Motherfucker by rat_race

“Sure, Mom. But wouldn’t that be rape, if my sister’s asleep?”

“Yes, it would be normally. But Lacey has already given you permission to fuck her anytime you want to, and that includes waking her up while she’s sleeping. Besides, wouldn’t that be a big turn-on to start fucking your little sister while she’s asleep and unaware that you’re even fucking her?

“All I can say is that your father really loved doing that to me late a night. It was one of the things that helped keep our sex life interesting and exciting. That, and me fucking Ben in front of your father over and over again, until Ben finally got me pregnant.”

Mom and I laughed at her attempt to lighten up the mood.

Then I acknowledged one of the elephants in the room when I asked Mom, “While you were pregnant did you let Ben keep fucking you in front of Dad?”

“I wanted to, but Sam didn’t want me doing that. He was afraid that Ben might accidentally hurt the baby. In fact, Sam didn’t even fuck me the whole time that I was pregnant, because he didn’t want to risk hurting the baby either.

“And believe it or not, I admired Sam for feeling that way about a baby that wasn’t even his. In fact, up until the day that he died, Sam never treated Lacey like he wasn’t her real birth father. And so that’s why I waited until Sam’s death to finally tell Lacey the truth about who her real birth father was.”

“Wow! That’s some really heavy stuff.”

“Yeah, you bet it is.”

“So did you go back to fucking Ben in front of Dad after Lacey was born?”

“No. Unfortunately, Ben got really pissed off when he found out that your father didn’t want him to keep fucking me during my pregnancy, or to be a part of Lacey’s life, after she was born. So basically, your dad broke off his friendship with Ben, and about a year and half later Ben finally moved out of the neighborhood. I have no idea where he ended up moving to. And I really didn’t care at the time.”

“Is that because you started fucking other men in front of Dad?” I asked.

At first, it seemed like Mom didn’t want to answer my question. But then, after a short pause, she finally admitted, “About six weeks after I had Lacey, I got my tubes tied so that I couldn’t get pregnant anymore. I did that for myself and for Sam, because I knew how much he liked cuckolding. And so it didn’t surprise me when, as soon as I had healed up from getting my tubes tied, your father began begging me to fuck some more guys in front him–just like I had done with Ben.

“And believe it or not, I wasn’t opposed to that idea at all. Like I told you, I was hooked on the idea of cuckolding, just like your father was.

“And so I’m not proud of it, but yes, from time to time, I did let other men fuck me bareback in front of your father over the years.

“And during those later years with your father, it seemed like cuckolding was just about the only thing that kept our sexual relationship exciting. That, and the ‘getting surprise-raped by Sam’ late at nights, while I was asleep.

“But after a good cuckolding session, your Dad would usually go on to have sex with me just about every other night, until well into the third week or so, when he would finally start getting bored again–at least, I assumed that he was getting bored–and start making excuses not to have sex with me.

“And that’s when I knew that Sam was wanting me to cuckold him again. And so that’s exactly what I did. And to this day, I don’t regret my decision to keep cuckolding my husband by letting other men fuck me in front of him. Sam and I always had a lot of fun doing that together.

“Of course, nothing is ever without its risks. And even though I had my tubes tied, and so I couldn’t get pregnant anymore, Sam and I both knew that venerial disease was always a threat. But it was an unavoidable risk that we were both willing to take.

“I say ‘unavoidable risk,’ because for Sam and me, even though we realized that condoms were a great way to prevent VD, they were definitely out of the question. Bareback fucking was the only kind of fucking that I enjoyed, and the only kind of fucking that Sam enjoyed watching. And at the very end of the intercourse itself, it was the other men’s sperm being ejaculated directly inside of my vagina–or sometimes, onto my bare pussy, depending on the circumstances–that made everything so erotic and exciting for both Sam and me.

“Anyways, throughout the time that I was letting different men fuck me in front of Sam, I ended up having to go to the doctor to get treated for three different yeast infections, Chlamydia, and a UTI. But I feel like I lucked out and dodged a bullet, since I didn’t end up getting Gonorrhea, or Syphilis, or genital herpes, or any of those other more-serious STDs.”

Mom ended her story with slow head nod, and we quietly lay in each other’s arms for several minutes, before I finally spoke up, “Did I know any of those men that you fucked in front of Dad?”

“You knew just about all of them. They weren’t strangers, or anything like that. They were our neighbors, or longtime friends of the family, or Sam’s oil field coworkers, or in a few cases, they were our relatives–which only made the whole experience even more taboo and exciting than it already was.

“For instance, I fucked one of Sam’s uncles several times. do you remember Uncle Joe?”

“Of course I do. He was one of my favorite uncles.”

“Mine too. Well, Uncle Joe was a married man at the time, but his marriage was on the rocks, and he told me that he hadn’t had sex with his wife for over a year. And so I let him fuck me two or three times a month over the course of the next several months. And of course, I only let Uncle Joe fuck me in front of Sam.

“Then one evening, Uncle Joe asked me to fuck his oldest son, and take his virginity. And he told me that my nephew was a very shy person, and he asked me if I could have sex with Kenny in private, without Sam watching us.

“So I talked it over with Sam. And because of the special circumstances involved, he agreed to let me fuck Kenny in private. This would be the first time that I ever fucked another man without my husband watching me do it. This would also be the first time that I ever took a man’s virginity. And in addition, this would be the first time that I ever fucked another man who wasn’t my husband in a location that wasn’t my own home. Needless to say, I was on Cloud 9.

“So I made arrangements with Uncle Joe and Sam for me to go over to Kenny’s apartment and spend the entire night with my single nephew. Of course, I had that young man jack off in front of me first, and let me watch him ejaculate, before I took his virginity.

“And I did this for two reasons. Not only did I want to watch Kenny make himself cum in front of me, because that just happens to turn me on like you wouldn’t believe, but I also wanted Kenny’s first-ever intercourse with a woman to last as long as possible, and give him as much pleasure as possible.

“And I guess I must have succeeded at that second intention, because Kenny went ahead and fucked me three more times during that same night, and then fucked me again in the morning, just as soon as we both woke up.

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