Down at The Creek by Tito304

Down at The Creek by Tito304

Explore steamy passion in 'Down at The Creek' by Tito304, where desire ignites by the water’s edge. Dive into this tantalizing erotic sex story filled with unexpected encounters and unforgettable moments. Perfect for those seeking a thrilling escape—read on for an enticing adventure!<br/>

Third story I’m posting to this site. Took some advice, decided to make a different story! Enjoy it if you can, because it’s definitely strange.

Personally, I loved to hike in the forest behind my house. The town I lived in was pretty small, so there was always something new to find when exploring. My favorite places were always the hard-to-find places; the kinds you make special memories at.

I left my house pretty early because I figured I was gonna be out for a while. I found a creek yesterday, so today, I figured I’d walk along it and maybe find something cool. The early-fall breezes felt amazing on my skin, especially after a few hours of walking. The further into the forest I walked, the less breeze, and the stickier the air grew.

The creek began to open up pretty wide with the trees also clearing up a bit. My jaw dropped in awe when I walked further and realized the creek had a waterfall! I peered over the edge – it was only 6 or 7 feet, and the bottom was quite wide and seemed deep enough to jump into. It continued to flow before arching to the right, some-ways down and out of sight. I stopped for a moment to take in the stunning view: the leaves floating down the air and through the currents, the water glistening in the sun, and the bank of the creek coated with shiny soft-grey pebbles.

One exceptionally great feature this place had to offer was the total lack of people around. Not even a speck of trash. There was something about the area that felt slightly off, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. I shrugged before I felt the sweat drip off my nose. It was about mid-day by now and it was getting hotter.

I looked back down and thought about jumping. The water would feel amazing right about now!

I wasn’t exactly planning on swimming; though, so I did another quick survey to be doubly sure that nobody else was around before stripping my tank-top and cut-off shorts down to my white underwear. I hesitated to take my tank-top off because I didn’t wear a bra, but I figured it’d be OK since it’s just me. I threw my clothes and bag down to the bank below.

My breasts weren’t exactly the biggest, but they’ve been growing a lot these past years. Last year when I was fifteen, I could barely fit in B cups and this year, they stretch C cups. I’m just thankful I’m not flat chested. Not to sound egotistical, but if that were the case, I’m hopeful that my ass would make up for it. I smiled and rolled my eyes at the thought before stepping to the ledge of the waterfall and looking down once again.

I took a moment to prepare, thought about how cold it might be, pinched my nose and jumped.

I tucked my knees in and cannonballed. It was a little cold – enough so that I could feel my nipples tighten as they began to poke and harden – but it wasn’t awful. It was surprisingly way deeper than I thought, but I eventually felt the soft-rock ground against my feet. I pushed myself up and took a fresh breath as my head surfaced.

I let out an audible “aahh,” as the water was as amazing as I thought it’d be. I flipped my brown hair out of my face and wiped the water from my eyes before I noticed something very nearby swimming towards me.

The water was rather clear all things considered, so the creature wasn’t too difficult to make out.

It was most certainly not a fish – at least, not any type I had ever seen before. It wasn’t a snake, either, but it was kind of similar to it, I guess? It was a lot wider than a snake and both ends of it were smoothly rounded off. Kind of like a worm, but more phallic-shaped. It was pale white, almost as if it were see-through, but there weren’t any internal organs. Or if there were, they were also transparent. It was hard to make out through the water. Naturally, I’m a fan of the outdoors and all of its little critters, so this guy was more intriguing than anything.

I stared at it as it circled around me as if trying to figure out friend from foe. A moment or two passed before he softly headbutts my thigh. I giggled a little bit; this fella was actually pretty cute!

He kind of latched onto my leg almost, and it was a kind of ticklish. Something about the way it felt made me feel comfortable and relaxed. It felt kind of like a dick if I had to be honest. Kind of a slimy or sticky one, but it wasn’t gross or anything. It felt almost as if it was seeping through my skin which felt really nice.

It began to explore by going between my thighs, just a few inches away from my pussy. I kind of jolted at the unexpectedness of it but as it kept going, it went to the hind part of my leg, just underneath my asscheek. I could feel gushes of warmth rushing into my nipples as it was almost caressing me, and I also began to feel a little warm down below.

Was I getting turned on by this little thing? Something about the way this guy felt made me feel like it was totally fine. Normally, I’d be disgusted at myself for even thinking about it. I mean, what’s the worst that could happen?

It was basically going in circles, going further down my leg towards my feet. It tickled the entire way down, especially when it got onto my feet. I couldn’t help but giggle aloud before it began to make its way back up my leg.

At this point, I had sat down near the bank where it was shallow. I didn’t really think about where it’d go next, but in hindsight, it would’ve made a lot of sense.

It eventually made its way back up to my thighs. It didn’t seem too particularly interested in exploring my other leg, but instead, it rested on my lap, just on top of my panty-covered mound. It felt nice and I couldn’t help but pet it. It made my fingers tingle a strange, but nice way. It seemed to like it because it began to work its way underneath my panty strap, down my mound, and began nudging between my legs just mere centimeters away from my clit.

I hesitated a moment as I stared at it. I didn’t notice before, but it felt like it was sucking on the mound of my pussy. Or maybe he just started doing it? I wasn’t sure, it was very subtle. It felt really nice, though – like streams of warmth seeping in and traveling over to my pussy, filling my clit up, and back up all the way to my breasts. It felt so warm, and my nipples felt so full they could explode. I couldn’t help but touch and squeeze at them since they felt like diamonds. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest, but I somehow felt so calm and relaxed.

I didn’t really think much about it; my mind kind of did it for me as my legs gently opened for this little creature to explore.

He seemed to hesitate a moment as well before completely disappearing underneath my panties. I found a little humor in the fact that my panties bulged in a way that made it appear cock-like, but my humor quickly turned into pleasure as the critter nestled between my pussy lips and began sucking on my clit.

I accidentally let out an audible high-pitched moan as my jaw dropped and my legs quaked. Nothing or nobody had ever made me feel like this. Granted, I had only ever been with two other people, but that was nothing compared to this!


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