African Depravity – Alicia by spacybickerson

African Depravity – Alicia by spacybickerson

Discover 'African Depravity – Alicia' by Spacybickerson, an enthralling erotic tale that explores passion, desire, and forbidden encounters. Dive into a captivating world where fantasies come alive and boundaries are pushed. Perfect for lovers of steamy literature, this provocative story promises to ignite your imagination. Read now!<br/>

Alicia is on a flight to Saudi Arabia when her plane crashes and she is captured by Sudanese militants who use her as a sex slave in a tribal ritual..

African Depravity – Alicia

Alicia’s plane crashes and she is captured by Sudanese militants who use her as a sex slave.

Alicia was just an average young American girl who happened to be in the Army. Now at the age of 23, and into her third year, she made the decision to enlist because it afforded her the opportunity to travel the world. The problem was, as soon as she came home after a mission in Korea, her parents pressured her to marry her longtime boyfriend, John.

At first the marriage was good and John was the only man that Alicia had ever been with, sexually. They soon settled into an apartment just off the base at Fort Bragg in North Carolina. Each morning, John would go off to his accounting job whereas Alicia would check in at her security gate, preparing to plan her work day. She was what was referred to as an 88N and planned missions or movements for the Army combat teams. She had always joked that she was a “combat zone travel agent.”

Alicia’s marriage began to become stale and when rumors of John cheating on her began to swirl, she felt that she might have made a mistake. He denied it and Alicia decided to stay with him but her intimate attachment had waivered. She still wanted to travel the world so when a *********** few from the eastern based units were given a three week opportunity to travel to Saudi Arabia for a field study, Alicia willingly volunteered.

When that day arrived, even with John against her decision to travel, Alicia packed her bags and parked her car at the base for her military shuttle to Simmons Army Airfield. When boarding the plane, she sat down next to a stoic female soldier who was to be her roommate while overseas. With only 27 passengers, the plane took off for the U.S. Embassy located in Luanda, Angola located on the coast of east Africa for an overnight stay before heading to Saudi Arabia. During the twelve hour flight, Alicia and Mary got to know each other and Alicia was able to take a well needed nap.

When they landed, all the service people which consisted of ten female and seventeen male soldiers, were treated like royalty. They were taken out to a great dinner and some entertainment by the locals. Not only did Alicia and Mary hang out together, but a girl named Shelly from Fort Belvoir, Virginia was their third. The girls drank and even though Mary was very regimented, she eventually relaxed and they all had a nice time.

The morning flight took off at 0600 hours and everyone boarded very blurry-eyed. About half way through the flight, the turbulence was getting stronger which seemed to sober up all the passengers. Alicia became frightened as the plane dropped suddenly. A strange sound caused the seatbelt lights to blink and then the plane began to descend. The emotions from the passengers went from frightened to terrified when the Captain’s voice blared over the intercom, “Ladies and gentleman, we have lost hydraulic power. We are going to make an emergency landing. Please brace yourself for an impact!”

The plane was dropping slowly and the passengers could only hope that it would be a soft crash landing, if that was possible. Alicia was praying as the plane touched the earth, causing a huge violent jolt and then the lights went out while total chaos ensued. When the plane had come to a stop, there was dust and debris all over the place but the fuselage was intact. After the initial shock, passengers began to walk around and check on injured people. Thankfully, nobody was killed even though several had serious injuries.

Hours later, everyone was outside in a vast grassland area with temperatures already in the upper 80s. They didn’t know where they were exactly but they knew it was somewhere in Africa. Finally, the pilot was able to get the satellite phone to work and contacted the embassy to give their coordinates. As it turned out, they were stranded in South Sudan which had only become an official county in 2011. All the passengers cheered and hugged one another when they learned two helicopters were to arrive in three hours for a rescue.

As the healthy attended to the injured, three jeeps full of Sudanese militants approached the wreckage from the south. Each jeep was equipped with a large gun mounted in the back and each rebel was holding a machine gun. When the jeeps stopped a few feet from where the US crash survivors were gathered, they could hear the rebels demanding something in their native language. Alicia along with the others had their hands raised while four of the rebels jumped out of the jeeps. They were waving their guns around while everyone remained terrified.

One of the rebels shouted, “Urang néangan putri dipilih. Anjeun tilu kana jeep, ayeuna!” which translated into, “We are looking for the chosen princess. You three into the jeep, now!”

Alicia, Shelly, and another girl named Jaime were grabbed and in spite of resistance and crying, they were forced into the jeep. Sergeant Blackford rushed the vehicle but one of the rebels fired shots into the ground where the Sergeant stood and many more fired into the air. He had no choice but to relinquish his pursuit to save the girls. The jeeps took off and the girls sat down with guns pointed, wondering what was to become of them.

When the rebels arrived in the Sudanese village, the girls were separated and that was the last Alicia had seen of them during her ordeal. With her hands cinched together with a type of vine, she was taken to a small building. While the two rebel tribesman walked her, she took notice of their height. Both guards had to be at least 6’9 or taller. That is when she noticed, most all the village people were extremely tall, extremely dark black, and extremely thin. The people looked like they were all arms and legs. Even the females seemed to be at least 6 feet tall or more.

Alicia was forced into a small building and the door closed behind her. She wondered if she should scream, try to run, or just be patient? If she screamed, who would hear her? If she ran, where would she go? Her choice was made for her. The room was a poor dwelling with a small twin bed in the middle, a rickety chair in the corner, a small wooden table, a wood burning stove with a metal pot and finally a back door which led to an outhouse just a few steps away. There seemed to be no air flow as she immediately began to sweat in the punishing heat.

There wasn’t much to do as her cell phone had been taken when she was searched and it would not have worked anyway. There were some books, but they were in Sudanese and even though Alicia was frightened, in the back of her mind, she believed that she would be rescued. Within 30 minutes, a young female entered, bringing Alicia an abundance of food. There was some rice, a loaf of bread and several pieces of fruit. The girl was nineteen years old, wore her short hair braided, and her face, arms and ankles supported many pieces of homemade jewelry. She was also dressed in a colorful cloth wrap.


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