Kelly’s Magical Saterday by Sxy231Storys

While they were sleeping the seed sprouted and firmly rooted itself in all sides of the womb which doubled in size since that evening making them look and impossible 20 months pregnant, their stomachs 2 feet wide and two feet out.

When they woke up the next morning realizing what happened they thought they would not be able to get up ever again, but the plant inside of her injected hormones in their bloodstreams that times muscle production by 10 so with every movement their muscles visibly grew. In five minutes it was easy to stand with their gigantic bellies. The hormones also made the sexual desire 20 times that of a normal female and made them overwhelmed with desire.

Seeing each-other sweating and tan from their standing feat they were attracted and instantly on the ground again rubbing each-others pussy. Kelly rubbed Lauren’s clit furiously then pushed a second finger into her pussy as it contracted as Lauren had the most amazing orgasm she has ever had. It started in her thighs as a warm bubble exploding and sent her screaming as pussy juice squirted all over Kelly.

They could have done that for eternity but then they froze as a little vine crept out of each one of their pussies, up to their physically bigger breasts, split, flowered, and sucked their lactating breasts. Once their breasts were back to their normal size, and after they had 2 orgasms each the vines detached and contracted to their pussies. Then inside of them the plant drank the white liquid depleting their womb to look only 4 months pregnant. Then two more stem came out of their naked pussies and wrapped around them making a living pair of panties with a anchor in their pussy and set an anchor in their asshole making them both scream with yet another amazing orgasm, and when their pussy juice dripped out, the plant quickly absorbed it and grew slightly in their wombs.

Then the plant sent a thin vine up their pregnant bellies to their breasts and wove itself into a living strapless deep green pushup bra, sucking on their nipples constantly.

The plant also made a series of changes on the inside on their bodies. The first grew a vine through their bodies to their lungs and grew a mat over all their oxygen intakes that started producing oxygen itself making them now able to hold their breath endlessly, making them amazing at blowjobs. The second change penetrated into their stomachs and was made to inject all the nutrients to live with a perfect body and not depend on eating, also giving them the exact nutrients made them have not waste products. The third change changed their skin, muscle, bone, and organ makeup, making them have a thin, very strong, transparent layer of plant cells making them indestructible. The fourth change grew a thin stem up their spines to their brains and budded a flower that attached to their brain, making a direct connection to their thoughts, hormones and decisions.

Kelly felt all this happening and saw the panties and strapless bra grow she thought they were very sexy. Then she herd a thought in her head that was not hers it told her to find her running clothes in the corner, put them on and run home, tomorrow is a big day. Oddly Kelly and Lauren did exactly that.

They ran home and slept with many hormones and sexual skills getting added and taken away making them into the most sexy, sexually experienced, and strongest girls in the world.

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