Pony Tales – Clover – Day 37

An adult stories – Pony Tales – Clover – Day 37 by Firefly_Writing,Firefly_Writing Part 43: Back in The Saddle

By Firefly

“Could you stay bloody still?!” Victoria demanded, swatting Clover upside the head as she leaned over, eyes catching a glimpse of a silver-haired pony walking by the clinic doorway in tow behind Sophie. Clover leaned back to her sitting position quickly.

Clover muttered a line of indecipherable gibberish making Victoria giggle slightly, “You sound cuter than when you have a bit in your mouth.” She said in mild amusement. Using a small towel she wiped up the drool leaking from Clover’s mouth, a mouth that was currently held in place by a dental gag, a very effective tool to keep a ponies mouth open.

She’d just finished scaling Clover’s teeth, checking for cavities and was giving her teeth a scrub with a soft toothbrush loaded with spearmint toothpaste. Clover had huffed the whole time, she hated the dentist back in the vanilla world and this was not any different. Although fact that she was butt naked made it at least interesting.

Victoria frowned a bit and withdrew the brush, tossing it into a nearby bin. She then reached up, clicking the release on the gag and letting Clover’s mouth ease shut with a relieved sigh. She withdrew the gag along with a line of saliva from the girls mouth.

Clover huffed, “I hate tooth work..” She mumbled, taking an offered cup of water and rinsing her mouth out and spitting into a nearby sink.

Victoria tossed the gag into a nearby UV tank and chuckled, “Well, get used to it. You’ve got a few cavities that will need filling. Nothing major yet, but we may as well nip them in the bud while we can. Other than that though, your teeth aren’t too bad. I hope the reinforced bits they’ve given you have helped curb your teeth grinding a little bit?”

Clover rubbed her head, “Not really…I’ve got grooves in both sides of the bit at this point.”

Victoria stepped back, adjusting her lab coat a little bit, “You remind me a lot of Twilight. She used to grind the edges of her bits into dust. Perhaps you’ll get to meet her soon.” She muttered to herself while looking towards the door and seeing Sunset stepping up and letting out a happy whinny in their direction. She was a blonde pony whose hair was braided into a thick plait that fell all the way down to rest between her asscheeks. Her tack was a blended mix of yellows and soft orange giving the impression of well, a sunset.

This pony however, wore no bit in her mouth, although she did wear a bridle. Like a few ponies at the stable, she opted for no catsuit, instead she wore a body suit which barely covered her bits. She put on a bright smile as she stood in the doorway.

“Do come in Sunset, we’ve just finished up.”

Sunset gave a solid stomp on the ground. Clover noted that the horseshoes on the bottom of Sunset’s boots were a gradient of yellow and orange. The pony moved into the room and over to them, coming to stand confidently at Victoria’s side, the girl cast her blue-yellow gaze at Victoria and tilted her head a little.

Victoria reached up, giving the girls head a pat, “Come to pick up your charge for the day? Permission to speak granted.”

Sunset nodded, “Sure am Miss Victoria!” She glanced to Clover, “Gosh. I’ve never seen her without the catsuit before, looking good Clover! With a body like that you should be naked more often!” Sunset grinned at Clover who was suddenly blushing a vibrant shade of red, looking at the floor.

“So cute. I love the shy ones.” Sunset said in a dreamy voice.

“Be nice Sunset. So what’s the plan for you two for the day?”

Sunset pouted playfully but lit up at the question, “Oh! Soooooo they’re tilling and fertilizing the back field for fall veggies and they need some extra help bringing soil over through the day. We’re on cart duty!”

“Ehm…I’ve never pulled a cart before.” Clover said hesitantly.

Sunset tilted her head, “and?”

Victoria stifled a small chuckle.

Clover rubbed her head, “I just…I’m worried about being around everyone. Miss Hayley said things might be a bit awkward for a while and I kind of assumed I’d be eased back into things, I mean is my tack even available?”

Sunset stretched, “You know, the more you worry about how everyone currently views you. The worse it’s going to be. Best advice is to simply be yourself, put your nose to the grindstone and charge back into things like a crazy rhinoceros!” She let out a huffy snort and winked. “As for your tack, no it’s not. But being a pony is more a state of mind than it is how you present yourself! You look perfectly well equipped right now to pull a cart all day. We just gotta spray you down with sunscreen first.”

Clover blinked, “I’m not pulling a cart naked!” She protested as Victoria watched the exchange in obvious amusement.

“You suuuuuuuure are. I don’t have time to tack your cute ass up and they need loads of soil pronto! So get yourself on your feet and start walking before I leash and drag you, then again…some ponies are into that. Just get up…C’mon!” Sunset trotted around, using her unbound hands to push Clover off the table onto her feet, quickly wrapping an arm about the girls shoulders and giving her ass a sharp smack to encourage her forwards.

“She’s mine for the day, if anyone asks. Clover isn’t home.” Sunset shouted at Victoria as she led the blushing and nervous Clover towards the door.

“Worry not Sunset. I’ve been told she’s yours for the day. Have fun!” Victoria wiggled her fingers and went about cleaning up the mess she’d made tending to Clover’s teeth.

Sunset tugged Clover out into the main aisle of the barn, turning to consider the girl for a long moment. Her gaze softened slightly, “look, you don’t HAVE to pull naked if you don’t want to, I just like to tease. Remember, Consent is key in this lifestyle. But sometimes having a cute Sunlight inspired pony like me nudging you into things can lead to some fun stuff! Ponying is all about letting yourself go and having fun. So if not being covered will ruin the fun for you, we can find you something to wear.” She said this in a serious tone of voice, studying Clover’s reaction.

Clover opened her mouth to respond, then closed it as she considered her options, “I…I’d like to cover up. Please.”

Sunset let out a dramatic sigh, “Fiiiiiine, and here I was hoping to enjoy watching that cute backside of yours for the day. C’mon then, let’s get you into a basic bodysuit and some foot trainers.” Sunset began to nudge her towards the tack room.

“Foot trainers?” Clover asked curiously.

Sunset nodded as she pushed Clover through the open doors of the tack room, the scent of leather and latex rolling over them pleasantly, “Yes, foot trainers. They’re like reinforced leather half-shoes that force you to walk in the same way that you would in hooves. We use them fairly often for new ponies who are just learning to kind of walk in that almost-en-pointe position. You got to kinda skip that step in your training, so why not give them a try today for fun! They look cute AND you get the benefit of toning up your leg and foot muscles a bit.”

Clover blinked and nodded, “I guess that sounds alright.”

Sunset grinned, “Good! Caaaaause I wasn’t giving you a choice.”

Half an hour later and Clover had been squeezed into a forest green bodysuit that had a choker-style collar, complete with a matching pair of ‘foot trainers’. They were black leather with dark green detailing along the edges. They were like a sheathe that encompassed her heel, and the front of her ankle. This kept her from putting her heels down on the ground. It was a bit awkward at first, but as soon as she let herself relax into how she usually walked with her hooves on, it got a bit easier.

Sunset guided her along, keeping a close eye on Clover’s form as they walked. Making sure she could handle the trainers. Once she was confident in the girls movement they headed out through Christoph’s blacksmith shop, pausing briefly so Sunset could offer a playful smile at the stunning Twilight, currently bent over and having her hooves looked over.

Sophie was lazing on a couch nearby, “Don’t stare too long. You might embarrass her.”

Sunset spun about and smiled, “C’mon…how can I not admire! It’s been so long since Twilight has been around! It’s exciting, can’t you feel the electricity in the air?” Sunset trotted over, giving Twilight an affectionate nuzzle and leaving her with a little kiss on the forehead, “I’m so looking forward to training alongside you.” She whispered.

Clover on the other hand stood in silence, staring in both surprise and awe at the form of Aria, well…Twilight. The woman she’d come to know as the Head of the Stable, reduced to that of a Pony like the rest of them. It was a curious sight and as her eyes met Twilight’s she offered an almost apologetic smile.

Twilight smiled around her bit. She didn’t hate Clover, but she was sure going to show her that she wasn’t past it either, so she let out a playful snort in the girls direction and laid her chin back down on the chin-rest.

Sunset giggled, “I’m so putting you two in a dressage class together.” Sunset mused, wrapping an arm around Clover’s shoulders again, “Alright! We’re off! There’s carts that need pulling and soil that needs delivering!” She practically dragged the squeaking Clover off towards the back field where a pair of well-built carts were waiting for ponies to pull them.

The carts were basic, with a single seat, balancing for a single pony and a big empty ‘box’ on the back like a utility trailer complete with a swing-down tailgate for offloading.

Sunset pulled her over to the carts and smiled, “Alright, let’s get you harnessed and give you a small lesson on carting before we get to it! This is so exciiiiting! Always nice to have another cart pony.”

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