Margaret’s House Slaves by DreamingHard

Margaret wasn’t one of those owners who liked to give her slaves pain just for fun, even though she enjoyed seeing them suffer in small daily ways for her, like Kiki’s leg hobbles or the garden slave’s weather exposure, and obviously the toilet slaves. One of her friends had a pain slave, a chubby redhead girl that she tortured for fun every day, whose body showed all the scars of the terrible things done to her, but Margaret wasn’t into that. She was certainly no psychopath, and had a lot of kindness. Sometimes it was fun to give Kiki or her Stool a good spanking when her friends were over for a party and they had all gotten tipsy, but mostly she just punished slaves when she felt she had to to maintain her order, if they had done something wrong. When Anna the garden slave had spilt a huge bag of compost all over the path and failed to completely clean it up, Margaret had denied her food for two days while she continued to labour. Once, her footstool slave Stool, after Margaret had been resting her feet on her for an unusually long time, had buckled one of her arms and fallen on her face. Margaret had known she had to do her role as a good owner, so she had gotten her short black leather slave-whip that she kept for rare occasions and whipped the naked Mexican footstool girl’s back and bare brown ass raw, actually starting to enjoy herself as the poor slave tried to keep her crying quiet. But most of Margaret’s punishments were given to Kiki, as she was the slave who attended her mistress all day and was so busy that mistakes were bound to happen the most. The worst was when the girl, exhausted from so little sleep and trying to serve food in her heels and chains, had spilled a hot cup of tea in Margaret’s lap, and was immediately filled with terror at the thought of the consequences of what she had done. Margaret had already been in a bad mood that day, and got unusually angry. After immediately slapping her with full force across the face, making Kiki begin to tear up, she had grabbed her hair and marched her to the kitchen. Taking her punishment handcuffs, she cuffed Kiki’s hands cruelly behind her back, then forced her to bend over by pushing her head into the kitchen sink. Then, improvising in her anger, she took the spiciest bottle of intense Mexican hot sauce out of the pantry, poured it into her hand, and rubbed it all over the poor girl’s bare pussy and ass, working it deep up into her pussy folds and anus, before marching her by her hair into the yard, making her kneel, and attaching her collar to a short chain into the ground. Within a minute Kiki was writhing in agony as the hot sauce burnt her most sensitive, softest parts, crying and moaning, unable to touch herself with her hands. Margaret had left her to suffer for an hour before unchaining her and returning her hands to normal, and she got even less sleep than usual that night as she had to make up for the work she missed while being punished. Another memorable incident was when Margaret had hosted a party for one of her birthdays with all her old, rich, female friends. Kiki had been serving them and they gave her more and more attention as they got drunk. One of Margaret’s friends, the same who owned the pain slave, had, after asking Margaret for permission which she drunkenly granted out of interest and amusement, grabbed Kiki off her unsteady high-heeled feet, bent her backwards over her lap so she had access to her bare pussy, and stubbed her burning cigarette out right on Kiki’s clit. The maid had screamed, and cried gently for the rest of the night, hobbling painfully while forced to continue serving.

Anyway, on a more normal night, all the tasks are done and the whole household of 7 slaves and 1 mistress go to sleep. Kiki the maid slave, finally finished her long list of chores, goes to the slave sleeping room, lies down on her mattress and has to place her hands into auto-locking cuffs that automatically unlock at 6am when her alarm wakes her up. This process is video-recorded and watched the next day by Margaret to make sure. This is because Margaret doesn’t want Kiki masturbating – she believes the maid slave should never have her own sexual release, and should only exist to work. Kiki sleeps at last in her chains, and dreams about being able to stretch her legs again and take long, running steps like she did once, no longer in her accursed heels and hobble chain. Meanwhile, in the same slave room, Stool the footstool slave, previously known as Veluria, places her hands into the same restraint system – Margaret also thinks furniture shouldn’t masturbate. She sleeps and dreams of being free to be looked at like a human being, and of being a writer, which is what she always wanted to be – instead of kneeling as an unthinking human footstool. In her little kennel in the garden, naked, cold, and dirty on the end of her neck chain, Anna the gardening slave is the only of Margaret’s slaves allowed to freely masturbate, which she does every night, as Margaret thinks it fits her filthy animal condition. Playing with her dirty sweaty pussy, she dreams of feeling a kind human touch again, and of the softness of wearing clothes. Imprisoned in a space under her owner’s desk, the unnamed tongue slave previously known as Hannah dreams of moving her hands and legs freely again, and not having the taste of old woman pussy on her tongue. In the bathroom, in their heavy restraints under the toilet seat, the two toilet slaves, Number 1 and Number 2, sleep and dream of being anywhere else, being back in their home countries, or of being anyone else but themselves – of anything but this existence. In her owner’s bed, Lily the teenage pleasure slave sleeps pressed naked against her wrinkly older owner’s body. She is quite comfortable, and knows she should consider herself very lucky compared to the fates of the other slaves – she isn’t hobbled or hard-working like Kiki, doesn’t have to hold one position like Stool, isn’t worked outside in the hot and cold like Anna, isn’t permanently restrained like the under-the-desk slave whose name she doesn’t know, and of course doesn’t have to live as a toilet. But she still dreams that she is cuddling a hot young boyfriend instead, and is sad when she wakes up and remembers that she probably will never experience sex or touch with anyone except this much older flabby woman. Beside her, Margaret, the legal owner of all the other house occupants, sleeps a deep happy sleep in complete comfort. She loves her life and the joys that riches can bring. She dreams of delicious food and drink and lying in the sun with kittens.

Margaret’s slaves in order of purchase –

Kiki (25F)

Anna (25F)

Tongue (22F)

Number 1 (21F)

Number 2 (23F)

Lily (19F)

Stool (21F)

PLEASE leave a comment if this turned you on or if you have any feedback.

IMPORTANT: All inequality, such as sexism, racism or the concept of slavery, is deplorable. This is simply a way of safely exploring those things which one inexplicably finds themselves turned on by.

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