A new realization of control and submission by BradDog

Brad knew that the best way to minimize an embarrassing situation was to stay confident. The tequila didn’t hurt. He kept his back straight and simply replied yes Miss, I did. Sam impressed with his ability to keep cool under pressure decided to edge further. Say it. Turn to Ashley and tell her what you want to do with a male dog. This ought to be fucking good she thought to herself, the thrill of domination exciting her body and mind.

Brad turned to her and in a low sexy voice said, I want to take a dog’s cock in my hand as he motioned with his hand curling his fingers over an imaginary cock. I want to stroke it, I want to suck it and then I want to feeling a wet probing from behind as he searches for my hole. Then I want to feel him slide in opening me and then fuck me. Ashley felt her clit tingle, half disgusted and half thrilled because it was disgusting. Men don’t usually bend over in submission and wanting, and it took a mental adjustment to see the sexiness he worked at portraying. She held his gaze. He looked at her looking for some indication of what she thought. He knew full well he could be being setup for the most humiliating experience of his life. This was not a challenge just anyone would be able to endure he figured. To his relief, Ashley raised an eyebrow as if modestly impressed. Her curiosity was growing more detailed. He turned from her happy that he didn’t crack and waited for his next challenge. Sam gauged their respective reactions and saw things were going well. She was thrilled. She looked over at Ashley past Brad, gave a slight smile and raised her eyebrow at her.

Being a tension-full moment Sam knew it was best to not let it turn awkward. Sam needed to take the leadership position by giving her own endorsement of the situation and decided take off some of her own clothes. She stood and began to unbutton off her jeans. They were blue and fairly tight. They hugged her ample and curvy cheeks. Brad was suddenly quite relieved and looked on at Sam. Both of them looking at the pale flesh slowly starting to appear on her hips and ass cheeks. Sam held eye contact with her subjects until finally her pants were free and dropped to the floor around her ankles. Brad’s cock began to swell as the relief of some of the tension energy sprang into excitement. Her thong underwear were pressed tightly into her ass crack and hugged her pussy lips tightly. Both of the onlookers were paying close attention as she bent down, picked up the pants and threw them over the couch. Keeping eye contact, she took off her shirt leaving her in a bra and the thong.

Sam’s gaze fixated on Brad as she observed his swelling dick. She got the inspiration for her next order. She bent down and grabbed her sweet toy by his naked ankles, lifted and began to tug. Put your ass on the edge of the couch she stated. As she pulled his ass scooted toward the edge, his cock becoming more visible as his body became more flat. Ashley’s eyes passed from Sam to Brad’s body. Now Sam said as she sat back down. Point and show us where you want a dog to lick you. Brad was happy to be the center of this attention and her non-negative view of his very taboo desire. His dick continued to swell to an almost completely erect state. The head was not to full engorgement, but the shaft was elongated and now laid on his stomach.

He pointed to his cock. Good Sam said. Stroke it. Stroke your dick. Ashley’s head was spinning a little. Just not that long ago, she was involved in her regular, normal life and routine… and now she’s here with a naked slave on one couch, and a stripping, dog molesting woman on the other. The alcohol was helping though as Sam began to play out the role of dominance in the scenario she was authoring.

Brad at this point wasn’t really sure what was going on. She said that he might be surprised at this meeting, but what did she have in mind? Was this other girl supposed to dominate him as well? I guess that’s a pretty big surprise…

His dick was prominently displayed, shaved clean and laying on his stomach as his body stretched out before the two women. Ashley’s heart began to quicken as she became attracted to the scene before her. He began to stroke, attempting to lose any sense of self consciousness that lingered. The more he pumped and the harder it got, the more turned on he became. He began to clench his ass and his head began to sway slightly as he pumped, feeling the flood of sexual desire and willingness flow into him.

Now Sam said. Point to where else you want a dog to lick you. He took his other hand and pointed to his balls as he continued to stroke his hairless dick. Nice Sam said. She looked at Ashley gauging her reaction to the sight in front of her. Ashley’s face was turning slightly flush and her attention clearly focused on the scene.

Now, Sam stated again. I know there must be at least one other place, right little slut? Brad looked her in the face. She looked at Ashley who already knew the overall plan. Show us Sam said. Tell Ashley and me where else your dirty little mind has pictured a dog licking you. Brad was too turned on to protest. He didn’t care anymore. He lifted on foot to the edge of the couch and placed his finger between his cheeks. Ashley could not see exactly what he was doing, but she got the idea instantly. She shot a look up to Sam as it to acknowledge her power over him. She felt the alcohol buzzing her mind as she clenched her thighs together to meet the still growing desire in her pussy. Sam noticed her reaction and smiled at her.

Sam stood and walked in front of Brad. Very good my little toy, now stop playing with yourself she said as if speaking to a child. Ashley watched her admiring the authority and feminine empowerment she carried. Sam wasn’t flirting. She was direct as if there was a job to get done. She bent down to look him directly in the face, touched his chin and said, Hi, my pet. Are you ready? Brad said, yes Miss. She turned to see Ashley still watching intently. Ashley wasn’t really part of her original plan, but the wheels had been turning since knowing she’d be here during her first real hardcore encounter with her boy toy. She stood back upright again and told him to get down on the floor in the middle of the room. He got off the sofa, reached down to guide his erect cock and laid stomach down on the floor. Sam judged his position and decided he needed to be facing away from both Ashley and the bedroom door. She told him to face his head more or less toward the front door. Looking again she decided it was acceptable. Stay there. Brad’s mind began assuming the worst. What is coming from behind him that she’s bringing on. I hope it’s not some guy or some crazy shit. Brad was an experimentalist and budding sub for sure, but that was something he would struggle with internally if Sam decided on making that part of their scene.

For about 2 minutes of waiting, Ashley had been eyeing Brad laying on the floor with his naked body exposed processing what had been going on. She decided she liked how his body was shaped and thought that Sam made a good find… Who is this guy, and where did she find him, she wondered… Brad mustered the courage to peek in her direction. His eyes met with hers which were already looking at him. His sexual excitement fading from the lack of stimulation he turned his head back feeling like quite the submissive spectacle.

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