Mom, Dee, Nicole & Me Pt. 03 by wose,wose

“I’m cumming Mom!” Liam shouted and I pulled away from him just in time to see the cum shoot out through his shorts, pooling out of the fabric, staining it as his hips shuddered. I thought of this spilling inside Nicole, filling her womb.

Then I thought of Dee, wrapping her legs around my son’s waist as he pumped his baby batter in her. Without thinking, I leaned down and began to lap at the spilled cum, sucking as much of it as I could like a madwoman, my cunt spasming as I felt his warmth fill my mouth. Liam groaned with pleasure as I cleaned him off. When I was done, I rushed into the kitchen for a drink, then up into my room.

Liam said something from the living room, but I couldn’t quite hear it.

Welp. No way back from that, the little voice in my head said, as I wrapped myself under my sheets in shame, wondering what the hell happened to my life.

Desperate for something, anything to hold on to, I grabbed my phone and sent Dee a message:

We should talk



“Did you get all that?” I told Nicole on the other end. She sounded absolutely exhausted.

“You bet your sweet behind I did,” she said, smiling “I think I should come over for coffee and a chat.”

“Should we tell my Mom anything or…”

“Just keep it a surprise for now,” Nicole said, smiling “and check on Dee while you’re at it. The more the merrier.”

“Sure,” I said, then hung up the phone, before pulling off my ruined shorts. This was gonna take a bit of doing…

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