Therianthropy – On stage by Kangee Gold

Deciding that was enough, Rosalyn pulled back on the leaches, drawing them away from Cylvan. She knelt down beside Komi and undid the leach on his collar and let him go, cooing at the cheetah. “Go ahead, spots. She’s all yours.” The woman knew he’d understand once she reached in underneath the animal and gave him a few quick strokes to raise his interest. The large wild cat bounded forward and wasted no time. He gave the girl a few more licks on her cunt just to savour her flavour once again before his jaw opened wide and clamped down on the flesh of her arse with a sharp wince from the girl. The crowd grew loud and restless in shock, but Rosalyn’s commanding presence silenced the gasps and worry with a wave. Cylvan was left to Komi’s mercy.

The cheetah kept lavishing Cylvan with licks and painful but affectionate bites as he clambered over her body until his head was beside hers. He licked her cheek lovingly and Cylvan nuzzled her face against his until she felt his hips start bucking. Komi had only the one rear leg left to him, but it was strong and every thrust crashed into Cylvan’s body made her jerk with the motion. At first the tip of Komi’s member pressed up against Cylvan’s sex only to slide away and grind the length against her teasingly. It was still enough to leave her moaning, but she was frightened. She was still a virgin, her hymen still intact, and felt how every thrust seemed to find more and more grip into her body. She knew he’d manage to get it eventually, to take the last of her innocence by the claws of a wild animal. It was exactly what she wanted.

It wasn’t long until Komi’s desperately jerking hips found the mark and made Cylvan squeal in painful shock. The rough thrust tore the tip of Komi’s feline penis through the hymen, drawing a small trickle of blood while stretching out Cylvan’s inner walls apart wider than ever before. Wider even than what she was really meant to take naturally, with the cheetah’s member being significantly broader and longer than most humans or therians. Not even with the full length buried inside, his tip was pressing painfully against the inner entrance to Cylvan’s womb, her cervix throbbing in protest. Komi wasn’t at all gentle, as soon as he felt the pressure of Cylvan’s body squeezing down on his member tightly, he snarled and bit down firmly onto the back of Cylvan’s shoulder, his large fangs only just piercing the skin and making Cylvan whine and writhe underneath him as far as the restraints allowed it.

The mix of pain and arousal incited the girl’s feline instincts, flooding her system with hormones and even calling for her body to ovulate at an excessive rate. Instantly the muscles in Cylvan’s abdomen tensed and contracted around the overlarge penis deep inside of her. Her sensitivity let her feel the sharp pointed barbs of that feline member start to poke hundreds of tiny spots against the skin, feeling like each one somehow found an exact nerve ending to molest.

It seemed like an age before the cheetah pulled his hips back, and for Cylvan it was like all the previous sensations just exploded. His barbs sank into flesh and gripped tight, feeling like it would pull the girl inside out while they dragged rough paths into the surface, leaving her tender and aching in the void left by Komi’s member until another forward thrust slammed into her again, once more having the animal’s tip batter the kitten’s cervix. It was enough to send the pink cat into a full body spasm of an orgasm while unintelligible sounds of all sorts bellowed around the gag in her liberally drooling mouth. The pain was finally being drowned out as wave after wave of pleasure assaulted her mind.

Komi’s was lost in his pleasure himself, his bucking hips moved ever faster and more forcefully as time went on. It was frustrating him that he couldn’t seem to push in all the way, but he kept trying, snarling and growling around where he kept his mouth clamped on his lover’s shoulder. He’d never had a lover quite like Cylvan before, it was only ever Rosalyn that used her hand or mouth. But this pink female below him was the best fuck of his life despite how desperately he needed to go deeper. He’d get there, he just had to keep trying. The barrier to Cylvan’s womb was giving way, the pointed tip of the animal cock slamming against her cervix repeatedly forced it apart more and more, and Komi could feel it. With one last buck of his hips, Komi jerked his head back and roared at the stunned crowd before him. His cock sank into Cylvan all the way at last, pushed deeply into her womb and deposited a fresh load of sperm directly inside. Cylvan was helpless to stop his paws pressing down onto the back of her head, pinning her even more tightly to the floor while her body was flooded inside with the cheetah’s semen. She was positive that nothing could come of it, two completely different species couldn’t interbreed, but a splinter of doubt lingered in her thoughts.

It was true, as impossible as it seemed, the circumstances of her birth allowed it, she was an engineered being, and an universal fertility was one of her many artificial blessings. There were multiple eggs already floating in Cylvan’s womb, ready to be assaulted by the millions of cells carrying her feral lover’s DNA. All completely unknown to anyone, Cylvan would be a mother soon.

As Komi’s orgasm subsided and the generous flow of cum came to a throbbing end, his member gradually grew limp inside of Cylvan. He retreaded away from her, letting his dick slide from her folds, while dragging those pointed barbs agonisingly against her flesh again. Both felines were left panting for breath from their exhaustion. Komi gave Cylvan another lick along her sex while excess sperm started to ooze from her freshly defiled labia, left with a slight gape from being stretched well beyond their natural limits. The cheetah waddled away with his usual limping gait to slump down beside the seat where Luka and Mistress Rosalyn waited, leaving Cylvan sore and aching all over, still twitching in the aftershocks of pleasure and pain.

Rosalyn had watched with supressed eagerness the whole time as her little virgin pet was deflowered so savagely and left helpless. She reached down the side to Komi’s head and gave him a rewarding scratch behind the ears and the large cat purred in approval. “You did well, good boy, very good boy.” Komi seemed to beam with pride where he lay, glancing up at his Mistress and back over at his new lover. He was a happy cat, he knew.

The red headed wolf woman got up and lead Luka over to Cylvan, first kneeling down beside the girl before undoing many of the restraints to the podium. Cylvan was weak and likely passed out for a minute before Rosalyn came to stir her awake again. Cylvan stayed in her position, only murmuring softly while glancing at Rosalyn from the corner of her eye. “I take it you enjoyed yourself with Komi?” The wolf cooed tenderly as she stroked Cylvan across the cheek, making the tired cat purr into her gag. “Now, I want you to turn around for me. It’s Luka’s turn.” Cylvan grew wide eyed for a moment when she realised she was far from done. Her body started to tense, wanting to get up and fight, but Cylvan willed herself to calm with slow shallow breaths again. She belonged to Mistress Rosalyn and if Mistress wanted her to mate with Luka as well, she would please her Mistress.

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