Memphis gets a maid… and more! by MemphisMight

I kicked back waiting for my sweet Memphis to make her appearance. I ran my hand across the porch swing, thinking to myself ‘man this is some kinda miracle material, rain, squirt, soak it down, wipe it up, and it’s as dry as the day you bought it.

Memphis appeared, looking just stunning. I said, “Whoa babe! How do you do it? You are stunning and you look absolutely refreshed.” She gave me an ‘aw schucks’ smile and a tilt of her head and said, “Thanx baby!” while handing me a glass of juice. As she gave a twirl, letting her dress fly up so I could see her bare butt-cheeks she said, “it’s amazing what a quick shower and blow out can do!” I answered back,,”yes it is!” Walking up and stopping right in front of me she did a half twirl, stopping with her back to me, she bent over and gave her dress a flip up.

And there, nestled between her sexy ass cheeks was her blue heart shaped princess plug. She quickly flipped it back down and spun the rest of the way around. “What do you think? Sexy enough for you?” I said, “Baby, you look absolutely amazing!!” She replied with a theatrical, “Thank you!”, turned and gave a silly bow forward, allowing me a glimpse of her tits down the front of her dress. She also handed me a bottle of water, “Here you go, baby, trust me, you’re gonna need to be hydrated as well.” “Well I do like the sound of that!”, I said taking the water from her.

She gave me another spin, her dress going over my head, giving me a clear view of her ass. The ass, and the plugged hole I was dying to shove my tongue into after removing its current occupant, a dark blue, hopefully medium-sized, heart shaped plastic gem. She broke my trance when she sat down and said, “So tell me about this girl you met.” I watched her sit and wiggle and shift before I asked, “Are you alright?” She shifted and wiggled again before chuckling her answer of, “I am! You know, I gotta tell ya, I didn’t think I was going to like these as much as I do! I certainly didn’t think I’d ever want to wear them out and about or just while hanging around. But I think I do! They feel… different, and erotic. I mean I don’t know if this is normal or if it’s because I just had four massive orgasms, but I kinda feel like I’m on the verge of having another one, right now. So hurry, tell me about your new friend.”

I laughed and started, “OK, So we’re sitting there drinking and laughing, having a great time catching up. Just the three of us on the back patio of this biker bar. After a bit, I look up and there’s this young girl sitting there, smiling at us, with her earbuds in and a book opened in front of her. ” “How young?”, she quickly blurts out. I said, “young, but old enough to work there.” I continued telling her the story while she continued wiggling and edging herself into a near orgasmic frenzy. When I was done, she stopped.

What followed was a rapid fire Q&A…

“So you recorded the whole thing?”

“I did!”

“And it’s all there on your phone?”

“I believe so!”

“You BELIEVE so?”

“Yes, I’m hoping I didn’t fuck it up when we were playing around earlier!”

“And what ELSE are you hoping for?”

“I’m hoping I found someone we can both trust, To help you through your current situation and if your other condition worsens!”

“Ok, that was a sweet answer.”

“Thanx! It’s the truth.”

“And you haven’t watched what she recorded?”

“Nope! (I grabbed my phone and opened the app) phew! Look at that! Still on pause.”

“Are you going to watch it with me?”

“I’ll be honest, I think she wanted you to watch it alone. And if you’re not interested, just delete the whole thing.”

“Well that was nice of her. And how old is she?”

“I laughed, she’s 29”

She rolled her eyes and shook her head at me. “I wish you had taken a picture of her.”

“I’m pretty sure that’s what the video is for my Love.”

“I know, but if you had a picture we could look at her and talk about her before I watched the video.”

“Oh, I see! Well, next time!” I said with a smirk and an eye roll.

She picked the phone up from the table and releasing a breath of air said, “OK, I’m going to go watch this. It may take awhile, what are you going to do?” “I’ll probably go in the bathroom and masturbate, thinking about your ass.”, I jokingly said. She smacked my shoulder and laughed, “don’t you dare waste that! That cock is mine! And when it cums, I want it all!” I returned her laugh and said, “Of course, my Love!” Reaching out, I grabbed her hand, “And hey! I love you! Take your time! I love you! Think about all the aspects of it! I love you! And most important… I love you and don’t care what your answer is. Delete it or throw her a text to meet her, I don’t care. Because…… I love you!” She gave me a nervous smile, said “I love you more!” We kissed passionately then she walked away. I watched her ass thinking, “ok, what do I do now?”

I went to take a piss and release a couple of beers. I couldn’t keep from stroking my cock a bit, thinking about all the events of the day. But had to stop, so the flow would start. When it finally did, it was basically clear. “Yup, that’s a lot of Stella’s and water right there.”, I said to myself. “I wonder if she’s into watersports?” I continued thinking, while closing my eyes and lightly stroking my cock. “I wonder if she… ugh! Dude! Come on! Snap out of it. Finish pissing and get out of here! You’re having a conversation with yourself!”

I shook it off, literally, and decided to go for a walk to pass the time. I took a walk around a short block first, then a bigger block the second time. About halfway around my second trip of the big block, I got a text from Memphis, “Where are you? Did you leave me? lol jk I know you didn’t, you wouldn’t leave your truck behind. LOL” I texted back “Well that’s true! lol No, I went for a walk, I’ll be back in a bit.”, and finished it with a kissey face emoji and a heart. She replied, “Hurry! Get my cock back here! I miss you both! You better NOT have wasted my cum!!” I sent back the little emoji guy that’s shrugging, ‘I don’t know’. She texted back the angry face and ‘not funny’. I turned the corner and saw her sitting on the porch. I screamed over, “I thought it was funny!” She was laughing as she walked over to open the gate for me and give me a kiss.

“Hey baby, welcome back!” While giving her a huge hug I asked, “So, how are you doing? Do you want to talk? Or would you rather sit on it for a bit?” She hugged me tight and said, “No, actually I’m good, let’s talk. But, Ewww you need a shower. Go hop in the shower and I’ll come in to talk.” I tried to throw my stinky arm around her as we walked in together. She wasn’t having any of that and playfully pushed me off.

After getting in and letting the water cascade over me for a bit, she motioned me to the doorway. She dropped to her knees and sucked my cock for a bit. I held onto the frame above the shower door and let her go as fast and deep as she wanted. It felt nice just to have my cock in her mouth. She got up and said, “I’m not done with him yet, you wash, let’s chat.”

I said, “OK, you go first! How was her video message?” She said, “It was good. I started off watching the part of the video you made. I only watched, well listened to, about 7, 8mins before I realized the next 15 or so minutes were going to be exactly as you explained it all went down earlier. You didn’t tell me about all the sweet things she said about me, looking at your pictures.

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