Mother’s Appreciation by Eccho

“Mmm,” she says in delight, “How could you not like this? It’s amazing.”

She gives it another lick, proving my earlier thoughts incorrect.

“You need to tell me where you got that smoothie. It’s remarkable.”

She scoops up a bit more with her finger before tossing my blanket back in the basket, sticking her finger in her mouth as she walks back to her room. I’m completely floored by what just happened. Did she-…Did she just lick up my cum from the blanket?…Did she like it?…Did I…enjoy watching her do it? I hastily go back to my room, reflecting on what just happened.

The next day approaches and the thought is still as fresh in my mind as if I’m still in the moment. My mother just ate my cum and liked it. Hell, she looked like she loved it. I don’t know how to feel about that. That’s my mom, after all. And that actually happened. That wasn’t just an internal thought. It was real. It happened right in front of me. Why did I even let it happen? I had full ability to stop her. But I didn’t do anything. I just stood there and watched. What kind of daughter am I?

I hear mom coming downstairs as I watch TV. I glance at her, trying not to look at her too closely so as not to have any more perverted thoughts. It’s bad enough I can’t stop the ones I’m having. I don’t need more to add to it. She’s wearing her gardening hat, jeans, and her yellow blouse.

“Going out to do some gardening,” she announces, walking past me, “I’m gonna be a bit thirsty afterward, so, whenever you’re available, you mind getting me that smoothie from yesterday? It was amazing. Really hit the spot.”

“U-umm…o-ok,” I reply, hiding my discomfort of the request,

“Thanks, baby. You’re the best.”

She blows me a kiss before heading out to the garden. Fuck. Now what? I can’t just jack off in a cup and give it to her. That’s not only gross, but that would be incredibly messy. And I can’t just get her a random smoothie because it’s not gonna taste the same and she’ll wonder what’s up. What do I do?

I decide to watch TV to at least try to ease my worries about it. Maybe I’ll come up with something when the time comes. But for now, I’m just drawing a blank. I mean, how do I go about this? Nothing I do could possibly be the right answer. I’m fucked either way I go about it. It’s either I get something she doesn’t want or I do something beyond unsanitary and morally wrong…Unless I can suggest something else for her. Yeah. Yeah, that’s completely within the bounds of morality. I’ll just suggest a different flavor for her, convince her that it’ll be better than…that one, and I’m completely off the hook. No nefarious actions included. I’m a genius.

I stand up from the couch and head over to the patio door. But as I do, I catch a glimpse of her pulling out the weeds. Fuck, she’s already worked up quite a sweat. Look at her, so rough with those plants as the sweat drips from her body. Holy shit, that’s…wrong. That’s wrong. Stop it. She’s just gardening. In the sunlight. With a shirt that hugs her chest and shows its movements with each rough pull.

The more I watch her, the more I feel myself losing control. But I can’t help but to keep watching. It’s doing things to me that I never thought possible. Once again, she has me testing the limits of my pants. But I have no means of relieving myself this time. If I do it in the bathroom right now, I might lose my confidence. And I can’t just go in my room. If the way I took care of it yesterday is any indication, I’ll definitely take too long. And I can’t just whip it out and do it here. She’s right there.

I’m stuck. And I can’t possibly talk to her like this. What sane person would have a conversation with a raging boner protruding from their pants? I just need to wait it out. That’s my only option. I just need to calm down and I’m home free.

But that’s easier said than done. I’ve still got the actual issue of looking at her. I just can’t turn away. The way her chest moves with her actions, her gentle touch when tending to the flowers and plants, her humming while doing it all, it’s all just too alluring. I can feel myself getting harder and harder with each passing second. I then start thinking about the scenarios from yesterday, turning me on even more.

A few minutes after thinking about the scenarios, I hear something odd. It sounds like something’s tearing. I then start to feel a draft on my crotch. Fearing the worst, I instinctively bring my hands to my pants to try and keep them together. But it’s too late. My cock bursts through my pants, taking me by surprise. I immediately lean on the wall to hide it from mom. This isn’t good. I need to change pants. But all the others won’t hide this. I need to take care of it and fast.

I try thinking about other solutions, but I can’t think of anything. There’s nothing else I can do. By the time this goes away, she might be done. Then she’s gonna wanna know why Ihave a hole in my pants. I can’t explain that. So I’m gonna have to make this quick.

I take a breath, bringing a hand to my shaft, gently, but quickly stroking it. I shut my eyes, basking in the pleasures of my own touch, wishi- pretending it was mom’s. Then, just like yesterday, I envision her being right in front of me, crawling over to my cock with hunger and lust in her eyes. She grins at me, observing as I stroke my cock right in front of her. I can’t help but to lightly moan as she looks at me. The look she’s giving me is turning me on so much.

Then, again, just like yesterday, she leans forward, taking the tip of my cock in her mouth and sucking on the tip. I moan lightly louder, trying to keep my voice down. But I can’t. It feels so good. She then starts bobbing her head up and down, taking more of my member in her mouth.

Yeah, just like that. Suck on it just like that, mommy. Suck your perverted, dirty, lewd daughter’s cock. Please don’t stop, mommy. Mommy, please keep making me feel good. Your mouth feels incredible. Fuck, it feels so good.

“Language,” I hear, immediately grabbing my attention.

Iopen my eyes and before me is the sight of half of my shaft deep within the mouth of my mother. I’m taken aback by this sight. My mind is going a million miles a second. When did she get here? Why is she here? Why is she doing this? Is this real?

Those thoughta along with a whole lot of others are then immediately pushed aside as she takes all of my cock inside of her mouth, holding her position and winking at me. Fuck, that’s hot. She giggles before taking me out of her mouth and shifting her attention to my balls, sucking on them as she strokes my cock, never breaking eye contact with me. I moan more as she works my shaft and balls, savoring every feeling that’s coursing through my body.

This is way better than anything I’ve ever felt before. And it’s all thanks to my mother. Why is that so bad? It feels good. She’s having fun. I’m having fun. No one’s getting hurt. Why shouldn’t I find it hot that my mother’s worshipping my cock? I do. I love the feeling of mommy’s mouth on my dick.

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