Bachelorette Party Stripper by CABONE

“I don’t care.” She said before kissing me softly. “I just want to kiss you and keep kissing you. I love the feeling of your lips on mine.” She giggled, “I also want to kiss your other lips and feel your stockings on my shoulders again. I really like the way they feel against my legs and on my shoulders. They’re so smooth and sexy. I want to keep feeling your legs in your stockings. Could you wear them on our date tonight? And maybe every day? That way when you come home to me, I’ll get to feel them, again and again and again…”

“Date?” I murmured.

“Yes,” she said. “I’m about to blow up my life for you. We’re going to be seeing a lot of each other. I’m going to woo you and you won’t be able to resist me and you’ll fall madly in love with me.”

I kissed her, and sighed, “Okay, sounds good.”

She giggled and kissed me again, before sliding down my body…

And it was…

The beginning…


It goes without saying that her parents were stunned when she brought me home to introduce us. Obviously, they knew that she had broken off the engagement, but didn’t know the circumstances.

We had been dating for almost two years and while she wasn’t in the closet, she wasn’t out to her parents. They knew that she’d been dating, but hadn’t pushed her to meet, until we had exchanged engagement rings. When they saw the ring, they insisted on meeting me. Of course they were expecting a lawyer or stockbroker named Liam or Lawrence, certainly not an ex-stripper named Laci. We explained everything, the circumstances of our meeting, the resultant break-up of Harper’s engagement and our dating. Well, everything is a little strong. We didn’t describe the sex, thought it might be too much…


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Her dad snickered when he heard my first and last names, which earned a glare from her mom. My dad was disappointed that I’ll be taking Harper’s last name.

It took a couple of months for them to get used to the idea, but they eventually warmed up to me. Using my marketing degree and sparkling new MBA in my new job probably helped.

The wedding planning took months and was exhausting. I suggested eloping to Vegas on more than one occasion, Harper was having none of it. She and her mom loved this stuff. I finally stopped bringing it up because she was so excited about it and I do love her.

Sara is once again Harper’s Maid-of-Honor and she is planning the bachelorette party with Emma’s help. Harper’s and my relationship is not the only long term result of Harper’s first bachelorette party. I would have never predicted that. It will be a joint party with Harper’s friends and my friends.

Just so you know, we will NOT be having live entertainment of any kind.


Post-script note:

I write as a tribute to my father, although my subject matter would have horrified him. As it would for most of my family; particularly my three sisters, all of whom have unwittingly been memorialized in my writing. The exception is my brother and beta reader leftylooo, he’s the only one who is aware of my little hobby. He is also the inspiration for Chronicles of Chris. My father was a frustrated author and seriously wanted to be published. He would have been awed by the possibilities of the internet. Anyway, he had a small, eclectic, collection of books that encompassed everything from classic literature to detective novels to history to poetry.

A book that fascinated me, not so much for the content, but the illustrations and the title, “The Rubiyyat of Omar Khyaamm.” It is/was a collection of poetry, most of which I didn’t understand, but one that he appreciated.

Ruby Yacht is my small, probably not good, joke.

Thank you,


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