A new realization of control and submission by BradDog

No sooner had she finished her sentence when she was positioning the pet’s behind toward Brad’s head. Brad was shocked, genuinely. So was Ashley as she let out a slight gasp. No need to be surprised Ashley, Sam said. He will be glad to do this. Watch.

Brad’s cock twitched at the assertiveness of his mistress commanding such a lewd act. He rose to his knees to face the dog’s rear. Since his cock was no longer being stimulated the dog was looking down licking the dew Brad thoroughly coaxed from inside the dog’s sex organ. His nose turned toward Sam as he tried to sniff. Sam quickly pulled the collar back as Brad neared his butt. Ashley noticed how smooth and clean his ass looked noting it as a sign that he has been doing other things for her as well. She peered on watching Sam’s boy toy about to do something so amazingly taboo that she was forced to admire the devotion he was giving her, and it turned her on.

Brad’s nose neared the dog’s hole. It had the scent someone would expect, but having had a bath at Ashley’s dog sitting place, it wasn’t bad. He cocked his head to one side to navigate around the tail and pressed his tongue lightly against the spongy anus taking in the new experience. Sam watched closely. He pulled his head back as if examining his thoughts. He looked up at her obediently. Keep going she encouraged and reached down to pick up the tail for better access. I know you want to. As if she were in control of how he felt, feeling a rush of sexual tension he reached down and pressed on his cock as he went in for another lick. This time he flicked his tongue across the rim, back and forth, noting the shape of the dog’s asshole with his tongue, beginning to make love to it as the bitter taste began to disappear and as everyone watched and enjoyed the show. He felt where the hole was as the tip passed over his lover’s butthole. He could see Sam’s sexy body standing next to him enjoying what he was doing and his cock began to ache even more. He went back again for more as Sam reached down and began to play with her pussy again with her free hand.

Ashley got up to get a better look and stood at Sam’s side watching as Brad made out with the dog’s asshole with his entire mouth and tongue. Mmm. Mmmm. Do you like it Ashley asked, finally speaking up. Brad just moaned his reply indicating a yes. Still masturbating and holding the dog, Sam eyed Ashley’s response to the situation. Do you like it she decided to ask her? It looks like he’s enjoying making love to that hot little asshole for me. Do you like watching it? Ashley looked her in the eyes then back at the scene and breathed out, fuck yes. Sam smiled, looked at Brad and said, get in there slut. French kiss his asshole now. Ashley, come here and help me hold his collar. Sam raised the tail higher to she and Ashley could get a good look. Having finally gotten rid of the deeply bitter taste from the outside of the rim, Brad contemplated the taste again but didn’t hesitate. He stiffened his tongue and began to insert it into this strange dog’s butthole. Sam and Ashley watched closely as the saw his tongue slowly sinking inside. They both reached down to touch their pussies in response to the sight. The Now fuck it Sam said. Do it bitch, she breathed… do it my sweet bitch.

Brad sat on his rear, grabbed the dog’s hind legs and started to fuck his tongue in and out. The dog squirmed and was trying to get a better look at what was going on, but the girls and Brad kept him still enough for him to get his ass tongue fucked by the other horny male in the room. The girls masturbated slowly to the sight and sounds of squishing and smacking fucking their ears. slip, pop, slip, snap… mmmmm Brad moaned as he thoroughly began making out with a dog’s ass. The girl’s inner deviant had their minds thoroughly engaged as they panted witnessing the real exchange of Brad’s power from him to Sam.

Sam’s cunt began to sop and she was growing more in need to force depraved acts out of her will to dominate, to increase the intensity of her satisfaction. She began to pull down her thong with one hand while she tried to hold the sometimes wriggling dog still with the other. Sensing her struggling to get the waist band down over her wide swung hips and cheeks Ashley for the first time ever touched Sam by gently attempting to pull down the thong string closest within her reach. Though she didn’t lead on Sam didn’t let it go unnoticed that it seemed she might be growing attracted to her and probably to Brad in some way, and that she was definitely turned on by the otherwise perverted, deviant acts. As soon as the two of them had gotten the thong to the floor Sam bent over and picked up the material feeling the wetness of her girl cum in it. She handed the thong to Ashley, saying hold this honey. Ashley not sure if she had just crossed a line she wasn’t sure where things would lead, looked at Sam, felt her own wet pussy between her legs and then took the thong.

Sam stopped rubbing her clit. Stop making out with your lover. Brad removed his mouth for the dog looking up at Sam, his erect cock flinging up as he backed away. She smiled down on him with a truly horny expression then reached over to touch the dog’s hole with her finger. She looked him in the eye as she began to insert her finger into the dog’s anus, feeling the tightness eased by the saliva left behind. She withdrew the finger and sucked the tip holding eye contact with Brad eyeing him up and down, taking in his entire body. Mmm, she moaned. You’re doing a good job little boy, a very good fucking job. Brad’s felt his face was flushed and his cock throbbing with lust.

How wet are those, she asked Ashley. Ashley knew she couldn’t refuse. She touched them with her finger noticing how damp and almost slick they were underneath her finger tip and said, very wet. Do me a favor Sam said. Rub the wet part on my bitch’s cock and asshole. Would you like to do that for me, she asked with a seductive look? Ok, Ashley breathed. Good. Ok. Raise that butt of yours. Ashley is going to touch you, she said looking at Ashley from the corner of her eye. Brad dropped to his elbows, raising his bottom in the air, showing an exposed, fresh asshole and balls tightly grouped just beneath.

Mmm boy, Sam said releasing the dog. You did an excellent job my little slut. You’re making me happy she said as she got down on her knees next to him. Maybe if you keep being such a nice dirty bitch, I’ll let you feel some cock up your butt, she said in a smoky, lusty tone. I bet you’d like that wouldn’t you my little cunt? Brad breathed yes, as he felt Ashley crouching at his side. Yes Miss, I want to do and like everything that pleases you. Good she stated sharply, stood and began to walk in front of Brad’s head… Enjoy Ashley’s touch. You can moan if you like, she said with smile.

Hearing Sam’s reply Ashley shot a glance at Sam just as she was fishing for the best way to get the material wrapped around this strange new dick before her. She looked back down at her task, her jeans hugging tightly to her crouched body. Sam wondered just how horny she was, the little sweetheart. Ashley gazed at the hard member and maneuvered the cotton patch to the thick knob. Ooh, she gasped quietly as she felt the stiffness under her fingers. She rubbed the material up and down trying to get any wetness off the panties and onto the cock. Mmmm Brad let out a gratuitous moan and bucked his hips into her hand causing his cock to slide across her fingers. She removed the panties and with her other hand touched the dick to see if it was wet at all… barely. She stood back up and walked behind brad who was now facing Sam’s ass as she stood, her taunting him gently but firmly about how her ass was above him. Even where she shits from is above him.

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