The Proposal Ch. 04

An adult stories – The Proposal Ch. 04 by tzzzr,tzzzr The aroma of fresh coffee and frying bacon stirred the brunette from her sleep. Looking around the bedroom Ross had put her in Kristi was impressed at the luxurious furnishings, pulling back the covers Kristi slid out of bed wincing. Ross had given her a good spanking the night before as the first installment her car repairs and her ass was still sore.

It had been after midnight when Kristi had went to bed, to tired to notice anything about the room. Today however, fresh and excited for the days’ events Kristi was impressed at how nice the room was in. Giggling she mused, “This is fit for a princess! A naked princess!”. She spent several minutes taking in the room, seeing the size of the closet of the closet she exclaimed, “I could live in here.”.

Stepping into the ensuite Kristi continued to marvel about the room, gleaming in white with brushed accents the room reminded her more of a spa than a bathroom. “Ross has excellent tastes in his room and his girls.”, Kristi caught herself when she realized it was the first time she had thought of herself as being one of Ross’s girls.

Entering the shower stall she giggled, “If this is the guest bath I hope I get to see the Master’s bath.”. Turning on the shower Kristi continued to be impressed with the bath as she waited for the water to warm up. Once it was warm the brunette stepped under the rain shower head and let it soak her tanned body. Resisting the urge to play with herself she was curious if Ross would help soothe the urges she was feeling. Finishing up she dried and went to the lavatory to finish getting ready.

Kristi looked herself over in the mirror knowing she was already wearing everything she would wear for the day, nothing. Fixing her hair she applied some light makeup to her face and tits, “All of me needs to look good today.”, she giggled again.

Once she had made herself presentable to Ross Kristi took a deep breath and opened the door of the guest suite, naked as she had been since arriving the day before. As she walked down the hallway she noticed it was lined with pictures, lots of pictures. Most of them were scenic, buildings and landscapes, the pictures were arranged in scenes. Each scene just had pictures of that area, every so often there would be a girl, a nude girl casually in the scene. It wasn’t the same girl and rather than be the focus of the picture she was just part of the scene going about her business, naked just like Kristi was. She spent some time looking over the pictures more curious about Ross now than ever.

Ross smiled when he saw Kristi casually walk into the room, still naked as required. He motioned the young girl to a stool at the breakfast bar he greeted her, “Good morning! You look perky today.”.

Kristi blushed, “It’s hard not to look perky when you are naked.”. Turning the stool to sit down she realized she might leave a wet spot on the upholstery and stopped short.

Noticing her predicament Ross smiled and told her, “Go ahead, you won’t hurt the seat. It’s good leather and will only smell sweeter with your juices on it.”.

Kristi’s face turned beet red from Ross’s. Placing a hot cup of coffee in front of her Ross asked if she needed cream or sugar. “Just cream.”, Krisi answered enjoying being pampered by the older man.

Kristi was truly impressed with the way Ross treated her. He had taken the time to allow her to go from being nervous and anxious about her nudity and performing for him to actually showing her nude body off to him and enjoying masturbating for him. There were no awkward stare and while she would still blush on occasion when she noticed him looking her over she enjoyed that he approved of her body. This was quite different from the few times she had been naked around her boyfriends when they weren’t having sex. The awkward stares and dumb comments took all of the fun out of it.

Kristi sipped her coffee Ross while quizzed her on breakfast, “From the diner, I know you like bacon so I got that started. But I wasn’t sure about eggs. Do you like them and if you do how do you prefer them?”.

Letting Ross know that she preferred her eggs scrambled the conversation continued as Ross prepared their meal. Pulling a green pepper and an onion out of the refrigerator Ross held them up and Kristi nodded her approval. After a quick wash he skillfully diced the vegetables, placing the onions in a hot skillet to begin sauteing he set the peppers aside for a moment. Turning his attention to the eggs he cracked several and placed them in a mixing bowl, adding a small amount of milk he whipped the eggs until all traces of egg white were removed. Without missing a beat Ross added the peppers and a small amount of garlic to the skillet just as the onions began to turn translucent. Just a few minutes later he added the eggs and watched over the delicious mixture stirring as appropriate until it was ready for serving.

Ross plated the bacon and eggs adding shredded cheese and parsley to the dish along with a biscuit before placing the plate of in front of Kristi. Fixing a plate for himself he came around the bar and sat down next to the beautiful girl as both of them began enjoying the hearty breakfast.

The unlikely pair continued the casual conversation as they ate, the discussion flowed freely now between the two. They talked about her car and Kristi let Ross know how much she appreciated that it was finally dependable and she had not done a walk of shame at the diner in quite a while. Ross good naturedly teased her that had she paid more attention to it she wouldn’t be in this predicament.

Kristi shyly smiled and said, “I’ve gotten to where I enjoy this predicament.”.

Once they had finished with breakfast Kristi helped Ross clear the dishes and tidy up the kitchen. It didn’t take long for the dishwasher to be running and the the kitchen back to being spotless. Then the naked 24 year old brunette and the handsome fully clothed 54 year old man moved onto the patio to enjoy the morning and continue chatting.

The pair began to share stories about their lives. Ross shared that he had been a computer consultant for large companies. Usually he was brought in to solve complex problems no one else could figure out. His job required frequent almost constant travel and took him all over the world.

Kristi interrupted asking, “Is that where all the pictures in the hallway came from?”.

Ross replied they were, “During my free time I took advantage of my travels and enjoyed as much as I could about the area I was in. I’ve enjoyed being able to travel to all fifty states and several foreign countries on both sides of the ocean.”.

Kristi inquired, “And the naked girls in the pictures?”.

Ross laughed, “So you noticed them? Most of them are friends that I either met while spending time in that area or worked for the companies I was consulting for. A few are girls that just happened to be around where I was shooting and after I explained my hobby they agreed to pose.”.

Kristi was suspicious, “Girls just agreed to pose nude for you without knowing you?”.

Ross smiled “Yes, but mostly in foreign countries where nudity isn’t as taboo as here in the US. I would see a girl already somewhat scantily attired and tell her about my collection. I would share a few examples from my collection and once they understood they would just be in the background several of them thought it sounded like fun.”.

Relaxing on the patio in Ross’s backyard Kristi felt calmly at ease talking with Ross. Now and again she would notice him glance at her body but for the most part he treated her as a normal clothed person. What she didn’t realize is that occasionally she would run a finger over her pussy teasing her clitoris before dipping slightly deeper into her pussy each time. She would also tug at a nipple every so often, these small things had the effect of slowly arousing her without her noticing how horny she was becoming.

Ross watched the change in Kristi as her state of arousal increased. As she become more and more aroused the conversation began to slow. Her breathing began to get more shallow as she unconsciously began massaging her 34C tits. Biting her lower lip Kristi looked Ross directly in the eye as she dipped a finger deep into her pussy and began masturbating in earnest. Her breathing grew more ragged and her gaze was fixed on Ross. He enjoyed seeing the beads of perspiration begin to appear on her toned and bronzed body, the sweat slowly running down her neck and over her magnificent tits. As she got closer and closer to the coming orgasm Kristi closed her eyes and tossed her head back adding a second finger to the one already probing deep inside her pussy and continued masturbating. Ross could see the moisture growing around her clitoris as she continued to speed up her fingers.

Her play continued for several minutes while Ross watched, he could see her bring herself almost to orgasm and then slow down and let the feeling subside. Dripping with sweat from the intense session the young girl would open her eyes at times and give Ross an intense stare as she shared this very private moment with him.

Ross could tell she had reached the point of no return, the urge inside her pussy had grown to where she couldn’t stop. Softly she began to moan as the orgasm started in her body, her toes curling and her legs going rigid. Faster and faster her fingers moved. Suddenly her eyes opened wide and she screamed “I’m cumming!” as waves of orgasms rocked the naked beauty.

Kristi continued to shake for several minutes, finally recovering enough to look at Ross and simply say, “Hold me.”. Ross took her in his arms, enjoying the scent of her sex in the air and the dampness of her body after the effort she had put in. Kristi wrapped her arms around Ross and slowly rocked back and forth as the orgasm subsided and she began to recover. The pair embraced for nearly 30 minutes until Kristi finally released Ross and he moved away to give her some space.

“That was intense.” Kristi finally whispered after she had somewhat regained her composure.

Ross gave her a warm smile, “Thank you for sharing that with me. I’m glad you felt able to go that far with me watching.”.

The duo continued to talk about Kristi’s orgasm for the next few minutes. Ross told her how he had noticed her absentmindedly teasing herself and had enjoyed watching her get aroused from her touch.

Kristi blushed listening to Ross, she wasn’t embarrassed about him watching her as she had been before. The embarrassment came from how much she had enjoyed orgasming in front of Ross and how intense it had been. “That is one of the most intense orgasms I have ever had.” she finally shared.

As the two continued to talk the conversation became more personal, Kristi shared that initially desperation led her to agree to his proposal, and while the first trip excited her she wasn’t sure it was something she wanted to do again. She had pretty much decided against it until her brakes started acting up. Spending the day at his house while he diagnosed the problem with her car she began to enjoy being able to tan and swim nude. It took a while but she had also started to agree masturbating for him. Blushing profusely Kristi told Ross that what finalized her decision to continue was the tingle she got between her legs every time she thought of what she did at his house.

Ross laughed as he told his naked friend; “And I thought men were the only ones whose brain was between their legs!”. Both of them broke up in laughter and Kristi’s 34C tits jiggled.

Glancing at a nearby clock Kristi grew concerned when she realized it was after noon. Nervously she asked, “When are you going to finish my car?”.

Ross chuckled, “It’s done, I wanted to be able to enjoy the day with you. After I put you to bed I finished it. Your ready to go all you need to do is complete the second installment on your bill.”.

Ross let his eyes roam all over the naked bronzed beauty in front of him as he continued, “I have enjoyed this weekend so much, more so than you realize. You have evolved so much since your first visit, back when you were timid and shy. You tried so hard not to let your body show. Yesterday you were the exact opposite, you were enjoying yourself and were intentionally seeing how often you could expose yourself to me. The little show you put on this morning was more proof that you my sexy friend are a true exhibitionist. Not to mention being an intensely sexual woman. I enjoy you being around and if you agree I’d like to see you here a lot more.”.

Kristi looked slightly perplexed, “What do you mean?”.

Ross continued, “I enjoy having you around and I think you enjoy being around. I’d enjoy getting to know you better and to help you explore the exhibitionist world and perhaps beyond. I just want you to enjoy yourself. Instead of limits, I prefer to set exhibitionist and sexual boundaries I can help you push up against. When you try something and enjoy it I will help you take it further, when you find something you don’t like we will discuss and see if it’s worth trying again or moving on to something else. My goal is to make you a more confident woman and exhibitionist. I know you’ve been checking me out, I can also tell your wanting something. Tell me what you want to do.”.

“So you noticed?” the blushing naked brunette asked.

Ross smiled, “Yes, you think girls know how to be sly better than guys? So tell me what you want to do.”.

Kristi paused for a few moments, she knew what she wanted to do with him and had thought of it often over the past few weeks. Other than a quick feel during the spanking Ross had not touched her sexually. It impressed her that he wanted her to make the first move. Standing up Kristi knelt in front of Ross and looked into his eyes, the words coming out as a whisper, “I want to suck your cock.”.

Ross smiled down at her and simply said “Louder.”.

“I want to suck your cock.”, came out of her mouth just a little louder,

“Again and still louder.” Ross admonished.

“I want to suck your cock.”, Kristi said in a slightly above normal tone, enjoying being ordered around.

One more time, “Louder.”.

Kristi nearly yelled “I want to suck your cock!”, finishing she looked around even though she knew there was no one that could hear her.

Looking deep into Kristi’s eyes the next reply from Ross was simple, “You may suck my cock.”. Taking Kristi’s hand he laid it on the bulge growing in his shorts.

Kristi looked away from Ross’s eyes to find the zipper of his shorts, pulling the zipper down she unbuttoned and pulled his shorts down. Once the shorts were down Kristi took a long look at the bulge and large spot of precum on Ross’s undershorts. Lowering her head she gently licked the precum that had oozed through the material enjoying the taste of his cock for the first time.

Looking back into Ross’s eyes Kristi licked her lips and smiled letting Ross know she enjoyed the taste. Ross smiled back at Kristi and nodded for her to proceed. Continuing to watch his face Kristi felt along his thighs to the waistband of his shorts. Hooking her thumbs into it she slowly began to pull his shorts, Ross lifted himself up just enough to let the shorts slide down as his impressive manhood sprang out of it’s confines.

“Mmmmmm, impressive.” Kristi purred as she took her first look at Ross’s rock hard cock. Thicker and slightly longer than her previous boyfriends she was extremely impressed. Barely able to wrap her hand around the base of his shaft Kristi looked back into Ross’s eyes as she began licking the engorged purple head and the pre-cum leaking out. Kristi opened her mouth and

slid her lips over Ross’s cock as it slowly entered her mouth. Slowly she began to take more and more of Ross’s shaft into her mouth, not quite able to get all of it into her mouth she felt him hit the back of her throat.

Kristi pulled back and coughed as her gag reflex kicked in, “We will work on that.”, Ross assured her as he placed his hand on the back of her head and gently guided her back onto his cock. Following his lead Kristi allowed Ross to place her mouth back over his cock and slowly push her head down. As she reached her limit she would lightly push back on his hand, sometimes Ross would allow her to withdraw his cock but sometimes he would hold her there or lightly push her further down on his shaft. Ross was careful not to go far but far enough that she began to grow accustomed to his girth deep in her mouth.

Obediently Kristi accepted her first face fuck finally understanding what it meant and how subservient it felt. Ross took it slow enjoying the warmth of her mouth around his rock hard cock. Pausing with the head of his cock just beyond her lips he whispered in a husky voice, “Work your tongue slut.”. Kristi softly moaned and begin rubbing her tongue against the underside of his cock. Holding her head in place he next told the brunette to wrap her tongue around his shaft complying she felt Ross slowly begin to push her head further down on him as she explored his cock with her tongue.

Ross’s breathing began to grow shallow and ragged as he neared a climax. The occasional grunt or moan from Ross let Kristi know Ross was enjoying her mouth. As the orgasm in Ross built he began more forcefully fucking Kristi’s mouth. Using her ears to pull her back and forth several times he got close to her gag reflex causing Kristi to sputter but the mouth fucking from Ross was incessant.

Ross moaned one final time and announced, “I’m cumming! Don’t swallow until I tell you too!”. With a light jerk he pulled Kristi’s head back so the tip of his cock was just inside her mouth. Exploding and flooding her mouth with semen Kristi could taste the sweet salty liquid and feel it’s thickness as it filled her mouth. Kristi tried to obey and not swallow but the amount of cum was to much and his cum leaked out of her mouth and onto her chest.

Ross held her head in place for several moments after he finished cumming until his cock grew soft. Slowly he withdrew and wiped the remaining cum on her lips. Once his cock was out of her mouth Kristi opened and showed Ross that she had obeyed him and had a mouth full of his cum.

Ross motioned for her to keep her mouth open and scooping cum off of her tits he placed his finger in her mouth. With his other hand he gently closed her mouth around his finger and nodded his head for his young friend to swallow.

Kristi slowly withdrew from her kneeling position as Ross’s cum continued to drip off her face and down her body. She enjoyed the feel of his semen as it slowly slid down her body. She leaned over and gave Ross a kiss on the cheek and playfully licked the cum she had deposited off of him. Moving back to her chair next to him it was several minutes before either spoke.

“That was intense,” Kristi whispered loudly. Ross nodded in agreement as he continued to catch his breath.

Settling back in the seating area of the lanai the the odd pair rested, little was spoken as they enjoyed the beauty and serenity of Ross’s backyard as well as each other. Ross had removed his shirt and kicked off his shorts so he was just as naked as Kristi. The bubbler in the pool provided a calming gurgling sound while the light breeze blowing kept the lanai cool and comfortable.

After a relaxing rest Kristi stood, her naked tanned body and 34C tits shimmering when the afternoon sun lit her up. Ross’s cum had dried on her body and created interesting trails where it had slid over her tits and dripped down onto her stomach. Ross soaked up the view of the magnificent woman in front of him his face breaking into a smile. Reaching down Kristi grabbed his hand telling him, “Quit staring, there is nothing of me you haven’t seen.”.

Ross allowed his beautiful friend to pull him out of his chair as he smirked, “I could watch your body all day every day.”. Kristi just giggled in response as she pulled him into the pool.

Stepping into the pool the cool water on Kristi’s legs was refreshing, going deeper into the pool the water she splashed water on her chest and face to clean the dried cum off of her. Submerging herself up to her neck she enjoyed the relaxing feel of the water. “This is the only place I’ve ever swam nude, it feels so much better not to have a suit on.”.

After a few minutes Ross settled into a shady spot in the corner of the pool where he could watch Kristi as she swam and played. Eventually she settled in front of Ross leaning against him enjoying his feel body as she pressed herself into him. Ross’s cock nestled in the crack of her ass and begin to grow once again bringing a smile to Kristi’s lips. Ross nuzzled Kristi’s neck and began to kiss and nibble on her shoulders and neck.

Shivers traveled throughout Kristi’s body from Ross’s touch, neither of her previous boyfriends enjoyed spending this much time arousing her sexual appetite. Ross had made her so hungry for more that she was moaning purely from his touch. In her mind the only thought was, “Older men do make better partners.”.

Still behind her Ross leaned down and whispered in her ear, “Have you ever been fucked in a pool?”.

Kristi nearly orgasmed from the question, “No.” she softly replied immersed in the moment.

Ross lifted the svelte young girl out of the water up and slowly lowered her pussy onto his rock hard cock. Guiding his erection into her the feeling of his thick shaft entered her caused a soft moan to slip out of her mouth. Taking her from behind he wasn’t able to completely penetrate her but the sensation of the tip of his cock head rubbing and pulsating inside of her sent her into ecstasy throwing her head against his shoulder she started moaning.

Ross was not in a position to drive hard and deep into Kristi’s aching pussy. However, he was situated just right to stimulate her g-spot and send shock waves through her body with every movement he made.

It didn’t take long for Kristi to be on the verge of another orgasm, moaning and whimpering Ross continued sliding in and out of her pussy, his own orgasm beginning to build as he stroked her.

With a loud, “I’m cumming!” Kristi started convulsing creating small waves in the pool as the orgasm rocked her entire body. Feeling Kristi’s pussy tightening around his engorged cock was all it took for Ross to start pumping cum deep into Kristi’s pussy. The feel of Ross pulsating inside of her intensified her orgasm and she squealed in ecstasy as he pumped her pussy full of cum.

After filling Kristi’s pussy Ross’s cock softened and slipped out of her. Kristi’s orgasm subsided and she blissfully leaned back into Ross’s arms enjoying the moment and relaxing in the warm water of the pool. Putting his arms around her waist Ross pulled her tight against him and enjoyed the moment.

Ross started kissing and nibbling on Kristi’s neck once again, the brunette playfully pushed away laughing and saying, “Not again, I think I’m done for today!”

The naked pair climbed out of the pool and played with each other under the outdoor shower head. Once they finished and dried off Ross pulled his shorts on and headed to the kitchen to fix a light supper for them. Smiling, he gave the brunette a lustful smile and told her she should stay naked.

Ross disappeared into the house as Kristi relaxed back on the lanai stretched out on a lounger. Letting her mind wander she thought of everything that had happened the past few weeks, Ross had introduced her to CMNF, face fucking, exhibitionism, and spanking. Not to mention masturbating in front of him and thoroughly enjoying the fucking he gave her. Still the tan beauty was curious what he met about exploring exhibitionism and beyond. The idea thrilled and terrified her at the same time. She chuckled, Ross was good at that.

After a few minutes Ross reappeared with a small platter containing sandwiches and drinks. Kristi didn’t realize how starved she was until she started eating. The pair continued the light conversation while they ate, once the meal was finished Kristi let Ross know she needed to get home. Tomorrow would be her early morning at the diner and he had worn her out this weekend.

The pair walked to the garage and Ross opened Kristi’s door and fished her clothes out. Kristi reached up to Ross and give him a big hug and a passionate kiss before she telling him, “I don’t need those, it’s nearly dark outside.”. Taking the bag she threw it into the passenger seat. Ross opened the garage door and Kristi backed out of the garage and headed home completely naked.

Looking around as she parked at her apartment she didn’t see anyone in the twilight of the late evening. A wicked grin spread across her face as she opened the door taking just her purse and keys, she sprinted to her door and unlocked it. Racing inside she slammed the door and fell against it in a fit of laughter and exhilaration.

Kristi took a quick shower, washed her hair and slid into her bed. Having not worn any clothing since arriving at Ross’s house the previous morning. Musing she realized she had been naked for over 36 hours, a personal record, she giggled, probably not for long though. As she drifted off to sleep she dreamed of what Ross had offered her.

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