Dogging (Anonymous Public Sex) by chris99999,chris99999

When I opened the front door I was ready for her, but my excuse wasn’t needed. She was in bed, fast asleep and snoring loudly. After taking a quick shower I joined her, and in less than a minute I was asleep as well.

The next day, I was very busy, back-to-back clients until six o’clock, except for a short break for lunch, and that had only been a sandwich at my desk. When I got home I was exhausted.

“Chris, your Mother is here.”

I loved her dearly, and thinking about her last night, while I’d been having sex with Roxy, had given me a wonderful climax, so I should be happy to see her. But I wasn’t. It wasn’t just her being here. I was tired, all I wanted to do was to sit in front of the television and sink a few beers. And ‘a few’ being at least five.

However, I did manage to be sociable. And when she said that she wanted to show me her new car, I said yes, and with enthusiasm.

It was a nice car, and when I realized that it was the same make and model as Roxy’s, it took all of my self-control to stop myself from laughing. What a coincidence, both of them driving the same type of car!

It was four days before I was back at Dingle Dell, and I wasn’t there to visit any of their historic sites. The only site that I was interested in was the Dogging one. I’d only been able to go there because Becky was going out with some of her friends, and she wouldn’t be back until late.

This time, I was the first one there. After waiting for nearly two and a half hours, it became clear to me that I wasn’t just the first one, I was also the last one. Nobody else was coming. Jed, on my first time here, had warned me about this happening.

“It’s not like McDonald’s, you don’t place an order. It’s pot luck who you get and what you get. And some days, when you are as horny as hell, you’ll come here and you’ll be the only one.”

While I drove home I was depressed. The anticipation of what was going to happen had excited me. Would it be Roxy or Sheila, or perhaps a new woman? It had been none of those. I’d got a big fat zero. As soon as I got home I went to bed, hopefully tomorrow would be a better day.

I was asleep, dreaming about being on a ship. The waves must be high because the ship was lurching from side to side. Then the dream suddenly evaporated, and I realized that somebody was shaking me.

“Wake up.”

It could only be Becky, and if she was trying to wake me up it must be because there was an emergency.

Still half-asleep, I asked, “Is there a fire?”


That got my attention, and now I was sitting up, wide awake.


“In my pussy.”

She then started giggling. I couldn’t believe it, Becky, who only ever has two small glasses of wine, was drunk. She was shit-faced.

I was angry, she’d thought that she was being funny, but she wasn’t. I’d thought that the house was really on fire. It was going to be a long time before my heart rate was back to normal.

I was about to shout at her, but then I realized the significance of what she’d done and what she’d said. She’d woken me up because she wanted me to fuck her!

When I put my hands out so that she would come to me, she shook her head several times, and then she started to take her top off. I watched her do the first button, and it was funny because it took her so long to do it. But when the second one looked as if it was going to be a repeat of the first one, I got out of bed.

“It’s going to take you all night, let me do it.”

I wasn’t drunk so I had no problem with the buttons, or with unhooking her bra. She was now topless. I’d seen her naked breasts a countless number of times, but just looking at them still excited me.

She was unsteady on her feet so I had to help her towards the bed. When she got to it I pushed her, and she fell backwards onto it. That made her laugh, and she was still laughing when I got onto the bed with her and started playing with her tits.

Her large breasts were now mine, to do with them whatever I wanted. And what I was doing to them wasn’t just for my pleasure, it was for hers as well.

When I sucked hard on her nice nipple, she responded by moaning, and when the other nipple was rolled between a finger and thumb, she purred with pleasure. The drink had changed her. She now wasn’t Becky, she was Roxy, a woman that was eager for sex.

“My pussy’s on fire.”

She hadn’t just said it, she’d shouted it out, not caring if the neighbours could hear her. I responded by quickly parting her legs, and then, with an even greater speed, reaching up and pulling her panties down. When I’d got them off I threw them over my shoulder.

I sleep with just my boxers on, so getting my cock out was easy. It didn’t need any stimulation before entering her because it was already at its best.

“That’s a big cock.”

It wasn’t, but I was pleased that she’d said it.

“And I have a little pussy.”

Now that was true. Even after all the time that we have been together, it still has a tightness that excites me.

When I entered her it was without any subtlety. I’d pushed it in as quick as I could, and I hadn’t stopped until my balls were flat against her. On another day, when she was sober, she’d have complained. Today, instead, I got words that were urging me to do more.

“Fuck my little pussy as hard as you can,” and then she said more, “And don’t stop until I’ve come.”

I went from zero to top speed within seconds. Her response was to scream out with pleasure. This was what had been missing from our sex life. This wasn’t normal fucking, it was wild. It was caveman sex.

When she reached it I was still going, but only for two more strokes. When her orgasm was at its peak, and she was thrashing about, I spurted into her.

Both of us were now satisfied. Hers had been a big one, and mine was one of my best.

It wasn’t long before she was asleep, but I was happy to stay awake and bask in the afterglow of good sex. It had been wonderful. She should get drunk more often, and if she was to do that, then my Dogging days would be over.

When I woke up I was smiling, and it stayed there until Becky had got up and we started talking about last night. Then it disappeared, and it might never return.

“I feel dreadful. It was those cocktails. I should never have had them. But don’t worry, I’ll never get drunk like that again.”

I was worried. I know that I’m weak, and that I have very little self-control. I can say that I’m never going to drink too much, but I know that I will. However, she is a lot stronger than me. Now that she’d declared that she will never get drunk again, then it was very unlikely that she would.

“You were drunk, but didn’t you enjoy the sex?”

That got a blank look from her.

“Did we have sex? I think we did, but I can’t remember a lot about it.”

For the next few days I tried to get her to change her mind. I wanted to say, “Please get drunk again so we can fuck like crazy,” but I was more subtle than that.

“There’s a new cocktail bar near to where I work, we can try it out.”

That got a shake of her head, and then a firm no.

Another attempt was, “You look stressed, we should go out. A few drinks will do you good.”

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