Teacher – 19 Day 5 – Mon at School – new challenges by DBSKR123

Teacher – 19 Day 5 – Mon at School – new challenges by DBSKR123

Discover the enticing new chapter of 'Teacher - 19 Day 5 – Mon at School' by DBSKR123. Dive into a world of eroticism and tantalizing challenges, where passion and temptation intertwine in a thrilling school setting. Don't miss this riveting story that explores desires and boundaries in imaginative ways!<br/>

Ever since HB 2469 passed, or the H-Bill as it was often called, Humiliation is the approved form of discipline. Laura, a high school teacher, breaks a rule and finds herself having to deal with ever increasing humiliation. She thought the humiliation from the last two days of the previous week were bad, but the start of a new week adds even more challenges.

Monday morning at school. Laura steeled herself for what she was sure was going to be a challenging day, and as expected, just like the last couple of school days, Mark met her as she walked in.

“Laura, I am so glad the I caught you again. We are going to have to make some minor changes again for today. You see there have been some complaints about you from the students. Your masturbation, in particular.”

“Mark, I try to not do it, but I learned that the flavoring in the drink is designed to lower inhibitions. Now that I know about the effects, I will resist any urges that I have.”

“Oh, I think you have it backwards. The complaints are from your morning classes. It seems that you have been primarily masturbating, orgasming in particular, in the afternoon. The earlier classes are feeling cheated. They have not gotten the privilege of seeing you orgasm. This will now be a mandatory requirement. You are to start the class by masturbating to orgasm during the five minutes allowed for relief for sentenced individuals. Then you may do your normal teaching.”

“That is horrible. I never intended to masturbate, let alone orgasm, in front of anyone. It just happened. I found out later that the flavoring changed a person’s libido. I just won’t add any flavors today. I should not have the need to masturbate then.”

“About the water that was delivered by the H-Department this morning. Since you had added a packet of flavor in each bottle on Friday, the flavors have already been added to the water for your convenience. Oh, One other thing, The H-Department noted that on at least one occasion you needed to pee, but you had to stay at your podium due to time constraints and you did not have the carafe available. The H-Department and we, realized how much of a distraction it was for you to have to go and get the carafe and then stand at your podium when you pee, you will no longer need to do so.”

“I get to use the restroom?”

“Oh no! That is what started this all off. No, you are to have a volunteer hold it for you.”

“WHAT! No! That’s horrible!”

“That is part of the rules for today. You must pick a volunteer to hold it for you when you pee. You will still be at the podium, but have your volunteer hold it for you. They may not touch you with their hands unless you give them permission to do so, that is.”

“But that is too much! No one is going to want to hold it for me. I will not be able to pee, and I will have an accident. What are the penalties if I pee on the floor?!?”

“We thought of that, so you are to instruct them to use the carafe, when you are done peeing that is, to bring you to an orgasm as a reward, both for you and for them. They can use the edge, just like you like to use it. You can coach them on how to bring you to orgasm. We’ve had positive feedback from everyone that saw you do that, and I am sure you will be able to find a volunteer to do it for you. They will get a close-up view of the act.”

“I don’t like this at all! Are you sure this is allowed? I think this is beyond the reasonable expectations of my sentence.”

“Thought you may have some difficulty with this one. I have a tablet with the web page pulled up with your file. You can read it for yourself.” He handed the tablet to her to review.

She quickly scanned the file, she looked at the site address, and it appeared that Mark’s information was correct. She handed the tablet back to him.

“If you still have trouble finding volunteers you may just pick someone. At least one student is required to assist you with the carafe. If you pee more than once per period, you may choose the same person or another. You may even offer the incentive of allowing them to touch you with their hands to get you to orgasm as a bonus. You are a smart lady; I am sure you can figure out a way to do what you need to do. Maybe you can do something for them. I’m not saying that’s needed, but that is an allowed option. Since you are the teacher, you are not limited to orgasms during the first five minutes of class time for relief. You may orgasm as many times as you like during each class. Feel free to ask for assistance any time you feel the need. You are required to have an orgasm at least once during the first five minutes of class, and each time you pee. But you may have as many more as you feel you may need. You may use your hands, or if you have something, a toy, to help yourself get off any time during the period. The only time you are REQUIRED to have an assistant is if you are peeing. But you may have a helper any other time.”

“I don’t want to have any orgasms! I should not be required to orgasm in front of my students. That is too far.”

“I would tend to agree, but your past actions are the direct cause of this. Had you not been so willing to have multiple orgasms already in front of your classes, I doubt this would have been an issue. But since we can’t make SOME of your students unsee your orgasms, the only option we have is to let ALL your students see you have orgasms. We are just trying to be fair.”

“I think my definition of fair is different than yours. What if I don’t have the required two orgasms per period?”

“The H-Department was unclear about that. They said minimal violations could add time to your sentence, moderate violations would result in more time, Greater violations could even result in a Yellow modifier or more.”

“What constitutes each level of violation?”

“That is what was unclear. We did try to ask for your benefit, but the response was only that it would be determined by the local H-Board committee pending a review of your actions throughout the day. Further inquiries were not responded to. I would suggest you have more organisms than required. Don’t miss any podium standing time and drink all your water. The latter two at least have clearly defined penalties.”

“it looks like you will have a pleasure filled day. You should have at least seven orgasms, one at the start of each period and then more organisms for each time you pee. Friday you peed about seven or eight times so that is at least seven or eight more for at least fourteen or fifteen orgasms during your workday. How many people can say that they are required to orgasm that many times while at work? I would suggest you think of it as a fun filled day.” He turned and headed for the office building.

“Again, I think your definition of fun and mine are different.” Laura mumbled to the air.

When Laura got to her room, she saw that the water cart had changed to a table without wheels. There were 7 bottles with various pale colors of water. They were indeed laced with that damn flavoring that caused her to be horny. She also would not be allowed to move the cart near her pedestal. She would need to be careful to plan on having extra water near her at all times so that she doesn’t fall behind with her drinking. When she grabbed a water bottle that was closest to her, she was about to grab the carafe, but then thought why. A student was going to be holding it, so it did not matter if she had it near her or not.


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