The Lesbian Debt (Chapter 16) – Topless Waitress by All These Roadworks

By the end of the night Laura was nevertheless getting wet again. Despite her humiliation, and despite having masturbated to orgasm once, the never-ending presence of naked titflesh wherever she looked was having a definite effect on her body. Laura wondered how she could possibly work this job on a regular basis – was she doomed to spend her time here in a permanent haze of horniness? At least tonight was almost over – Laura could take her sopping wet pussy home and force Erica to satisfy it.

The bar was due to close at 2 am, and by the time that hour approached there were few men left in the club, and those who remained were roaring drunk. The last dancer of the night was finishing up an act in which she fucked her cunt with a large cucumber and then ate it sensually while rubbing her tits. Laura was serving a table of three men, who assured her they liked her fuckhandles, and was leaning down to take their orders while giving the table behind her a beautiful view of her twat.

She heard giggling coming from that table behind her as she started to take down an order for three full-strength beers, and then suddenly she felt a man’s thick finger push between her labia and slide into her slick, eager fuckhole.

She yelped, and straightened hurriedly. The man’s finger slid out of her pussy, and she turned to see who had violated her. It was a short, ugly man with a long drooping moustache, grinning at her drunkenly. She started to open her mouth to yell at him, when something happened. The feeling of his knuckle sliding out of her twat had set something off inside her, and to her horror she felt an orgasm coming over her.

Her legs buckled under her, and she fell forward, her naked tits pressing against the chest of the man in front of her. She wrapped her arms around him for support, and clung there in the embrace of the man who had violated her as her body twitched and shook from cumming. She heard the table she was serving and the table the bearded man had been sitting at burst into uproarious laughter, hooting and guffawing as the pretty pink-haired waitress with the chain on her tits orgasmed publicly from having her cunt fingered.

The next thing she knew she felt herself being lifted off the man who had poked his finger into her twat. She was crying, unable to help herself, and through her tears she saw it was Kelly who was helping her up. A bouncer was remonstrating angrily with her assaulter, but Kelly was leading Laura away.

“Oh honey,” said Kelly. “Is it really so bad having a finger in your cunny? He could have put his whole cock in there, you know, the way you were flashing your goods around.”

Laura said nothing.

“It’s okay, your shift’s nearly over and Edgar will let you off cleaning up this one time. Are you driving home or do you have a lift?”

“I have a lift,” sniffled Laura.

“Your boyfriend, I’ll bet,” said Kelly, and Laura said nothing. “Well, you just go call your lift and wait in the back room, and I’ll bring you out your pay.”

Laura nodded gratefully and allowed herself to be led to the backstage area, where she called Erica as Kelly vanished to get Laura’s wages.

Only it wasn’t Kelly who returned with the money, it was Edgar. He threw a white piece of cloth to Laura – the shirt she had been wearing when she arrived. Laura pulled it on gratefully.

“You’ve been quite the little slut tonight,” Edgar said. “Masturbating in the toilets, trying to get Kelly to lez you off, and presenting your pussy to all the customers. And wearing that whorish tit-chain, of course.”

“I’m sorry,” said Laura.

“Don’t be sorry,” said Edgar. “You’re working at a strip club. We like whores. All I care about is that you get your work done, and I get a cut of your sluttiness.”

He passed her an envelope, with what appeared to be bills inside. “Here’s your money for tonight. The rest of the bitches get a smoke break – you can use yours as a masturbation break if you want. If you can finger your cunt as quickly as you did tonight it shouldn’t take too much time out from your work. No lezzing off though – if you want to lick out some slut, you do it on stage. I won’t have you distracting the other bitches. And if you want to flash your twat around that’s up to you. But I saw you were about to go off at that guy who fingered you before you orgasmed – that’s not okay. If you choose to show off your pussy, and someone sticks something into it, you grin and enjoy it, just like when they grab your boobs, and then tell the bouncer afterwards. You’re welcome to wear panties if you don’t like the thought of people buying what you’re advertising. I won’t have you getting into fights with the clientele.”

Laura nodded mutely.

“There’s a good little slut,” said Edgar approvingly. “See you next time, okay?” And he left, to help close up the bar.


When Erica arrived, Laura hurriedout to meet her, and they drove home in silence. When they got home, Laura’s horniness had gone, drowned in her humiliation, so she didn’t get Erica to fuck her – instead she just slapped her lover across the face a few times and then made her suck on the ejaculation dildo until it filled her mouth with piss. It was only once Erica was crying that Laura was able to calm down from her humiliating night at work, and fall, eventually, asleep.

(To be continued….)

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