Innocent Devil’s Harem Taboo Ch. 04 by KaizerWolf

“I’ll eat this, of course,” she replied, still focused on what she was doing.

Her response made me feel bad. “Oh, well…” My voice trailed off for a second. “I don’t want you to have to change for me. I’d feel bad if you stopped being a vegetarian.”

“It’s okay,” she replied. “I’ll still probably avoid meat, for the most part — primarily out of habit — but there are more important things in life than that.” She then paused, as she scooped an enchilada on her plate. “Or, is this about my scent?” she wondered, glancing at me for the first time.

I was about to respond, but she froze solid, the enchilada falling off the spatula partially onto the counter. “What’s wrong?” I asked seriously.

She just gawked at me. “Damn! You look really good in black! Like, I want to jump you right now. Holy shit, you’re so hot!”

My body shifted instantly, shocked and embarrassed by her reaction. And I knew she wasn’t teasing — I could smell her arousal increase even as she spoke, with my sudden transformation making it even stronger as she saw the effect her words had on me.

Setting down the spatula, she abandoned what she was doing and began slowly approaching me provocatively, like she was about to pounce for real. Her scent was intoxicating, making me feel overwhelmed like I’d just taken some powerful drug for the first time.

My nerves were on edge now, my body beginning to tremble, to the point that I almost wanted to run away from her sudden intensity. However, I forced myself to stay put, my breathing shaky as I stared down at the floor.

After all, I did promise I’d let her do what she wanted with me.

She stopped only a few inches away, her visible upper chest flushed red as she gently reached out and wrapped her thin fingers around my wrist. I shivered at the warm touch, feeling goosebumps appear on my neck and arms as she spoke quietly.

“I think I’ve changed my mind,” she purred softly. “I want you for lunch instead.”

I tried to swallow the lump in my throat.

“Are you going to let me?” she asked quietly, tightening her grip on my wrist.

I could barely nod. “I d-did p-promise,” I stammered.

“Oh!” she exclaimed, her voice becoming cheerful. “That’s right! I get to do what I want with you!” Her grip tightened even more, forcing me to gulp audibly. Her tone was suddenly low and serious. “So then, is this fine? Or do you want to tie me up instead?”

I shook my head, feeling like I was going to pass out. “This is f-fine,” I gasped.

“Okay,” she whispered. “Then I’ll give you one last choice, before you have to do what I say.” I glanced up at her to confirm she wasn’t kidding. She was absolutely serious. “Do you want me to take you upstairs to your bed? Or would you prefer I fuck you on the couch?”

I closed my eyes, my breathing coming out in ragged gasps now. I couldn’t respond. I couldn’t believe she was serious. I couldn’t believe this was happening.

“Alright then,” she said, sounding a little haughty now. “My choice. Bed it is.”

And with that, she began tugging on my wrist, leading me upstairs.

The long awaited hot passionate sex scenes are coming up in Ch. 05 and Ch. 06, so we’re almost there! I also update my Bio frequently to reflect my release schedule and what chapters are pending review.

Original: September 9, 2020

Submitted: June 18, 2022 to Literotica (Copyright Kaizer Wolf)

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