Once again the team responded with a unified voice. “Yes Coach Tori,” They echoed their previous affirmation, letting me know it was a well practiced response, and one most likely expected of them.
Once they had responded to her and Tori did not ask anything else of them they broke back into huddled groups, whispering and giggling to each other as they looked towards me with an intense focus. I remembered how Tori had talked about them working themselves into a frenzy over their newest miracle trend, but I didn’t realize just how potent their fervor was until I could see it in their eyes every time one of them looked hungirly at me. I also noted how their eyes seemed particularly drawn down below my waist, as if they were trying to see past what the notebook I was holding was hiding.
I turned away from the girls and tried not to pay too much attention to their interest in me. When I had arrived I thought that there wasn’t a chance any of them might ask for me a sample of my cum, but now with how eagerly they all looked at me that idea didn’t seem so far-fetched. And if one of those girls did come up and ask me to produce some sperm for them to taste by the terms of my bet to Tori I would be honor bound to take this job. I hadn’t really wanted to take a job as a coach for a cheerleading team before. But now that I knew how ridiculous just the layout of the locker room and offices were, the very idea filled me with both overwhelming dread. Tori might be fine with working right next to a shower and having people casually change right in front of her, but those were ideas far too crazy for me to even consider, partly in fear that I might enjoy them a bit too much. None of this I had planned for and my brain was scrambling to make any sense of it.
So I tried thinking of any way I might prevent the question of me providing some jizz for the girls from being asked. From what I understood when the head coach took charge the training was intense enough there would be no time to stop and chat with me, so that period of time was safe. Once practice was done I was pretty sure I could make some excuse and slip away, perhaps requesting a talk with Ms. D to go over details of potential employment. So that left just the present time before practice began to worry about. From the looks in their eyes I feared that even this was enough time for at least one of the girls to make a move and bring the question to me, so I stayed close to Tori. I knew that Tori had no issue speaking of sexual matters in front of anyone old enough for it to be appropriate, but I hoped that the girls would have more caution speaking about such matters in front of their coach.
Tori didn’t let me stay safe with her for long though. “You stay right here for just a moment, I’ve got something you will need.” Tori told me, squeezing my hand before leaving me as she rushed to her desk.
As I was left alone I didn’t even dare to turn back towards the girls. For one I didn’t wish to observe them changing anymore than I had. I could only hold my notebook down beneath my waist for so long before it became obvious what I was trying to hide, and any further excitement I got from seeing the beautiful ladies change clothes would only extend the time I need to calm down. Another reason was my desire not to encourage any of them to come up and speak to me, lest they feel comfortable enough to press that question to me and seal my fate in joining this crazy place in a more permanent manner.
Luckily Tori didn’t spend too much time retrieving what she needed to get, and brought back a fairly small bundle to me in just a few moments. But instead of standing in front of me and handing the bundle over Tori circled around me to stand between me and the team, forcing me to turn and face both her and the girls. “Here, I know you’re not officially hired or anything, but the head coach doesn’t allow anyone in the practice gym without wearing something from the academy.” Tori explained as she handed me a thin athletic shirt branded with the academy’s logo on the front.
Comforted that it was a normal gift and not something that made the whole situation even wilder I let out a relieved sigh and took the shirt. “Well, that makes sense. I suppose I should look the part, even if I am only here to observe.” I noted with a smile as I checked out the shirt. It bore the same branding as Tori’s clothes, and over her shoulder I noticed that the girls who had changed into athletic wear had the same logo on their gym clothes.
Looking about I checked around for a nearby bathroom or place I could retreat to and swap out clothes in privacy. “So, um, is there somewhere I can go and put this on?” I asked Tori before realizing my error.
I regretted the words quickly as I saw a sly smile spread on Tori’s lips, and I easily guessed the next words out of her mouth. “David, you don’t feel comfortable changing here? This is partly a changing room of course, so why should you have a problem just swapping shirts right here? I mean, the ladies here don’t have a problem changing in front of you, do they?” Tori asked with smug satisfaction that I had played right into her hand.
Turning around Tori addressed the team of young women. “You girls are fine with David changing shirts, aren’t you?” She questioned the ladies, though from the eager expressions on their faces I knew their answer already.
“Yes Coach Tori.” They all answered together, and I could easily sense their desire to see how fit my body was in their voices. Just from appearance they could tell I was old enough to be of the age they were looking for in their test. Especially since I was often mistaken for being older, though Tori often remarked that was just because of my beard and how little I smiled. So now they girls wanted to check if I met their second important requirement, having a strong and athletic body.
Seeing no way out of it, especially since it would seem quite weird if I had watched the girls change and refused to do the same in front of them, I let out a sigh and silently cursed as I handed the new shirt back to Tori so I could take off my current one. Even with the simple motion the girls watching me grew excited enough that ten or so of them took several steps closer to me, and even the less bold ones stopped whispering to each to watch more intently.
Trying to ignore their eager stares I shut my eyes as I also handed Tori my notebook, praying without hope that the girls wouldn’t notice the slight tent in my shorts made from my excitement. I then pulled off my polo shirt, letting it drop to the floor. I heard a few soft gasps from in front of me and the murmurs quickly returned, now somewhat louder and even more frantic. Now that my chest and torso were bare the girls could easily see the state of my fitness. Though I was no bodybuilder I spent more than enough time at the gym that everything from my broad shoulders and large pecs to my abs gave testament to my strength and power. Even the fair amount of body hair covering my torso and arms did not hide my muscles at all.