Vodka: Caramel & Green Apple by JimBob44,JimBob44

Officer Thaddeus Bell was the one that discovered Jared Tyler as he lay moaning in pain. Officer Bell radioed in a request for St. Elizabeth Parish Trauma Center to send out one ambulance for the man. Looking around, Officer Bell recognized the Albertson’s Gin label and smiled maliciously; he had a pretty good idea of whom had done this to the small time drug dealer.

“Aw yeah, bitch, that fat ass is mine,” Officer Bell said, unconsciously rubbing his semi-erect cock through his uniform trousers.

“Shit,” Nicole thought, watching from the safety of the large gazebo. “Fucker ain’t dead.”

Nicole knew Jared was not the type to let bygones be bygones. She knew Jared would not see it Nicole’s right to strike back; he’d been the one to strike her first.

Nicole also knew Officer Thaddeus Bell would actively pursue whomever had done this to Jared and would mete out his own brand of justice. Not because he truly wanted to avenge Jared’s injuries, but because he was a mean mother fucker.

Nicole sidled toward the rear of the park and cut through someone’s back yard. Reaching the street, Nicole made a direct path to I-10. Standing on the shoulder of the busy Interstate highway, Nicole took a page from Pam Gernaud’s playbook and flagged down a trucker. The eighteen wheeler came to a stop on the shoulder and Nicole ran and climbed into the cab. Nicole Renee Gernaud was never seen again.

A few Saturdays after meeting Nicole Gernaud, Jordan Cox was again doing his bi-weekly grocery shopping. He had looked around for the chubby brunette, then shrugged his shoulders. She would have to be just a pleasant memory of his first experience with anal sex.

In the ‘Beer & Spirits’ aisle, Jordan picked up a bottle of club soda. To him, mixing the Caramel and Green Apple vodkas by themselves was just too harsh. In fact, he’d not had any of the booze since two Saturdays previous.

“Hey, where’s your girlfriend?” Kelli Delacroix asked pleasantly as she rang up Jordan’s groceries.

“Huh? Oh, oh, her?” Jordan asked, recognizing the very cute red headed cashier. “She uh, she was just, you know, just looking to party.”

“Oh,” Kelli said and told Jordan the total amount of his groceries.

She did notice, there was no tube of KY Jelly or twelve pack of condoms in this week’s purchases. Kelli knew what the KY Jelly was for; she’d certainly heard her Aunt Mony and Aunt Briah and her ‘grandmother’ Caitlin laughing about it often enough. She’d seen the tube on her mother’s nightstand a few times and had seen her mother and her Daddy blush furiously as her mother quickly stashed the tube into the drawer of her nightstand.

When Kelli had arrived home after her shift at Burns & Burns Grocers the previous Saturday, she’d locked herself in her bathroom and gingerly inserted a spittle wetted finger into her rectum. A curious warmth had flowed along her spine. Jamming a second finger into her posterior had generated an electric buzz deep in her guts.

“So, I uh, I hope we see you again,” Kelli stammered out as Jordan began to put his bags into the grocery cart.

“I uh, so, hey, you uh you doing anything, when you get out of here?” Jordan stammered.

“Shift ends at, that right? It’s three twenty? I I’m off at four,” Kelli said.

“I uh, so, uh, hey, there’s that petting zoo out at Kimble then we can go to Mother’s; God, they got the best o-boys anywhere,” Jordan stammered.

“Uh, this is all so very lovely; could you start ringing up my stuff now?” a harried looking woman snapped.

“Here’s my phone number,” Kelli said, quickly scribbling her cell number onto a small paper bag. “I’d love to go to the zoo.”

“Four, okay, bye,” Jordan said and pushed his cart toward the door.

“I swear to God, just standing there, like there’s no one else in the world,” the woman snarled under her breath as Kelli rang up her groceries.

Jordan called Kelli at four thirty; he decided he’d give her time to get home first. They agreed he’d pick her up at five thirty and she gave him the address. Pulling up in front of her home, Jordan was self-conscious; his car was out of place among the Lexus and BMW and Mercedes-Benz automobiles scattered through the neighborhood. Thankfully, one home had an old, battered pickup truck in front of it.

At the door, Jordan met BJ Delacroix, Kelli’s Daddy. He also met Heather Delacroix, Kelli’s mother. Looking at the substantial breasts the beautiful red head sported, Jordan did briefly wonder if Kelli was adopted. Her jeans showed a very sweet looking butt, but her top showed B cup breasts.

“They’re fake anyway,” Kelli said when they got into his car.

“Huh? Oh! Oh, I uh…” Jordan stammered.

“Don’t. Don’t start our first date by lying,” Kelli said, smiling at Jordan’s discomfort.

Their date was a very nice date. Jordan found out that Kelli was eighteen, a graduate of St. Thomas Aquinas High School and would be going to the University of Louisiana at DeGarde when the fall semester started in two weeks. She wasn’t sure what her major would be; she was seriously considering finance, though.

She teased him about being a graduate of Northside High School, but was dutifully impressed that he’d been the 2019 valedictorian. She was also impressed that he currently carried a four point oh, and was being groomed by PC Nation’s Data Center for an administrative position.

The date ended with some very hot and heavy kisses. Reminding him that she had the early shift at the grocers, Kelli finally went into her home. And upon entering, was met with the Mom and Dad squad.

Their fourth date was at Jordan’s apartment. They cooked a Coq Au Vin together, making rice pilaf and a pea and carrot medley to go with the meal. Jordan fixed them both a ‘Nicole,’ which was one jigger of Caramel vodka and one jigger of Green Apple vodka and two jiggers of club soda over ice.

“Listen, I, when I get married? I’m going be a virgin on my wedding night; Caitlin, my grandmother? And my Aunt Briah? They, they were virgins on their wedding night,” Kelli informed Jordan as they cleared away the dishes.

“I uh, okay,” Jordan said.

“But, that, uh, that don’t mean we can’t you know, uh still play around a bit,” Kelli said, wiggling out of her top and her lacy bra.

Jordan kissed Kelli as they sat together on his couch. Soon his kisses travelled from her lips to her breasts. Her breasts were barely a handful, a little more than a mouthful. Each nipple and areole was extremely sensitive and Kelli managed an orgasm from Jordan’s attention to her breasts and nipples.

“I, okay, I, I’ve never done this before, so, you, you’re going have tell me if I’m doing this right,” Kelli said as she fished Jordan’s throbbing cock from the confines of his jeans and boxers.

Jordan did not tell his girlfriend that he could do himself better. He ground his teeth as Kelli nervously scraped his sensitive cockhead with her teeth and quietly coached her on how to suck cock.

“I, when I come?” Jordan wheezed, coming closer to his climax. “I, some like to swallow it, and uh, oh, oh God, uh some mm, some kind of just let it squirt you know, into a handkerchief or something.”

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