Vodka: Caramel & Green Apple by JimBob44,JimBob44

“Uh huh,” Jordan smirked slightly and muttered under his breath. “A real ball.”

Kelli blushed hotly when she rang up the condoms and the small box containing the tube of KY Jelly. Jordan’s own face also had a small shading as Kelli dropped those items into a plastic bag.

“Y’all come back,” Kelli said and began ringing up the next customer’s items.

“I, I can have one them now?” Nicole whined as Jordan began putting the bags into the trunk of his car.

Jordan fished one pint bottle out of the plastic bag and slammed the trunk shut. Nicole grabbed for it and growled in bitterness when he kept it and walked to the driver’s door of his car. Nicole got into the passenger seat and buckled up.

“Now can I…” Nicole begged as Jordan hit the door locks of the car.

Nicole took a hefty gulp of the cheap alcohol and coughed slightly as the alcohol burned her esophagus. But the desired result was immediate. As the alcohol hit her stomach, warmth radiated outward, finally stilling her writhing nerves.

Jordan could feel his eyes watering; the girl had very strong body odor. In the store, it had been strong, but bearable. In the confines of his car, however, the aroma was overpowering.

They arrived at the Arrow Court apartments and Jordan parked in his assigned space. Grabbing a few bags from the trunk, Jordan ushered Nicole into the dark, cool apartment.

“Listen, I, damn, I don’t know if you know this or not, but, damn, you need a bath,” Jordan said.

“Yeah, well, I do what I can,” Nicole defended.

“So, uh, before I give you any more gin? Need take a shower, hear?” Jordan ordered, pointing Nicole toward his bathroom.

“Oh, okay,” Nicole shrugged.

She emptied the pint of gin, shuddering as the harsh liquid burned all the way down. Then, uncaring, she dropped shorts and panties and tee shirt to the living room floor and sauntered to the bathroom. Jordan’s cock jumped to attention at the sight of Nicole’s chunky buttocks.

As Nicole showered, Jordan emptied the trunk of the bags. Then he put his purchases away. Nicole’s two pints of Albertson’s Gin were placed on the dining room table. On his kitchen counter, Jordan put the two half-gallon bottles of Nulough’s vodka and decided to make a quick lunch. Nothing fancy; he took four slices of multigrain bread and placed two slices into the lower half of a sandwich press. A slice of provolone cheese went on the pieces of bread, then a thick slice of ham, a generous spoonful of olive dressing, then a slice of Swiss cheese and another piece of bread went on top of that. Closing the sandwich press, Jordan then found his bag of pretzel twists and set out two small bowls of the salty treats. He dug out two fruit cups and put those on the table next to the pretzels.

While Jordan prepared a late lunch, early dinner, Nicole luxuriated in the shower. She enjoyed being able to wash her long hair with real shampoo, not the liquid soap the park’s bathroom supplied. She also grabbed Jordan’s razor and shaved underarms and legs. She did smirk, reflecting that the next time Jordan tried to use his razor, it would be considerably dulled.

From her bag, Nicole located her old comb. She combed out the tangles and then used another handful of shampoo on her long hair.

“Hey, uh, Nicole? Lunch,” Jordan called through the door. “Three o’clock, I guess it’s an early supper.”

“Oh, okay, be right there,” Nicole called back.

Again rooting around in her bag, Nicole pulled out her jeans and another tee shirt. These items of clothing were no cleaner than the pair of shorts and panties and tee shirt she’d left balled up on the other side of the door, but these were all Nicole had to wear.

“What’s this?” Nicole asked, regarding a tall glass of clear liquid in front of her sandwich and pretzels and fruit cup.

“That Nulough’s vodka I got; it’s pretty good,” Jordan mumbled around a mouthful of food.

Nicole sniffed the glass and smiled at the familiar scent of alcohol. She then took a large gulp of the vodka.

The hot sandwich was good; Nicole did not even ask what it was. It was hot, it was food. The pretzels and the fruit cup were emptied quickly. Nicole emptied her glass of the Caramel and Green Apple flavored vodka and wondered if she could ask for another.

“Another?” Jordan asked, apparently reading Nicole’s mind.

“I uh, yeah, oh Jesus, I…” Nicole said, then blazed a path to Jordan’s bathroom.

Jordan gathered their plates and the two spoons and brought them to the small kitchen. He then made them two more drinks and brought those glasses to the living room portion of his front room, the combination living room/dining room. Jordan sat in his barrel shaped red and brown velour chair and put Nicole’s glass onto the coffee table in front of the matching couch, near the end closest to himself.

A moment later, a somewhat shaky Nicole staggered into the living room. Her eyes fixed automatically onto her waiting glass and she took her seat on the couch close to his chair.

“What is this anyway?” Nicole asked, taking another hefty gulp of the drink.

“Told you. That vodka,” Jordan shrugged. “Two jiggers of Caramel, two jiggers of Green Apple.”

“Oh. Okay. It’s pretty good,” Nicole agreed, downing much of the drink in a long swallow.

“I, um, I…” Jordan stammered, unsure of how to demand his payment for the three pints of Albertson’s Gin.

“Sure I can’t just blow you?” Nicole asked. “I mean, shit, I’m pretty good at…”

“Uh? Like I said, I can do that myself,” Jordan scoffed, even as he was grateful Nicole had brought up the discussion about payment.

“Oh, yeah, right. Like I am so sure,” Nicole sneered.

“I can? Get to do you twice,” Jordan challenged.

“You can’t? Then I don’t have do nothing,” Nicole countered.

“Deal,” Jordan said, holding out his pinky for the agreement.

Nicole giggled, but hooked her finger with Jordan’s finger. This was their first actual contact since meeting in the parking lot of the grocery store. Pulling away, Jordan stood.

Nicole watched as Jordan kicked off his tennis shoes. Her eyes appraised the young man as he removed his shirt, revealing a scrawny chest and abdomen.

Jordan Cox was somewhat handsome, with thick brown hair that needed a trimming. He had one thick eyebrow over both eyes and his eyes were a crystal blue. His nose was strong, regal looking and his smile revealed straight white teeth. His jaw was a strong one and was dusted with a hint of a five o’clock shadow.

(Nicole would have been amused had she known it actually took Jordan four days to achieve that ‘5 o’clock shadow’ look.)

“Take off your tee shirt?” Jordan requested.

After a moment’s hesitation, Nicole did remove her tee shirt, revealing her 34B breasts. They were pear shaped, each capped with a quarter sized light brown areole and blunt nipple. Her areolae were crinkled hard, not because of excitement, but because of the cold air of Jordan’s air conditioning blowing on her, and the ceiling fan of his living room blowing directly onto her.

“Damn, nice,” Jordan approved of Nicole’s small, perfectly formed breasts.

Wiggling out of jeans and boxers, Jordan revealed his semi-erect cock. Nicole’s eyes opened wide at the sight of the thick slab of meat that slowly rose from the scruff of dark curls.

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