A new realization of control and submission by BradDog

She looked at the cock again. It was dry. Still pacing she looked back at Ashley. She raised the head of the dick and bounced it in her hand pondered the shape and diameter, then peered back down at Brad’s waiting body. Ashley looked at Sam’s body and then back over at the resting dog. Sam tugged on her nipple feeling the sensation running down her body to her clit. She looked back at the dog.

Ashley bring the dog over here. Sam watched her head toward the dog her small, pert tits remaining motionless and thin hips swaying as she walked. She bent down, grabbed the collar and encouraged him to head over to the scene. Upon returning Sam reached over the dog and started rubbing his cock through his furry sheath again. Mmmm, she rubbed briskly and confidently gauging the dog’s face and body for signs of arousal. The dog starting to feel the sensation of tension building in his balls and cock and put his nose down by the hand that was making his cock begin to swell again… soon his hips were starting to thrust forward, fucking attempting to increase the sexual sensation.

Ashley, Sam said, go in the kitchen and get me a cup. Sam continued to jerk the dog while his cock became larger and more aroused. Brad watched on as Ashley returned with a small glass drinking cup. Now Sam said, come here and stroke this doggy dick. I know you want to don’t you Ashley? That’s why you were glad I called. Ashley looked at her and replied yes. I wanted you to tell me to do it. Ashley bent over and felt under the dog she brought over until she had a hold of the furry cock. Brad could see up her ass as she began to find her courage and build a pace with masturbating the animal. The dogs hips soon began bucking and fucking Ashley’s virgin hand as she watched herself engaging in bestiality.

Sam now freed began to mount the strap on to her womanly hips. The toy was a pink dong about 7 inches long with a sturdy head and average sized shaft – not too big for butt fucking, not too small for pussy fucking. On the underside was a small massaging cock that rubbed against the pussy lips and clit. This would ensure that whoever Sam fucked with the dick she would get her pussy stimulated as well.

Sam moved Brad more in line with where Brad could watch. Keep jacking Sam told Ashley. Sam bent down at the knees behind the dog, reached out and lewdly massaged his asshole and balls while Ashley continued to sub herself out to the cock. From this angle once again Brad could just see the crack of her deep ass. Brad could see the dog’s balls swaying in time with Ashley’s now desperate, horny jerking. His cock needed rubbing badly. Sam then positioned her head behind the dog’s ass and lowered her mouth to his balls. She opened her mouth and put it over the dog’s tightening nuts. Ashley saw Sam eating the dog from behind and moaned as she watched her uhhh, Sam. I never knew how hot this could be. Sam kept sucking and began moaning as she thumbed her clit. Her hips were starting to gyrate as she indulged in displaying herself to her submissives. She reached up with her other hand and pressed her thumb to the dog’s asshole, sinking the tip just inside. The dog started to unload his leaky cum.

He’s starting to cum Ashley said as she felt the juice start to run onto on her hand. Sam removed her mouth from the dog’s balls and positioned the cup under his draining cock. Pump his cock into the cup Sam ordered. Ashley continued to pump as his cock began shooting streams of cum into the cup, onto her hand and everywhere else. Sam reached back up continuing to massage his balls and asshole. He began to hump hard and the cup began to accumulate a depth of wet, slippery cum.

After a a few more moments of milking the dog for his dog cum, Sam instructed Ashley to stop. The dog walked a couple steps then sat down to lick up the mess that was all over his engorged dick. Sam stood, her own cock bouncing up to attention. Sam eyed the cup with teh bottom covered in a deep layer of lubrication. That worked out pretty well I think, she cooed at Ashley. No one for the last minutes had been able to masturbate really and were all ready for something. Sam turned to Brad with the glass and showed him the juice. Did you like what you just saw Brad? I bet before you came over tonight you didn’t think anything like this would be happening, she smiled at him.

Without waiting for a response, she continued. You admitted to me that you wanted me to butt fuck you. Now I’m going to. Right now, with this dog cum oozing into your hole to lubricate it too. I’m going to butt fuck you now Brad. Your asshole is going to get spread and penetrated by my cock. My cock is going to open your butt with its tip making way for the shaft and is going to fuck your pussy until my balls hit your balls.

Sam then took the cup and held it to her lips. She looked each of them in the eyes and tipped until the juice made contact with her lips. She removed the glass and licked the wet shininess. She turned to Ashley, handed her the cup and said, lube us. Ashley took the cup and looked at it briefly not sure what to do exactly. Now! Sam barked. Ashley took her fingers and inserted them inside the glass swabbing two fingers with dog cum. The boy first Sam said. Ashley approached Brad’s pussy, knelt down and began to rub the juice to his butthole. Brad felt the slide and squish of the cum on his ass. The taboo of what was happening made him moan loudly. Mmmm! Ashley looked at him while massaging him with lube stricken with his submissiveness and muttered, what a bitch you are. Sam smiled and Brad arched his back harder for her in response saying yes…

She reached in the cup and swabbed some more juice on her fingers and returned them to his asshole. Put some inside, Sam said watching the scene rubbing her cock, savoring the preparation. Ashley’s forefinger penetrated the outer rim of Brad’s pussy and slid inside. She’d never done this before but after been through what she had today she found herself comfortable quickly anyway. Her previous apprehension about fingering him was gone as she began to fuck her finger from tip to first knuckle slowly in and out of Brad’s asshole. Brad again moaned at the attention and sensation both. He didn’t care about anything but feeling what was given to him.

Ok, Sam said. Lube my cock, she said, saying the word cock with emphasis. Ashley stood dipping her fingers in the cup again, dripping the juice onto the dick. On your knees please Sam said as she put her hand on Ashley’s head pressing down. She dropped to her knees in front of Sam and began stroking the dick with her dog cum covered fingers. She looked up at Sam who was looking down at her straight in the face. Sam smiled and said, you’re a good girl. I like you Ashley.

Sam crouched down on her knees behind Brad and grabbed the cock at the base. Ashley, spread the pussy for me. Sam waved the cock up and down savoring its weight in her hand as she eyed Brad’s submissive ass. The scene was incredible for everyone. Brad was desperate to cum. Ashley reached down and spread his ass revealing and slightly opening his pink anus. Sam poised the tip at the entrance and with one smooth push of the hips, the cock penetrated and sunk into his butthole. Brad was her bitch.

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