Hart and Bowman PI by 012Say

“So, how is it you have this current video?”

“If you recall, you got access to her phone and downloaded my partner’s spy App, she either still has the same phone or just keeps cloning her new phones to have on them what the past phone had. The spyware is still there, doing its job, sending me reports every day. I just never look in the folder anymore.”

“You no longer have a legitimate excuse to monitor her phone – couldn’t you get in trouble?”

“Big time. Bowman tells me he can erase the App remotely, basically, he can access her phone at night and remove the App. I guess it can still be discovered by an expert, but she is not likely to ask an expert.”

“Thanks, for letting me know. I want to think about this for a bit, talk to my wife, but I want to burn her. Our divorce taught her she can do what she wants and then do all the harm, when discovered. She thinks she can destroy lives and chase her kinks. It’s not right.”

“I’m going to erase the App. As of right now, I can say I put it on your phone, while you were married to her. I forgot to remove it. When I found my error, we removed it, along with any new files which had been generated. Then, I am sure I will not get into trouble.”

“I cannot ask for more than that. I wish I could take some video to her new husband, but we’ll just need to do something else. I’ll be in touch.”

Every so often in life you must take chances, not for a thrill or to prove you are a macho man, but because it is the right thing to do. This was the right thing to do.

Jim had gotten nervous at lunch because he was thinking about his divorce. Doris did not hang her head – she got aggressive. The mayor’s wife was in the process of ruining him – Doris decided it was time for a counter offensive.

She and the mayor were victims. Her husband was one of the perverts who gets off on watching his wife have sex with other men. He did most of the videos – they were all for him. It’s not just she said that crap; she threatened to show the videos to the press – claiming they proved her point.

What Jim never understood, her story did not get much traction. The mayor’s wife was a woman scorned with all that implies. She made it clear this was not the mayor’s first rodeo. As loud as Doris shouted, she was not heard over the epic saga of a serial-cheating mayor and his “poor, defenseless” wife.

The mayor tried to echo Doris’ claims. He was laughed at. At least three women came forward and said they had affairs with him. Maybe a half-dozen others said he’d tried, and they had turned him down. Meanwhile, anyone digging into Jim’s past found a model of propriety.

But friends and family heard Doris. She never backed down from her claims and Jim was humiliated. They didn’t believe her, exactly – but why would she say those things and call attention to herself if there was not some reason.

No one could understand why she would draw all the attention to herself – with the sole reason being to hurt Jim.

Jim filed using irreconcilable differences, rather than adultery – to spare her feelings. After he filed, the mayor’s wife started her campaign. Then Doris turned around and counter-filed claiming his perverted ways were tantamount to adultery on his part.

Outrageous. Unbelievable. But she was so secure in her attacks, she made those close to them pause. I watched Jim go into a funk, then down further, and finally sink into depression.

Now these new videos have fallen into our lap. I had to find a way to help Jim get revenge – albeit six years after the fact. Even if I had to put myself at risk, I’d do it.

I decided to do a little investigating on Doris; maybe I could find something to help. One of the reasons my file on her went unnoticed is it was inactive until a couple of weeks ago. Now, in seventeen days she had added thirteen new videos.

I asked our assistant to get me what she could on a Doris Watson, divorced about six years ago. Before the end of the day, she came into my office and told me what she found. “She was single for about two years; nothing came up about her during that time. She is now Doris Nelson, married to William F. Nelson, a corporate VP, of Acme International. He has been at their offices here for five years. He is sixty-two, she is thirty-eight. She stopped working shortly before she was married. She now serves on the board of two charities.”

I thanked her. Doris might be a flat-out bitch, but she is a beautiful woman. She also looks like a woman in heat, I guess that’s what she is – why wouldn’t she look like that? Her history made sense. Nelson got to town after the mayor story died down. He was looking for a trophy wife, who would keep him happy. She served both roles.

Now, he is in his sixties and cannot keep up. She has gotten back into her bad habits. The videos were of three different men. Two of them were in one video each, the other guy was in the rest. Initially, Doris plants her phone somewhere and it videos the action as best a stationary phone can do. I suspect she does not want to let guys know. The guy with the eleven videos was now a participant in her video kink.

I had no idea who any of them were. I got online and went to the charity web sites. Two of the guys were pictured on the sites. I knew two of the three were board members, one from each charity. The third was still unknown. He looked younger, maybe just a pickup from some local bar. A plan began to grow in my mind.

I waited for Jim to call. I only had to wait two days. He wanted to “get the bitch,” his new wife did, too. We talked about that for a minute. His wife loved him and had spent too many hours helping Jim get back to normal after the attacks by Doris. Jim’s new wife would not hurt any other human being – just Doris.

Jim wanted to know what we could do. I told him my plan. I wanted to use the videos and risk, since they were taken inadvertently, I could get away with it.

“Hugh, your plan is not good. Well, the better way to phrase it is Doris is too good for that plan. She is going to raise holy hell. She will claim she pointed out my kinky nature years ago – and even after a divorce, I am spying on her.

“What if we try to find out who this third guy, the mystery man, is?”

“Jim, I owe you. The notoriety we got from your divorce put us on the map. But I have too much going on to give you the time it will take to get this mystery man.”

“Give me a reasonable discount and I’ll pay for your time.”

I thought to myself, that might work. “Okay, she is getting together with this guy every Wednesday at Noon and every Thursday at 3:00. We will tail her those two days and see if we get lucky. I will do it 40% off.”

“Why not 50?”

“Pirate. Okay, 50%. If we don’t get lucky in one week, we will renegotiate my fee.”

Wednesday yielded nothing. She had a board meeting at 1:00, that stopped her liaison. Thursday, I followed her to a motel. Damned if her mystery man was not the manager. She stopped in the office, he gave her a key, and then he disappeared into the back room of his office. A second man came back with him, to take his place, and our boy went to join Doris.


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