Daddy’s Resort Trip With Daughter by Alex Mead

Then I saw it– My daughters sweet bushy little box, tufts of her pubic hair running up into her pert dump-truck of an ass. It looked a kardashians globed apple bottom. The back of her thighs creased where they ran up against the cupping rounds of her back-side.

I could have been looking at freeze frame from a rap video— well, maybe she could use some sun. The contrast of her tan lines made her milky white butt look a little out of place.

And the shock of black pubes jutting along her crack, probably wouldn’t fly with gen-Z. But it honestly stunned me that it was my daughter and not a center-fold.

I spun around and headed to the hotel, needing desperately to snap out of it.


Alexis walked in awe down to the azure water, she felt a little embarassed but didn’t let it get to her. She was liberated from the experience and had only joy and relaxation on her mind. She walked back up to an empty beach chair, it had a half shell behind it protecting her from the wind.

She lay down and pulled her books out and started leafing through Nabokov to find her place. She pulled her knees up and propped the book on them. Feeling the enfamilar heat of the sun on her exposed inner thighs, all the way up to her pussy. She pulled her knees higher and rocked her hips back. Now she could feel the sun hitting her pussy fully, at it just everso slighty- she could feel it on her anus.

The sensation, and expereince was exciting, and she noticed she caught herself getting super, super turned on. She thought about showing off her cunt, she thought about her asshole and getting it touched.

She let her hand slip down and graze her pussy lips, she absent mindedly tapped a finger on the outer edges of her anus. She felt her pelvic floor shudder, her wrist suddenly made wet contact against her cunt. She cupped her palm along her pussy and pulled up along her pussy and let out an audible moan.

She heard a tread in the sand and opened her eyes to a shock.

A middle aged blonde women with peirced nipples, and the faint wrinkles of a young beauty beginning to age appear around her smile and wanting eyes. She was looking straight down into her pussy and making no aim to hide it. From behind her Alexsis heard a mans voice.

“Excuse me,” she heard him starting to call as he approached “excuse me, this is a nude beach mam. Those are the rules, you can’t just go topless. And I’ll tell the life guards that you brought in bathing suit-“ The disembodied huffing voice finally appeared marching up behind the woman. To Alexsis he looked exactly as he sounded a 60 year old, flushed face, scowl, his arms crossed over his chest. His little over-tanned cock wiggling as he walked.

“Oh! I ah… sorry, sorry.” He said “never mind”

The woman turned to him and said sternly “I told you to stay in your seat” she said turning on the man who lowered his eyes

“She’s good.” The woman looked back and gave her a once over before turning to go, “at least she’s cute” Alexsis heard her say as she trotted off with the man hustling to follow behind.

She was in disbelief and slowly started to feel self conscious. She looked about across the beach and started to take account the people around her.

Everyone was sporting a dark tan, mostly older couples but a few girls around her age shaking sand off their towels and packing up to leave. They had perfect pert tits, and we’re both model thin. They looked like the French women she saw in Europe…only without the pubic hair.

In fact the more she looked around the more she realized not a single woman had a single hair on their body…she looked down at her own bush and gave herself an uneasy shrug. She ran her fingers through it and found the warmth of her pussy hidden beneath.

But looking up she suddenly froze. They’re walking right past the opening of her umbrella shell we’re two gorgeous guys. Absolute ambercrombie models each with a dick to make her blush. She gave a cute wave hello but the both burst out laughing and scrambled away in the said screaming

Outside the tent she heard them laughing

“Dude I told youuu!!”

“And she was like combing it dude!”

She wanted to die. She wanted to be back in the hotel but could not bare the thought of leaving the tiny shelter she had in the umbrella.

She picked up her phone and called her dad.


”Dad, could, could you come here please and come get me? I just… I don’t know. I don’t want to be out here alone. Everyone is staring at me and I just want them to leave me alone”

When I heard my daughters voice asking me to come find her I couldn’t help but picture how she looked sitting there nude. In fact I’d been thinking about it since I left her.

“Sure sweetie” I said trying to come to.”you want me to wait for you at the gate so you can get you clothes?”

“Actuallyyyyy…” she said drawing her voice out in a pleading pout. “I just really think I need you here. It’s just a little weird being out here naked and alone. And seeing all these people around. I just feel like I’m surrounded by cocks and they all are pointing right at me. Lol…but no, really I just need someone beside me so they don’t think I’m single. I need someone to protect me and ward off these dicks…. Are you still there, daddy?”

I couldn’t help but picture my daughter in a circle of cocks like some porno. And the image of her wanting me to come in there like a warrior swinging my cock like a long sword.

“Ok, baby. I’m coming.”

“Mmm! Thank you daddy see you soon come find me in the umbrella by the beach, I’m in… I’m wearing my big sun glasses if you can’t recognize me.”

“I’m coming” I said again, “and oh, baby. It’ll be a little surprising to see your father—exposed. But, just know I’m still your same old dad coming to pick you up on my shoulders and carry you away to safety”

“Haha, well um… I think putting my bare ass on your shoulders might be more awkward for you than me having to look at my dad naked. But, no it’s fine. Honestly I think I’d rather look at my dad than the endless parade of leather skinned hairless old lady’s and guys with their little things hanging out”

Taking a deep breath to center myself and prepare for what was to come. I grabbed a book to hopefully give myself something to cover. And walked straight to the gate.

Spotting the guard step out and cross his arms to stop me

I immediately pulled off my shirt and planted my feet in front of him and then with a swift tug pulled off my bathing suit and compression shorts.

Freed of its binding, my meaty Dong slung out and nearly knocked the clipboard out of his hands. He flinched and back away keeping his eyes fixed on my manhood. I tossed my clothes into his chest without saying a word and trudged on.

The heavy steps throug the sand made it slap back and forth off my thighs. Everyone i passed stopped what they were doing and watched me and my sledge hammer, marching deiberatetly in search of Alexsis… (sitting alone with her goddess body exposed to the world, naked. The image I couldn’t let go of in my imagination.)

I passed by tanned bodies laid out along the white sands. Each one I scanned for sight of my daughter, my eyes fixed. From each towel the sunbathers looked up to meet my gaze, and then each and everyone dropped their eyes from mine and took in the sight of my manhood. I passed by fit and muscled men, each one with a neatly groomed cock that i’m sure they were proud of until they saw mine. The look of wanting, and of humiliation spread across their faces. The women raised themselves up on an elbow, batting their eyes and tossing their hair for my attention. Several, more bold, took to parting their knees as i passed in a subconisou display of offering themselves to me.

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