Motherfucker by rat_race

“I reached down into my own pussy and I felt the thick sperm slowly oozing out of my vagina and dripping down onto the sheets between my legs. I scooped up some of the sperm onto my fingertips, and I pulled my hand up to my face to look at the sperm.

“I’m sure James saw the shocked look on my face while I was staring at the sperm on my fingertips. And that’s when he apologized to me for his having secretly removed the condom from around his dick, without asking me first if I was okay with him doing that.

“And I told him that what he had done was underhanded, but that I was okay with it, because I figured that one of these times, the condom was bound to break, or slip off, anyway.

“When James started to get up out of bed after fucking me for that first time ever without using any birth control, I stopped him from getting dressed, when I told him that I wanted him to go ahead and fuck me again, since the damage had already been done. And I suggested to him that we might as well go ahead and enjoy ourselves a little longer.”

“You mentioned that your were in bed with James. Who’s bed were you in? His?” Mom asked Lacey.

“Yours, actually. We were having sex in your bedroom after we both came home from school that day, and you and Dad were still at work.”

“Wow! I didn’t see that one coming!” Mom remarked. “Well, did James go ahead and fuck you again without using any birth control, like you asked him to?”

“Yes, ma’am. And he didn’t just fuck me again, either. He actually fucked me two more times after that very first time, before we got up out of bed and got dressed.

“I couldn’t believe how much sperm James ended up releasing inside my baby-making hole that afternoon! The thick white sperm just kept on slowly oozing out of my vagina, and eventually soaking the sheets on your bed so badly that I had to change them out for fresh ones, before you or Dad got home that day.

“The very next day after my little ‘accident,’ I had one of my girlfriends drive me to the pharmacy after school so that I could buy a morning-after pill and take it as soon as possible.

“That same evening is when I asked you to make an appointment to take me to the doctor so that I could get on The Pill. And that was because I knew that James and I were going to continue to fuck, and that he was spoiled now–and so was I–because we both knew now what the ‘real thing’ felt like, and what an awesome experience it was.”

“I’ve got one more question for you,” Mom said to Lacey. “If you knew that using a condom as your only form of birth control was so risky–and I agree with you by the way on that one, because condoms suck as a method of birth control, in my opinion–why did you keep on fucking James while only using condoms, instead of coming to me to get on The Pill, like you eventually ended up doing anyway?”

“Looking back on it all, I now believe that fucking while using only condoms was actually addictive for me at the time, because of how undependable and dangerous they were. I know that sounds weird. But it felt like I was playing Russian Roulette, with my cervix being the target, and James’ dick being the gun. And that was super-exciting to me back then. Probably because I had never had a guy’s sperm up inside my vagina before.

“So each time, when James pulled out of me after he finished fucking me, and I saw his condom-covered dick afterwards, with all his sperm held safely inside that little nipple tip at the end of the condom, I always felt relieved.

“But, at the same time, I can’t deny that there was also a part of me–deep down inside–that felt disappointed. And that was because, thanks to the condom having worked properly, I didn’t get to find out what it would be feel like to have my boyfriend’s bare dick and his sperm inside my vagina.”

“Gosh, sis, you were really fucked up in the head, weren’t you?” I commented to Lacey.

“Heck, yes! Thank you for noticing. But things weren’t the same in high school for me as they were for you. Not only did I start high school 12 years after you did, but I just happen to be a girl, remember?

“And so from the moment I entered high school as a freshman, my peers began pressuring me to lose my virginity. The big problem was a question of when to do it, because if you did it as a freshman, you’d be labeled as a whore. But if you held off and waited until your senior year to lose your virginity, like I did, you’d get made fun of for being a prude, or an old maid.

“Also, by the time I got to high school, dating was a whole different thing than it was back when you were in high school, Carl.

“Before I ever started dating James, I already knew what his dick and balls looked like, because he sexted close-up photos of them to me on my cell phone, when he was trying to get me to start dating him.

“He also asked me to text him back close-up photos of my breasts and my pussy, if I was interested in establishing a relationship with him. And so against my better judgement, I went ahead and did what he asked me to do.

“Please keep in mind this wasn’t some total stranger that I was sending my pussy pic to. He was a guy that I shared a few classes with, and someone who I found to be fairly attractive in a cute, geeky sort of way, and I wanted to pursue him as a possible boyfriend–even though, he was far from my first choice for a boyfriend.

“But then I also realized that I was never going to end up with some tall, dark, and handsome football player type of guy, or anything like that. This was already my senior year, and unlike virtually all my peers, I still hadn’t found a steady boyfriend. So I figured beggars can’t be choosers. And I chose James, because he was the only guy that I knew at the time who was actively showing an interest in me.

“Then James texted me back, asking if I wanted to go out on a date with him. In that same text, he mentioned that he thought my tits and my pussy were awesome-looking. And he told me that he was looking forward to seeing them in real life.

“And I texted him back, telling him, ‘That all depends on you.’

“That next weekend, James and I went on our first-ever date together. And after we ate pizza at an inexpensive pizza parlor, James took me back to his house. His mother, who was divorced, worked the evening shift, according to James, and so we had the house to ourselves for the next several hours.

“James took me up to his bedroom, and we both sat side-by-side on his bed. He opened up his laptop that was laying on top of the bed, and he started showing me different porn videos. He claimed that he had all these bookmarked because they were some of his favorite porn videos, and he asked me if I liked them.

“And of course, I said ‘yes.’ What else could I say? I mean, I certainly wasn’t going to say ‘no’ to James, especially if I didn’t want him to whisk me away from his house, before things even got underway.

“Anyway, I asked James why he had asked me out, and not some other girl. And he told me that he was such a geek that girls usually ran the other way when they would see him coming, and they didn’t ever give him a chance to get to know them. So for James, picking up girls in the usual way just didn’t work.

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