Naked Nights with Mommy by mommyslittleprincess,

An adult stories – Naked Nights with Mommy by mommyslittleprincess,

It’s been an exhausting day, at the end of a long and equally exhausting week. So I’m not that surprised that I ended up passing out early. I wake up when I hear someone opening the door, and I sit up, blinking in confusion. I’ve got that feeling you always get after a long nap, when you wake up and don’t even remember what century you’re in. But after a quick look around, everything comes rushing back to me, accompanied by a jolt of excitement.

It’s Friday night! And I’m at my mom’s house, for our special Friday-night tradition.

Right now, I’m lying on her couch. It’s a super nice, fancy one, with silken upholstery and cushions you can just sink into. No wonder I was passed out!

Oh, and aside from the woolen blanket wrapped around my shoulders, I’m completely naked. That doesn’t bother me at all, though. The soft wool is heaven against my bare skin, and it’s unbelievably refreshing to not be wearing anything after having to stay wrapped up in the tight pants and jacket I wear at work all day. My clothes are probably right where I left them—neatly folded in a basket by the front door. Ever since my mom and I started these little Friday-night hangouts, there’s only been one rule: clothes off as soon as you’re in the house.

Speaking of my mom, I hear her soft footsteps padding over the floorboards, and she steps into the living room and turns on the lights. She looks exhausted, but her face brightens as soon as she sees me.

“Oh! Clara, sweetie, you’re already here.” Her eyes rake along my nude body. She pretends to look angry. “And you started without me!”

“Sorry~,” I say, kicking my legs. “But after the week I had, I needed this, mom.”

“I know what you mean, baby,” my mom says. She’s already lifting her blouse up and over her head, revealing her plump, pale stomach.

I jump to my feet, running up to her side. “Here, lemme help you with that.”

My mom laughs. “Someone’s eager.” She pauses in the middle of taking her top off, leaving me staring at the tempting edges of her plain white bra.

“Mommm, stop teasing! Hurry up and get naked!” I tug on her blouse, and she relents, giggling as I yank it off of her. She turns, and I unbutton her bra, letting it fall away from her chest. Her breasts spill out, hanging full and proud against her chest. And believe me, these things are weapons. I can’t resist reaching out and gently cupping them in my hands. “God, mom. Where do things like these even come from?”

My mom rolls her eyes and playfully hip-checks me. “You see my titties every week, baby.”

“Yeah, and every week I’m like damn.”

I juggle her chest while my mom fidgets with the button on her jeans. When she gets it undone, I help her slide her jeans down her legs, revealing her ample bottom and the long, generous curves of her legs. She’s only got on her panties and socks now, and she slips those off herself, before bending down so she can gather all her clothes into a neat little pile.

When she stands back up, she spreads her arms at her sides. “Well, there it is. Everything you hoped for?”

“Yes…” I sigh. “You’re seriously so, so beautiful.”

And she really is. When she was young, my mom was hot. Like, could-be-a-movie-star hot. And as the years have gone by, she’s only gotten more radiant to me. Her body softened in all the right places. And there’s this raw, motherly sweetness that pours out of her no matter what she’s doing. Right now, she’s giving me this wry smile, like she can’t believe how much of a shamelessly horny dork her own daughter is. And even now, I feel like the love is just radiating out of her, so warm and comforting that I want to bask in it all day.

My mom sighs. “I swear, Clara. You’re hopeless.”

“Maybe a little. But hey, how am I supposed to compose myself when I’m looking at that,” I say, gesturing to all of her.

“Baby, please. Look at yourself. It’s a miracle I’m even still standing, when you’re showing everything off like that.”

“Aww, mom…” I say, feeling the heat creep into my cheeks. I spread my arms. “Hugs? Please?”

“Well. If you insist.”

My mom reaches out and wraps her arms around my shoulders, pulling me against her chest. We’re the same height, but I like to sag against her, making myself feel small in her embrace. I can feel her body heat pouring into me, and my own chest presses up against her pillowy mounds. I rest my head on her shoulder, nuzzling her neck with my chin and inhaling deeply, breathing in the familiar scent of her.

“Mmmm. You smell good.”

“Sweetie, I’ve been running myself ragged all day. I’m a sweaty mess.”

“Yeah. Still. It’s a nice smell.”

“Hmm. I’m glad one of us likes it, at least. But I need a bath.”

“Oh! Can I wash your hair?”

“I wouldn’t say no to that…”

My mom gives me one last squeeze, then lets go. She takes my hand, her fingers intertwining with mine, and she leads me into the bathroom. Our bare feet slap softly against the cold tile, and my mom flips on the lights. The house she lives in is pretty modest, all things considered, but she spared no expense on the bathroom. The vanities are marble, the walls are white and spotless, and the whole place is dominated by a huge freestanding tub. I stop in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, and I tug on my mom’s hand so that she steps up beside me. For a moment, I just want to admire the two of us.

I take after her a lot. In fact, I look almost exactly the way she did when she was my age: tall, willowy, with full dark lips and a tawny complexion. But her eyes are a rich buttery color, and mine are pale blue. We’ve both got the same raven hair, though I keep mine cut boyishly short and she likes hers long. Right now, it’s all wound up into an adorable little bun perched atop her head. She wears glasses, big round ones that make her look both clever and unbelievably cute. I’ve never needed them.

Her chest is incredible. Like insane. But mine’s not too bad either. We’ve got the same chocolate-colored nipples, and our breasts both plenty of heft and a tiny bit of sag to them. Down lower, she’s got a soft belly with a few love handles. Mine is tight and edged with curves of muscle. I spend a lot of time swimming in the college pool, when I’m bored. Below that, well…

Let’s say that my valley is a bit wild and overgrown. Hers, though, is perfectly landscaped.

My mom gives our reflections an approving smile. “We sure look cute together, don’t we?”

“My eyes are all on you.”

“Oh, stop,” she scoffs, though I can see the pink coloring her cheeks.

My mom lets go of my hand and walks over to the tub, starting the tap. I sit up on the counter next to the sink, shivering slightly as the chilly marble presses against my bare butt. While we wait for the bath to fill, we chat about our days. My mom’s a school teacher, and she’s great at it. All her kids love her, and I can see why. She’s seriously impossible not to love. I teach at the local community college. And I never feel like my stories are very interesting. But my mom listens. She laughs. And she sounds genuinely proud that I’ve almost made it through another semester. The longer we talk, the more light my chest feels, and I start feeling that soft, glowing feeling inside of me, the same feeling that I always get when I’m with her.

When the water’s ready, she reaches up and unties her hair, letting it fall in a single dark, glossy curtain down her back. She dips a toe into the water and lets out a coo of delight.

“Perfect,” she sighs. Then she slides her body into the soapy water. I pull up a plastic stool, sitting beside her. There’s a plastic caddy of different shampoos next to the bath. I pick the one that I know is her favorite, a sweet-smelling one with lilac infusions. I squirt a healthy amount into my palms, and I start to work it into her hair, my fingers massaging her scalp, then her neck, then her shoulders as I work my way downwards.

My mom leans back and shuts her eyes. “Clara, baby… you’re such an angel.”

“I know~!”

“I love you so much, sweetie.”


And yeah, I realize that this is pretty weird. I mean, I’m in my twenties. I’m cute. And I’m pretty fun to hang around. Why am I spending my Friday night with my mom? And why are we both butt-naked?

As I work the shampoo through my mom’s silken hair, we enjoy the silence of one another’s company. It feels so right, just being near her. Things weren’t always like this, though. I was a brat as a teenager. My mom was always busy with work, and I felt like she didn’t pay enough attention to me. I acted out, I caused her problems, I yelled at her… all the classic moody girl stuff.

But then I left for college. I calmed down. And when mother’s day came, I decided I’d rebuild our relationship by surprising her with an exclusive resort vacation. I worked my ass off, saving money for months to afford the trip. But when I finally called her and surprised her with the tickets, she freaked. There was plenty of crying, apologies, we talked about how much we really needed one another…

Then we got to the resort. The place was perfect! I mean it, it was one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been. But I can be kinda careless sometimes, and I hadn’t noticed one important detail about the place.

No clothes allowed. Period.

I was mortified. I freaked out, apologizing to my mom and promising we could try somewhere else. But she was into it! Way more into it than I was. We ended up going in, getting into our room, and then we undressed in front of each other. And I saw my mom completely butt-ass naked, for the first time since I was like a baby.

I was expecting it to be horrifying. Like, who wants to see their mom’s junk? But oh. My. God. I know it’s a cliche, but she took my breath away. I’m pretty sure I was like some nervous teenager seeing their girlfriend naked for the first time. I could only stare at her, tongue-tied, trying to make my brain understand that the gorgeous lady in front of me was my mom. And from there, things didn’t get any less awkward. We took dance lessons together—naked. We swam together—naked. We ate super tasty meals together—naked. We played board games, walked on the beach, relaxed on the sand together—all naked.

And at night, we shared the singular bed together. Naked.

When we got home, I don’t think I saw my mom clothed for more than a few minutes a week for the whole summer. We were inseparable. Best friends. Spending our days discovering all the fun times we’d never had, because I was too busy being a tiny little bitch.

And yes. We never bothered to get dressed.

And… well, you know… one thing led to another… I don’t even really know how it happened, but…

“Clara?” my mom asks. Her voice brings me back to reality. “You alright, sweetie? You looked like you were zoning out.”

“Oh. Yeah. Just um… thinking.”

“About what?”

“You,” I say.

“Oh, baby…”

She reaches back and cups my face. I lean my cheek against her palm. We both shut our eyes for a moment, enjoying the simple perfection of touch.

“Wanna help me watch this out?” my mom asks. “Then we can head to the couch. It’s been a long week, and I need my Clara-cuddles.”


As promised, I scoop water over my mom’s head until the suds are washed away, and her hair is bright and smells incredible. Then I offer her my hand to help her out of the bath, and I pass her a towel. While she dries off, I pad into the kitchen.

“Want me to make anything?” I call out.

“I’m not hungry! But if you find anything sweet in the pantry, I wouldn’t mind,” she yells back. “Oh! And wine.”

“Of course!” I say. It wouldn’t be one of our Friday dates without wine.

I spread the blanket out on the couch, then collapse on top of it, wriggling with joy as it caresses the bare, sensitive parts of me. I set out a bottle of wine and two glasses, along with a packet of double-chocolate cookies I found. Then I wait, toes fidgeting with the plush carpet while my mom finishes up in the bathroom.

When she pads back in, I motion her towards me, then gently slap my thighs. “Get on over here.”

“Oh! You’re going to hold me? What’s the occasion?”

“I’m just feeling nice.”

“Well. I won’t say now.”

And then my mom walks over and gingerly plops her butt down in my lap. She leans back, so that the smooth skin of her back is against my chest. And she lets me wrap my arms around her, hands resting on her belly. She wriggles around to get comfortable, then goes limp against me, sighing.


I rest my face against the back of her neck and inhale the scent of her hair. “Mommy…”

“I get a ‘mommy’ too? Someone’s really had a bad week, hasn’t she?”


“Want me to take care of it?” my mom asks. She wriggles her hips just a little bit, but it’s enough to remind me that her soft rump is currently pressing against my crotch.

I let out a tiny gasp. “A-ah… m-maybe in a bit… right now I just… really like staying like this…” I whisper. And I squeeze her a little tighter.

“Awww. You’re so adorable, Clara. Want to watch something?”

“Sure. Anything’s good,” I say. I’m not really thinking straight. Because now that my mom’s mentioned it… I do kind of need it…

But this moment is so perfect. Holding her. Feeling her breath flowing in and out of her chest. Letting our body heat mingle. Feeling bare skin on bare skin, smelling the shampoo and the soap and the womanly scent of her. It’s nice. She’s my mom. She’s close. It feels good…

So good…

Right now, there’s a nature documentary playing on the TV. It’s the kind of thing my mom and I like to watch while we relax. Something simple and calming, perfect background noise for cuddling. But I can’t focus on the colorful fish swimming around in crisp 4K. All I can think about is the warmth of my mom’s ass as it presses up against my crotch.

“F-fuck…” I mumble. My hips are moving on their own, pressing needily up against her buttocks.

My mom wriggles around in my lap, and she glances back at me.

“Clara, baby? You’re sure you don’t need it?”

“I… I mean, I do… I really do… but I feel bad, making you do that when you had a long day…”

“Aww, sweetie. Doing that is one of my favorite parts about having you come over. How about you just lie back and spread your legs, okay?”


Now that she’s offered, I can’t resist. I let my mom slide out of my lap, then I lean back, stretching out on the couch. I slowly part my legs, revealing the slick mess between my thighs. My mom gasps.

“Clara! Sweetie, you didn’t have to make yourself wait! You know I don’t mind taking care of you.”

“Y-yeah. I just didn’t want to push, you know…”

“Oh, baby. Come here, let mommy help…” She bends down, tucks her hair neatly behind her ears, then dives in. And I absolutely melt under the sweet caress of her tongue. I swear, she knows my pussy better than I do. Her lips work over my petals, tasting my sweetness, and then her tongue works over the needy nub of my clit. I clamp my thighs on either side of her head, my chest heaving as her tongue strokes me up to the edge way quicker than I expected.

“F-fuck… mom, fuck, fuck… thank you, thank you so much… I’m r-really close…”

She lets out a pleased little squeak. Honestly, sometimes I think she enjoys eating me even more than I do.

The tide is building in me, the wave cresting. My flower wants to bloom, and my mom isn’t stopping.

“Nnn… nnguh… d-do you want me to cum?” I pant, my breath coming in ragged hot stabs.

“Mhm,” my mom hums.

“H-holy fuck… holy fuck holy fuck…”

My legs clamp around her face, the soles of my feet resting against her back. I tangle my fingers in her damp hair, holding her head gently. For some reason, I’m holding back. I guess I don’t want to completely spurt all over my mom’s face. But her tongue doesn’t let up, working its way over the secret contours of my petals, coaxing my dew out.

She definitely wants it. So do I. I let myself blossom into her mouth.

“Oh my God. Oh my God oh my God, mom…” I grunt. My voice cracks into an ugly squawk. And my essence floods from my pussy, in hot pulsing waves. My mom lets out a delighted grunt, and she opens her mouth, tongue against my slit as the thick stuff spills between her lips.

I collapse against the couch, trembling. She sits up, her face glistening with my juices. She wipes it with the back of her hand.

“That was a lot. Clara, if you need it that badly, you should tell me!”

“S-sorry. It wasn’t too much, was it?”

“Sweetie, the more the better. You taste pretty great, if you ask me.”

“Oh my God. Mom. I love you so much.”

After cumming, I am super clingy. So I just throw myself at my mom, wrapping her in my arms and tangling my legs with hers. We fall back on the couch, grasping each other, her sweaty skin on mine. I plant kisses all over her cheeks, her forehead, and her nose, tasting the lingering flavor of myself on her skin.

We’re both giggling like weirdos, and eventually we just end up snuggled together, my cheek resting on her heavenly tits. One of her hands is stroking along my back. The other is resting on my ass. It’s pretty obvious that we both need a moment to catch our breath, and I kinda want to bask in the afterglow for a bit.

The nature documentary is still playing on the TV, but I’m barely paying attention to it. How could I, after my own mother just made me cum so hard my toes curled.

“Oh! We haven’t even opened the wine,” I say, and I slowly disentangle myself from my mom’s arms to pour us both a glass. I pass her one, and we cheers each other, then drink. The warmth of it spreads through my body, making my head swim pleasantly, and making me even more cuddly than before. I wrap my limbs around my mom’s waist, curling around her like a puppy while I nuzzle my face against her chest.

She pats me on the back of the head. “You’re definitely in a mood tonight, aren’t you baby?”


“Wanna go again?” she whispers in my ear.

Goosebumps spread along my entire body, and I involuntarily shiverin her grasp. “Y-yeah… but I should do something for you first, right?”

“You don’t have to, baby. I don’t mind giving.”

“Mmm, yeah, but I wanna give too! Maybe we could do, y’know, your thing?”

My mom’s eyes brighten. “My thing? Baby, I’d love that. But you don’t have to. I know my thing’s a bit… weirder.”

“Mom, you made me cream so hard I saw stars. I don’t mind returning the favor. And besides… I like your thing too~…”

“Oh! Well, okay… if you’re sure…”

“Definitely. Here, let me scoot over here…” I say, and I move to the middle of the couch. My mom turns over, suddenly all bashful, her hair falling over her face and hiding it. She scoots along the couch, stretching out so that she’s laying across my lap. Then she arches her back, her butt up in the air, presenting me with an insanely tempting view of her flower and the dark, secret bud of her anus.

I lick my lips. My mouth is straight-up watering.

“You c-can start whenever you’re ready,” my mom squeaks.

“Yeah?” I reach out and cup the plush curve of her buttock, caressing it with my palm. “Want me to start out soft?”

“Um… I’d like it a bit harder tonight…”

“Can do~” I slide my hand along her ass, giving it a gentle squeeze. “God, mom, you’re so hot.”

“T-thank you bab—AH!”

Her words devolve into a yelp of pain as I bring my hand back and smack it against her ass, hard enough to leave a bright red mark.

“MmmmmMMM! T-thank you, baby…” she sighs.

“More?” I ask her.

“P-please…” She wriggles her butt, practically begging for it. I cup her bottom again, softly petting the place I just smacked. My mom sucks in a deep breath. Then I pull my hand back and hit her again.



“S-so good… harder, please…”

I oblige. This time, I really let her have it, my hand colliding with both of her cheeks. She’s panting now, and I see a few glistening droplets of her dew already beading on her petals. I hit her again. And again. She lifts her butt up into the air, whimpering.

“C-could you… do a little bit of dirty talk too?”

“Dirty talk? You want dirty talk? You want your own daughter to talk dirty to you, you nasty fucking whore?”

I wind up and seriously slam my hand against her butt, hitting her so hard that my wrist goes numb.


My mom wails in pain, and I wince. “Sorry. Too much?”

“N-no, baby, that was perfect… more please…”

“More? What, that’s not enough for you?” SMACK! “You a serious freak, you know that?” SMACK! “Walking around with this big, fat ass…” SMACK! “Tempting your own daughter…” SMACK! SMACK!

“Oh my God… C-Clara, don’t stop… AGH! So good, so good, so good…”

“Good? You like it when it hurts,” I growl. SMACK, SMACK!

Personally, I think I kinda suck at dirty talk, and I’m making all of this up as I go. But she’s loving it. She’s got the edge of the blanket between her teeth, her cries and whimpers of pleasure muffled by the fabric. Her whole body is shaking, and a thin line of essence is dripping from her slit.

“I love it… I l-love it so much…” she gasps.

SMACK! “Yeah? You gonna cum?”

“Mmmm… close… you’re getting me close… baby…’

“Seriously? You’re gonna cum from ass smacked? What a dirty little girl. I bet you’ve been dreaming about this all day. Walking around, thinking of me, dripping for me…” SMACK, SMACK, SMACK!

“C-close… really close…” my mom mutters.

“I bet you loved swallowing my cum.” SMACK!

“I did. I r-really did… I love you baby… p-please, harder, I’m so close…”

My hands are starting to really hurt. My mom’s a tank. Her butt is cherry-red, and she’s still begging for more. Honestly, I might tap out before she does. But she loves this. And I want to make her happy. She deserves it.

So I wind back and give it my all. I’m gonna have to ice my palms after we’re done.

SMACK! “Tell me who owns your ass.” SMACK!

“Y-you do, baby… it’s yours… MMM! Clara, baby… oh my God, gonna cum… gonna c-cummmmmmmm…”

She clutches the blanket against her chest and squeals. I cup my hand against her pussy, gently stroking it as her wetness splatters my fingers. I can feel her body thrumming, the throes of pleasure rolling through her. And I rub her in soft, slow circles, coaxing every last little droplet out.

When she’s done, my mom collapses against the couch.

“Oh. Oh, wow, Clara, baby, c’mere… let me kiss you…’

I let her wrap my in her arms, and she tugs me against her chest, arms squeezing me as she smooches my neck, my nose, my forehead… everything she can reach, until my whole face is hot and smothered by her love. And then, lastly, she plants a tiny little peck on my lips. I hold it, kissing her back, and then we break apart, gasping for breath.

“You alright?” I whisper to her, stroking her back.

“Mhm. You did so good. Thanks for… indulging my weirdness, baby.”

“No way, I love it. It’s so hot, how much of a freak you are.”


“But uh… you know I didn’t mean it, right? Calling you dirty, and a whore, and stuff…”

“I know, baby.”

“Because you’re the best. Seriously. The best thing in my life. I know I say I love you like a million times a day but… I do… a lot…”

“Mmm. You’re my angel, Clara. I love you so much it hurts.”

“Hurts even more than getting your butt destroyed?” I ask, smirking.

My mom gives me that my-daughter-is-an-absolute-moron look that I love so much. “Well. Maybe not that much. You outdid yourself, baby.”

“For real. Are you gonna be able to sit right for the rest of the week?”

“Probably not. But it’ll make me think of you.”

She kisses my chin, then I tilt my head forward so that we can share another quick kiss on the lips.

“So?” I ask her. “What now?”

“Hmm. I think I could use another glass of wine. Then maybe a few more hours of cuddling. Then if we’ve got any energy left… round two?”

I grin, nodding to her. “Oh, I am so down.”

I hand her her glass of wine. We clink glasses, drink, and then kiss again. I can taste the wine on her breath and the secret, wondrous taste of her. My mom. My love. The most perfect woman in the world.

“Happy Friday,” I whisper in her ear.

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