Motherfucker by rat_race

“It seemed like Kenny just couldn’t get enough of my pussy. And I found that very flattering, since I knew that I was at least twice his age. But my nephew didn’t seem to care about that. All he cared about was fucking my pussy as much as he could that night. And naturally, I orgasmed my ass off the whole time that he was having sex with me over at his apartment. Let’s just say it was a very special night that I will never forget.”

“Did you ever have sex with Kenny after that?”

“If Sam were alive, I would have to lie to you and tell you ‘no.’ But since Sam’s not with us anymore–and neither is Uncle Joe, for that matter–I can finally confess what a naughty girl I was. You see, I continued to secretly visit my nephew, Kenny, at his apartment to have sex with him in private about twice a month, or so. And of course, I always did that during the weekdays, while your father was at work, so that there was much less chance of getting caught.

“It’s not that I didn’t love your father and the whole cuckolding thing. Because I did. It’s just that I had finally tasted the ‘forbidden fruit,’ which was my nephew’s awesome young dick, and I just couldn’t get enough of it for my liking. And my continuing to secretly have sex with Kenny–and without your father, or your Uncle Joe ever realizing what was taking place, right under their noses–was the biggest turn-on of my entire life!”

“Did you keep fucking Kenny after Dad died?”

“I tried to. But it just wasn’t in the cards. A few weeks after Sam died, Kenny suddenly moved out of town, leaving me high and dry and dick-less. He didn’t even say ‘goodbye’ to me, or leave me a forwarding address. And I haven’t heard a peep from him ever since. It was as if he just disappeared and fell off the planet.

“I guess Kenny didn’t like his Aunt Janie and her ‘little dick’ as much as I thought he did. And of course, Murphy’s Law kicked in, when Kenny ended up leaving me shortly after your father died, at the very time when I needed my nephew’s sexual services the most.”

“So where do we go from here, Mom? I mean, now that I’ve tasted your ‘forbidden fruit,’ I’ll always want more.”

“Sweetie, that’s not a problem. You can come visit me and have sex with me anytime you want–even once you find a nice young girl to marry and have kids with. I’ll always be here for you, if you ever need me. You’re the only man in my life now. And even though we can’t show it outwardly to the world, I’m in love with you, son. And no matter weather I like it or not, I can’t deny how I feel about you.”

“You’re the best mom in the world! And thank you for giving me the privilege of fucking you and your awesome pussy!”

As I said that, I gave Mom a gentle kiss on the cheek while I reached down into her crotch and teasingly squeezed the large shaft of her clitoris a few times.

And while I was doing that, I thought to myself, I wonder if Mom’s giant clit turned Dad on as much as it turns me on.

And ironically, I found myself wanting to fuck my mother again, much more than I wanted to fuck my little sister again, despite the fact that Lacey had made her pussy available to me on-demand, whereas my mother had not.

So later that night, when I woke up with a raging hard-on between my legs, I didn’t get out of bed to go to Lacey’s bedroom, and start fucking her while she was still asleep, like Mom had asked me to do.

Instead, I rolled over on top of my mother, and eased my dick up into her vagina, and began fucking her missionary-style in her sleep. And she didn’t try to stop me.

In fact, she spread her legs apart to let me in deeper, and she let out a pleasurable moan of contentment.

And while I was steadily thrusting away at Mom’s pussy, she said to me, “Why you naughty little boy. What am I going to do with you? I thought I asked you to go fuck Lacey, if you got horny tonight.”

“You did. But I’d much rather fuck you any day of the week. Let’s face it. Fucking Lacey earlier this evening was nothing to write home about.”

“What are you talking about? You may have just gotten your little sister pregnant tonight. And you did it right in front of your own mother. I’d say that’s some pretty exciting stuff. Wouldn’t you?”

“Well, yeah. But she was so cold to me the whole time.”

“That’s because she’s scared. I mean, she’s really scared shitless, that one is.”

“Scared of what exactly?”

“That you won’t get her pregnant. And then she’d be forced to live with the fact that she let her older brother fuck her for no reason at all. And that would make her feel like a real slut.”

“But she is a slut, Mom. And so are you, for that matter.”

“That may be so. But no woman wants to feel like a slut–even if she is one.

“So the next time you get feeling horny late a night, please go fuck your sister, like I asked you to. There will be plenty of opportunities for you and I to have sex in the future. But Lacey’s on a strict time schedule. And the more sperm that you can put in her little pussy, the better chance that she’s going to get pregnant while she’s here the next few days.

“But if you’d rather fuck your little sister in front of me. That can be arranged too,” Mom added trying to lighten up the mood a little.

“Shut up, Mom, you’re making me laugh. And it’s hard to cum when I’m laughing.”

“Who said I wanted you to cum?” my mom teased me. And then she suddenly got serious and whispered in my ear, “I want you to squirt that sexy sperm of yours in my pussy right now, son, so I can go back to sleep. You’re the one who woke me up when you began raping me, remember? So go ahead and finish raping me, God damn it! What are you waiting for? Cum now, you little motherfucker!”

And that’s when, as if on her verbal cue, I started cumming and ejaculating my second wad of sperm into Mom’s vagina that night.”

As I neared the end of my ejaculation, I whispered in Mom’s ear, “I’m sorry, Janie. I didn’t mean to rape you tonight.”

And my mother said, “Oh, yes you did. And I’m perfectly okay with it too. I love getting woken up in the middle of the night, with a man on top of me, raping me. I don’t care what society thinks about it. It’s only how I feel about it that really counts. And for some fucked-up reason that I can’t quite put my finger on, I absolutely love getting woken up and raped in the middle of the night. It’s just that I wish you would’ve decided to rape your little sister tonight, instead of me.

“Now go ahead and go back to sleep, and don’t worry about it. Everything’s just fine. I won’t tell Lacey that you fucked me again tonight.

“And by the way, don’t ever call me ‘Janie’ again to my face! I’m still your mother and you’re still my son, and you need to honor that relationship between us by calling me ‘mom’–even if we are having sex together now. Capiche?”

The very next morning when I came down for breakfast, Lacey hit me with, “So why didn’t you come to my bedroom and fuck me again last night?”

And I honestly told her that I didn’t want to, because of what a bitch she was being about the whole thing.

And that’s when I decided that it was high time for me to set her straight on this whole “fuck me and get me pregnant” stuff that she was wanting me to do.

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