Gilda by Valerie Noirblossom

Gilda by Valerie Noirblossom

Explore the passionate world of 'Gilda' by Valerie Noirblossom, an enticing erotic sex story that ignites desire and passion. Dive into a narrative filled with steamy encounters and unforgettable moments that will awaken your senses. Perfect for fans of sultry fiction, this tale promises to captivate and inspire. Read more to uncover the secrets of pleasure!<br/>

Enjoy the story!

Nobody fools my girlfriend, Gilda. Or at least, I don’t.

Gilda, my golden one, with her long curly blonde locks. Looking the part of the intellectual she was in her squarish round glasses. “What do you think of that young lady Caribe, or Carabiner, or whatever she’s called.”

“Carob,” I corrected, foolishly, as the word once again stirred the burning embers and members of confusion swirling in my mind, ending all rational thought. Words abandoned me, so I fell silent.

Gilda grinned. “Thought so,” she said.

“Meaning what?” I replied, knowing exactly what she meant.

“You got a little thing for her, don’t you?”

“Why would you say that?” I asked timidly.

She shrugged. “Men always want the opposite of what they have. And there she is: I’m short with big boobs, she’s skinny and tall with almost none. I’m blond and light-skinned, she’s dark haired, dark-skinned and mysterious. . .”

“You both have curly hair,” I pointed out weakly.

“Brilliant observation, Sherlock,” said Gilda. “How’s about I invite her over to watch us have sex? you can slide your hard cock between my boobs, so your mouth and hands will be free for whatever. . .”

“Wait. Watch? You mean, she would. . . You would. . .”

“Hands free is best,” quipped Gilda. “She’s kinda cute. I’d like to get a taste of her myself.”

“I had no idea that. . .”

“Not that I’m a lesbian of course.”

“Of course.”

“So what do you say. Should I invite her over?”


“No point in denying. It only makes it worse.”

“Then I suppose the right answer is yes” But when? I started thinking about my calendar.

Gilda already had her phone out, and was busily tapping away with her skillful thumbs.

“What are you. . .” I began.

“Are you busy right now?” she asked.

“Well, no, other than being with you.”

“So why not right now?”

“Well then,” I said. “Why not?”

She frowned. “She wants to bring her friend Roselynn,” said Gilda.

“To visit, or to watch us have sex?”

“I don’t know. But I’m saying yes. Why not?”

“Does Carob know what you have in mind?”

Gilda cocked her head. “Not sure. I think she might.”

“And hey, how did you get her number, anyway?”

Gilda grinned, and tapped me on the nose. “Now don’t you worry about a thing.”

“I won’t”

“Now to reward me for being such a good girlfriend, kiss my pussy until she gets here.” She lifted her skirt and slid off her panties, spreading her bent legs as she sat on the edge of the couch.

“Gladly,” I said, and set about doing so.

She was already worked up and wet, so her first orgasm came quickly. It was right as she approached her second that there was a knock on the door.

I looked up wondering if I should stop, but she pulled the back of my head to thrust my face into her crotch while she spasmed loudly.

“Hello?” came a voice at the door. Two girls giggling.

Gilda sighed, leaning back to rest. “Get the door, boyfriend.”

“But I have cunt juice all over my face. . .”

“Only one flavor, though,” she said. “So far.”

Wiping my face, I made my way to the door, wondering if the girls would smell the fragrance that filled my mouth and nose.

I opened door. “Hello!” they both said, giggling once more. Carob was dressed in a black lacy outfit. Next to her was a girl I vaguely remembered seeing before. Skinny, with long straight auburn hair.

“Meet Rosalynn,” said Carob. “Unless it’s three’s company, four’s a crowd.”

“Well,” I said.

“Don’t just stand there, come in!” called Gilda from the livingroom.

I shut the front door after the Carob and Roselynn, and we entered the livingroom to find Gilda with her dress still pulled up, her moist pussy on display. “Don’t mind me,” she said, hastily pulling her dress down.

Carob stood with one hand on her hip. “So you say your boyfriend has a crush on me and you want to talk about it the two of us. I was assuming that meant you want to have a threesome.”

“I was thinking you could watch us have sex,” said Gilda shyly.

“Watch,” snorted Carob.

“Only if you want,” said Gilda.

Carob grinned. “The answer is yes. I think you’re both hot. In fact, I’m having trouble keeping myself from diving into your pussy right now.”

“Have you ever done this before?” asked Gilda.

Carob and Roselynn both laughed. “Sort of. Three girls. This is our first time with a guy.”

Roselynn spoke up. “There’s something I want to try, if it’s OK.” She was looking at me. “I know it’s not something all guys like.”

“Go on,” I said.

Roselynn sighed, tossing her head such that her beautiful long auburn hair swung side to side. “I’m doing research on the male sexual response cycle, and I have read that on having an orgasm, men experience a contraction of their anal sphinctre. I was curious to digitally palpate that occurrence.”

I glanced over at Gilda

“She wants to stick her finger up your ass while you cum,” said Gilda.

I turned to Roselynn. “I don’t know if. . .””

“He totally digs it,” said Gilda. “You should try it.”

She smiled and gave a little round of applause. “Oh, goody,” she said.

“Now get over here, Caribiner,” said Gilda. “Put that tongue to work. And you,” she pointed to me. “Show Roselynn our bedroom and king-sized bed. We’ll be in in a minute.”

I watched while the dark skinny girl I had the hots for knelt to go down on my buxom blonde girlfriend. Apparently the tonguing was effective, though it made me wonder about Gilda’s earlier declaration of not being a lesbian.

“Which way is your bedroom?” asked Roselynn, smiling.

“This way,” I said, leading her to it, and turning on one of the table lamps for intimate lighting.

“Very good,” she said. “Now pull down your pants and lie down, face up.”

Wondering what she had in mind, I awkwardly pulled my pants down.

“Off,” she said.

“Shouldn’t you be taking some clothes off too?” I said, complying.

She shook her head. “This is for my class homework.” She was pulling on a nitrile glove, and pouring lubricant from a little bottle. “It’s very serious.”

“I see,” I said, lying back.

Momentarily I felt the pleasant sensation of a finger entering my rear. Her finger squirmed, also very pleasant.

After a while she frowned. “Hm,” she said. “Not hard enough.” She twiddled with my cock, which was still a bit floppy. “Do you mind if I apply oral stimulation?”

I wondered if Gilda would mind, but a the song of what was obviously a big climax from the other room cleared my conscience. “Please go ahead,” I said.

“Mind you, I’m just getting you ready for her.”

“For her?”

“Carob, silly. You know you’ll never get this crush out of your system until you let go inside of her.” and she closed her soft warm mouth around my cock.

Now I began making some noises of pleasure as a duet to Gilda’s in the other room. As soon my cock was fully stiff, she stopped, slurping as she swallowed. The air was cold on her saliva coating my penis. She pulled her finger out. “Now,” she said, beckoning. I sat up and she grabbed my stiff cock, to lead me into the other room, forcing me to kneel down behind Carob’s butt.

Gilda watched with half-closed eyes, once more emitting a loud yell of pleasure, legs in the air trembling as she still sat on the edge of the couch, with Carob’s face buried in her crotch.


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