Motherfucker: Part 3 by rat_race

“Yeah, I understand. You gotta do what you need to do.”

“So back to my original question: Why is Fran here this morning? I thought it was just going to be you, me, and your mother.”

“Believe it or not, Fran came over this morning so that I could fuck her–again. And that’s the honest to God truth. You see, I fucked her for the first time yesterday morning. But that was only because my mother asked me to do it.”

“Really? Wow! Your mom’s even weirder than I thought.”

“Oh, you have no idea! I fucked Fran not just once, but three times yesterday, and I did it right in front of Mom every time, while Fran and I were lying on top of Mom’s bed in her bedroom.”

“That’s incredible!” Jenny remarked.

“I know. I even surprised myself. I didn’t think I could even fuck that old lady once, much less three times. But that’s what happened. And believe it or not, she orgasmed while I was having sex with her. Fran’s a fully functional woman, despite her age.”

“How old is she?”

“77,” I replied.

“My God! I still hope I’m having sex at that age.”

“Me too,” I agree with Jenny.

“So what’s supposed to happen with me here today?”

“Well, first of all, Mom’s going to take us all up to her bedroom. Then she wants me to fuck her in front of you and Fran first, before I go ahead and have sex with either of you guys.”

“So then, I’m just supposed to just sit there, and watch you fuck your mother?”

“Yep. That’s the just of it. Don’t worry. I moved the easy chair out of my bedroom and into Mom’s, so that there are now two easy chairs in Mom’s bedroom, sitting side-by-side at the foot of Mom’s bed. That should give you and Fran a great view of Mom’s and my genitals while we’re fucking.”

“So then what are Fran and I supposed to do while you’re fucking your mother in front of us?” Jenny asked.

“Hopefully, you’ll both get reallt turned-on and start playing with yourselves. And who knows, you might even start playing with each other. I’m not going to stop you. And neither is Mom.”

“So then, after you finish fucking your Mom, who are you going to fuck next?”

“That all depends on who Mom wants me to fuck next. She’s the one in charge of this whole fiasco. Not me. But if I had to make an educated guess, my mother will most likely want me to fuck Fran next, and then finally fuck you. I believe that she’ll want to save you for last. That way, you should still be here when Sofia comes over.”

“Sofia? Who’s Sofia?”

“You haven’t met her yet. She’s coming over this afternoon at around 1:00 o’clock. She’s Mom’s middle-age Hispanic neighbor from across the street. She was here on Friday afternoon when I arrived at Mom’s house, and Mom had me fuck the crap out of Sofia, right in front of her. And then Sofia came over again yesterday afternoon, and I eventually ended up fucking her again, after Mom had sex with her.

“But I gotta warn you. If you decide to stay here with us until Sofia comes over, she really gets off on dominance and submission. I mean, in real life, Sofia is a very kind and proper, soft-spoken mother of two. But she likes to play a totally submissive role during sex, while she prefers for us to dominate her the whole time. In other words, Sofia loves it when Mom and I order her to do sexual things, and we call her bad names, like ‘little Mexican whore’ or ‘puta,’ which is a derogatory Spanish word for ‘prostitute.’

“So are you the only man that’s supposed to show up here today to have sex with me?” Jenny asked, which caught me totally off-guard.

“Yes, I am. Does that disappoint you?”

“No. That’s what I was hoping you’d say. I think you’re fucking awesome! And there’s no other guy’s dick I want in my pussy right now, but yours.”

“Wow! That’s a lot of pressure. I hope I can live up to your expectations.”

“Don’t worry. I’m sure you will,” Jenny said, and leaned over to give me a quick kiss me on the cheek, as she reached down and gently grabbed hold of the front of my crotch for just a moment. And she said to me, “Come on, let’s go back into the kitchen. I’m hungry and could really use some breakfast. Besides, I don’t want to be rude to Fran and your mother.”

“I hope you like dinosaur pancakes? ‘Cuz that’s what Mom’s serving this morning.”

“Yummy! Sounds great to me,” Jenny said, and then grabbed hold of me hand and practically dragged me to the kitchen, where Mom was still chatting away with Fran.

“Would you like a dinosaur pancake, Jenny?” Mom asked.

“Sure, Mrs.–”

“Please, just call me Janie,” Mom jumped in.

“Okay, Janie, I would love one of your delicious dinosaur pancakes.”

Meanwhile, Fran had eaten about half of her large pancake, and by the way that she was acting, I could tell that she was ready to leave the kitchen and “get the show on the road,” as they say.

After Mom had made the pancake for Jenny and served it to her with plenty of maple syrup and real butter, Fran got up from the kitchen table, excusing herself in the process, and she whispered something in Mom’s ear.

Then both women left the kitchen and I assumed that they headed upstairs to Mom’s bedroom.

I stayed there in the kitchen with Jenny, and we talked about all sorts of things. I discovered that Jenny was just a intelligent as she was pretty, which made her even more attractive to me. And I wanted to fuck her so badly I could barely stand it.

But that didn’t matter. I had promised Mom that I would fuck her first, before I fucked any other woman who was there at the house this morning.

While Jenny was chewing away on a piece of pancake, she said to me, “Oh, I almost forgot. You Mom asked me to give you these.”

And then Jenny reached into her small purse, and pulled out a quart-size, sealed, transparent plastic freezer bag, with what I realized was a pair of her soiled panties wadded up inside. Jenny handed the bag to me with a devilish smile on her cute freckle-nosed face, saying, “I hope you enjoy these dirty panties of mine.”

“I’m sure I will,” I replied.

“What do you think Fran and Janie as doing right now?”

“I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough. Please go ahead and finish your pancake if you want to. You’re going to need all the strength you can get.”

“From what you described to me in the other room, all I’m going to be doing for a while is masturbating. And it doesn’t take much strength to do that.”

“That all depends on how much you make yourself cum, now doesn’t it?” I corrected her.

“Touché,” Jenny replied, and finished quickly wolfing down the rest of her giant dinosaur pancake, by taking overly-large bites of her pancake, and then washing them down with coffee between bites. “Okay, I’m ready to go when you are,” Jenny proudly announced. “Am I supposed to get naked here, or do I leave my clothes on.”

“Tell you what. Why don’t you just play it by ear?”

“Yes, sir,” Jenny said sarcastically, and gave me a quick military-style salute, just like an enlisted soldier would do to an officer.

“Don’t be a smart ass!” I cautioned her. “You have no idea what you’re in for during the next few hours. But I do. So yes, I’m warning you, please don’t get ahead of yourself, and overthink things. Just let things happen as they happen, and go with the flow. I guarantee you will have a much better experience that way–especially since my mom is involved. Don’t worry. She’ll tell you what she wants you to do, and when she wants you to do it, and how she wants you to do it. So why don’t we get going and get this show underway?

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