Motherfucker by rat_race

“I want you to lie down on top of the bed,” I said to my human statue of a sister.

And lo and behold, Lacey finally moved.

But all she did was lie down on her back on top of the bed, while keeping her butt in the exact same position at the foot of the bed, and her legs spread apart, with her feet still on the floor. And just for the record she still had her eyes closed.

I was still standing up in front of Lacey when I bent my knees a little bit, and moved my dick in close to her crotch so that I could begin rubbing the dry head of my circumcised dick up and down the length of her pussy crack to lubricate it. That way, I could penetrate what I was sure would be a tight-fitting vagina without causing my sister any pain–hopefully.

The minute that Lacey felt my dick-head come into direct contact with the inside part of her pussy-crack, she suddenly sat back up on the bed, opened her eyes up wide, and barked out at me in a very loud voice, “What the fuck are your doing?”

“I’m getting myself lubricated so that I can start fucking you,” I explained, defending my actions.

“Not like this you’re not!” Lacey cried out, pushing me away with both stiff-armed hands. “Just wait a God damn minute, buster! Let me get into position first!”

I was confused, because I had no idea what Lacey meant by “get into position first.”

Then Lacey desperately called across the room to her mother, “Didn’t you tell him about the doggie-style stuff?”

“I’m sorry, dear. I forgot to mention that to him. Why don’t you tell him yourself?”

“Okay, Mom, I sure as hell will.”

“Carl, I don’t want you to fuck me in a face-to-face position throughout the whole time that I’m here. Instead, you’ve got to promise me that you’ll only fuck me from the rear, so that I don’t have to look at your face while you’re fucking me.

“In other words, I want the sex itself to be as clinical and impersonal as possible. Like the kind of sex a person would have through a glory hole at an x-rated adult book store. That’s why I’ve been keeping my eyes closed.

“Do you think you can you do that for me, big brother? Because that’s the only way I can live with myself for letting you do this to me. Okay?”

“Sure, sis. Whatever floats your boat,” I said in a very soft, unenthusiastic tone-of-voice.

I wanted to fuck my sister, not fight with her at this point. Besides, I had a raging hard-on between my legs that needed a vagina to slide into as soon as possible.

Lacey stood up, climbed up on top of the bed, got down on all fours, and assumed the traditional doggie-style intercourse position, spreading her knees apart and sticking her bare slender butt up in the air, basically “presenting herself” to me.

I immediately followed her up onto the top of the bed, and I positioned myself down on my knees, just behind her butt.

And as I slipped my dick up into her vagina, she sucked air in through her teeth, and said to me in a jittery voice, “I guess it’s too late to turn back now…” And she nervously giggled a little bit.

That’s when the thought struck me out of nowhere that my mother, who was still sitting across the room in that chair, and masturbating away, had the ideal view of the copulation that was now taking place just a few feet in front of her. With both of our butts almost directly facing Mom, she had a clear view of Lacey’s and my coupled-up genitals.

“Hey, if you feel that way, we can just stop right now,” I suggested to my sister.

“Don’t you dare!” Lacey warned me. “Well, come on. Start thrusting it in and out already. It’s been a busy day. I’m tired and I wanna go to bed. So I wish you’d hurry up and make yourself cum.”

Then, after I had begun slowly thrusting away at her vagina from the rear, trying my best to make our intercourse last as long as possible, Lacey suddenly said, “Wait a minute. Hold that thought! I need to make myself cum first. That’s an important part that helps a woman to get pregnant. The wetness gives the sperm cells liquid to swim around in, so that more of them stay alive in the vagina long enough to actually make it up into the uterus.”

“Okay, so what do you want me to do, miss smarty-pants?”

“I want you to pull out of me for a few minutes, so that I can flip over onto my back and masturbate while I’m looking at your dick and balls. I’m pretty sure that’s the fastest way I can make myself cum.”

I begrudgingly eased my dick out of Lacey’s awesome-feeling vagina, and sat back on my haunches, as I watched her quickly flip over onto her back on top of the bed, and then skillfully manipulate her clitoris until she finally gave herself what looked like a fairly decent orgasm.

Just for the record, Lacey had kept her eyes laser-focus on my package the whole time that she was masturbating in front of me.

Lacey finally got back into her previous doggie-style, down-on-all-fours body position–this time, remembering to place a pillow under the front part of her hips and pubic area to assist her in maintaining her butt-up-in-the-air, doggie-style pose–and she said to me, “Fuck me now, God damn it!”

“Don’t worry. This won’t take long at all,” I reassured my little sister, believing that I was lying to her, as I inserted my dick back into what was now a much-wetter-feeling vagina.

My whole goal at this point was to try to make our intercourse last as long as possible, so that I could derive as much pleasure from it as I possibly could, considering the weird circumstances.

And so I slowly slid my dick back up into Lacey’s now-much-wetter vagina, and then I felt her vaginal sphincter muscles clamping down firmly around the base of my penis.

And then that ring of muscles surrounding her vaginal entrance relaxed for a moment, and then clamped down hard again, before repeating the same cycle.

And it was obvious to me that Lacey was intentionally and consciously using her own vaginal muscles to literally try to milk the sperm right out of my dick. I had never felt anything like that before. It was a super erotic experience.

Lacey kept clamping down then loosening up her strong vaginal sphincter muscles while I tried to keep thrusting my dick in and out of her vagina as best as I could. But it was a losing battle.

So I pulled out until I had only the head of my dick inserted up into her vaginal entrance, and I just stayed in that position without moving my dick around, while I was letting Lacey’s strong vaginal muscles work their milking magic on my frenulum, just behind the head of my dick.

And it didn’t take long for the orgasmic feelings to overwhelm me, at which point I shoved my dick up into my sister’s vagina–all the way up to the hilt–and squirted my whole wad deep inside my little sister’s baby-making hole.

Afterwards, when Lacey felt me starting to pull out of her, I felt her vaginal muscles clamp down tightly around the middle of my dick-shaft.

At the same time, Lacey yelled back to me, “Don’t you dare pull out now! I need for you to leave your dick deep inside my pussy until your dick softens up and falls out on its own. That’s a very important part of getting a girl pregnant, according to everything I’ve read on the subject. Your dick acts like a plug to keep the excess sperm from flowing out of my vajayjay. Now, push it all the way back in, and leave it there! Do you understand me?”

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