketchup bottles CC!” He peers toward the kitchen. “I need three.”

“Three?” Caprice flared her eyes. “Oh, hell!” Bringing them she found Nick breaking off bites of sausage and feeding Midnight and Dawn as if dogs, poising treats over their heads and making them stretch for their meal so that the hooks yanked harder. David dropped his jaw. It took Stacy to offer a bite of her cantaloupe over his head to make him laugh. He bit her finger on purpose then sucked on it. Stacy cooed in the moment.

Ketchup bottles delivered Nick sets two on the tile between Dawn and Midnight’s legs. “RIDE!” Unbelievable! Minds blown David, Stacy, and Naomi witness Midnight straddle her bottle first and slip the neck up her cunt. Dawn in hot pursuit joined her in penetration. In seconds the girls were moaning, fingers rubbing their clits. In between Nick’s own bites of eggs and hash browns he would feed them morsels. CC started to sneak off when Nick cleared his throat. “WAITRESS!”

“Oh, come on Nick.” CC stopped cold and palmed her forehead with both hands. She just knew he was going to make her use that last ketchup bottle. Turning in step with her hands up high her breasts were fuller and impossible not to admire. Stacy gave up and let David drool, even dabbing a napkin along the corners of his mouth. A ping from the serving station Dreyfus called out, “Hotcakes!”

“That’s her nickname.” Nick told David.

“I can see why.”

Grabbing David’s plate and a syrup bottle she returned and placed his meal in front of him. Caving in Caprice stepped to Nick’s table and snatched up the ketchup bottle. Kneeling beside David where there was enough room, she placed the bottle up to her labia and guided the neck through.

“Happy now?”

“I only wanted extra napkins.”

“OH, FUCK YOU!” She busted up. “I’m busy!”

Stacy hurled a few over the booth.


The Rez…

“Ready to go Cat in Heat?”

“Ready!” Alexis Roster teetered up on her toes in her hot pink bikini trying for a kiss. Instead of offering one he grabbed her by the back of her neck and marched her out on to the deck. Just outside stood a Santee boy roughly 21 in a vest with no shirt, tattoo of a weasel on his chest. Leaning on the rear of his car, a beater Cadillac he observed Oliver walk the smoking hot blonde down the steps. Fluttering her fingers at him with a grin she found Oliver’s roughness sexy. Her smile faded as Benny opened his car trunk. Oliver forcing her in, quickly ripped off her bikini and slammed the trunk down.


“You know where to take her. No mercy!”

“No mercy!”

“Have fun Cat in Heat!”


Hot tin roof!

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