The Longing Ch. 03 by Ferelith

The Longing Ch. 03 by Ferelith,

I emerge from the bar into the sunshine, forcing myself not to run like the wind out of there to escape you. Your thumbs sliding down my bare skin made me shiver all over, goosebumps exploding all over my body. I thought that I was doing the mature thing by saying a graceful nice to see you type thing, but as soon as I was close to you, instinct took over. The smell of your skin, clean and fresh but woody and spiced from your cologne, warmly emanating from your pores was intoxicating. When you remarked upon the softness of the skin inside my elbows it sent a jolt of electricity straight to my pussy and it spasmed involuntarily which made me blurt out,

‘You think that’s soft?’

I left the rest of the sentence hanging in the air but what I was really thinking about was you reacting to the soft, silky-smooth folds of my pussy.

And that’s how I left you, open mouthed, staring at me in the dim interior like you wanted to devour me there and then. That’s why I have to take off now. Natalie has poured me a glass of rose and I am practically downing it in a one-er as I keep an eye on the entrance to the bar.

‘I’m going to head back to the hotel now, I want to get some work done before we meet up later’, I tell her, as I pick up my glass again.

‘Awwww, don’t you want to stay for just one more?’ she pleads, tossing her black curls in a flirty manner and batting her big, brown eyes at me, hands pressed together in prayer.

‘I need to pace myself if we’re going to see this band tonight’, I turn to smile at her as I see you strolling through the door to the bar and back out to join us.

I gulp the remains of the glass down and stand up as I say,

‘So, are you coming to mine for a drink before we head out then? I’m allowed two guests for happy hour, remember?’ I ask her.

‘Am I? Of course I bloody am! Wouldn’t miss out on downing free glasses of Champers, I mean, spending more quality time with you, my love’ she winks back at me as she stands to hug me.

‘Are you heading off now?’ I hear you ask behind us.

‘Yeah, she’s boring off to do some ”work” now’, Natalie pouts back.

‘Great, I’m heading too so I can walk you back to your hotel’ you say as I gape back at you.

‘Oh you tosser, Raf!’ shouts Tim with a big grin on his face and you give him the finger in response.

I was not expecting this! I thought I could just slip off and actually be able to breathe again like a normal person.

‘Oh no you don’t have to –‘

‘Yes, go with her Raf and make sure she’s safely deposited back at her hotel’ Natalie calls as she slumps back down in her chair, blowing us kisses, always so effortlessly cool.

The rest of the group wave us off and we make our way in silence back across the square.

‘Look, I wasn’t expecting you to be here today’ I begin without looking at you.

‘Nat just said she was meeting up with Tim and some others for a drink and wanted me to join so I said I would’, the words come out in a rush as I concentrate on not turning to look at you. I can feel your eyes on me.

‘Yeah, she told me that you were going to be here, so I had to come along’, you reply, still watching me as we walk along the sidewalk.

‘Why did you have to do that? I thought we’d said all we needed to say to each other?’ I ask with my heart beating in my throat.

‘Rachel. I don’t think that we will ever not have things to say to each other’. You stop and curl your fingers around my arm gently, turning me to you.

‘We really need to talk about…this. About us, I mean.’

‘Us?’ I ask incredulous, ‘There is no us Rafael! I meant what I said before when I told you that when it comes to you and I, it’s always far too much. Yet never enough’.

As I say the words to you, I feel the tears start to well up and I stamp my foot with frustration. There is no way I am going to cry in the middle of the bloody street because of you.

‘That’s exactly why we need to talk, Rachel. We have far too much history to just pretend that there isn’t this…connection. This fucking insane connection between us.’ You run your hand quickly through your hair, expressing your own frustration.

‘Listen, let me walk you back to your hotel and let’s meet up later, at least for a drink? What time are you and Nat going to see Tim’s band?’

’10 o’clock’ I say looking at the floor, still trying to shake off the emotion lurking beneath the surface.

‘C’mon then, let’s get you back to your fancy hotel’

‘Who says it’s fancy?’ I frown up at him.

‘You’re staying there, of course it’s fancy’ your eyes crinkle at the corners as you smile down at me.

You are so deeply attractive to me, my treacherous nipples tingle pleasantly and start to strain against my top and I flick my hair back from my reddening face.

We begin to walk again and take a short cut through the park. The colours are unbelievably beautiful at this time of year, so vibrant and varied. I just love the shades of rich golds, ambers and browns against the emerald green of the grass. The late afternoon sun is leaving dappled patches, and I momentarily forget that it is you that I am walking alongside and take a big, deep sigh of appreciation.

‘That was a big sigh, a happy one I hope?’

‘Don’t ruin the wonderous beauty of this park by speaking, please’ I say tartly, keeping my eyes on the splendour around me.

‘Still spicy then’

I can feel you grinning back at me and I studiously ignore you and the thumping beat of my heart in my chest until we emerge through the gates at the other side of the park. I see my hotel directly across the street and it appears like a haven that I must urgently run to in order to seek shelter from you.

‘Right then, thanks for walking me back, you really didn’t have to.’ I’m trying not to look you in the eye and check up the street instead to see if it’s safe to cross.

‘Oh, it was absolutely my pleasure. I have enjoyed every moment I’ve spent with you this afternoon.’

Such a cocky bastard! I have to get away from you before I do something stupid. I see my opportunity in a break in the traffic to cross over to the hotel, so I flash you a quick smile and wave over my shoulder as I run across the road. Please don’t trip and fall flat on your face, I pray. Imagine! I make it safely across and heave a sigh of relief as I shove my hands on to the revolving glass doors and disappear inside. Safe at last!

The room has been cleaned while I have been out, and I slip off my shoes at the dressing area next to the door gratefully. I pour myself a big glass of water and gulp it down, mindful of how hot the day has been despite the season. A day hot enough to melt defenses and with enough heat left over from the previous season to cause me to sweat. In more ways than one. Jesus Christ, how do you still have such power over me? I think about the crinkly lines around your eyes, the intensity of your stare and how I can feel the energy radiating between us.

I lie down on the cool sheets and reach for my velvet vanity case on the bedside table. I hope the housekeeping staff haven’t been having a peek in here. I had to bring some toys with me as even though I did not expect to see you at all, just knowing that I was in the same city as you necessitated bringing some form of relief. Spending time with you this afternoon has had me soaking wet and making a mess of my beautiful silk and lace lingerie. Damn you, Rafael. I think of your scent as my fingers slide my skirt up and I wiggle my bottom up so that it can slide easily up to my waist. I don’t have time to remove the ruined garment covering my sopping core, so I nudge it to the side and let out a sigh of relief once again as I touch the point of the bullet to my aching clit.


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