The Rape of Maya Chapter Three

The Rape of Maya Chapter Three

Mistress “M’s” Slave Training, of Maya as a sex slave!

The Rape of Maya

Chapter Three

Mistress “M’s” Slave Training, of Maya as a sex slave!

All three of these women are now in separate chambers and hanging upside down by their ankles,.. This has left them totally naked and helplessly swinging slowly back and forth! The next part will be getting them trained and ready. This is done by first letting them know who their boss is and who is in charge! Mistress “M” just loves to hang new arrivals up naked by their ankles, as this really gets their attention! She also likes to do this for a certain amount of time, as the longer they hang the more docile and receptive they become to being slave trained as a submissive’s!

The Russians and women from the Ukraine are shipped to the complex hung up side down naked and bound inside a big wooden shipping crate as the Russian Slave traders love doing this as well to the women they send to Andheri to be sold!

This underground training complex in Andheri has some rather interesting and historical background along with the colorful and interesting way it currently came into being. It was originally used by the British Army when they first came to India, they found that slave trading was quite a useful endeavor and that they could easily use Indian women as sex slaves. The women would be raped bred, and sold for fun and sport. These men would then returned to England as brave conquering soldiers of the Crown. Not that this was a bad thing as at the time back in those days this sort of thing was perfectly acceptable,.. unlike the political correctness of today. But political correctness has no place in modern day slave trading.

This slave trading complex easily existed and continued to operate under British supervision through out the 19th and 20th century’s. Most Europeans especially those that lived in the British commonwealth had no idea that such a place like this even existed! It was only after the second world war when India was grated independence that the British relinquished control of the country that left the place in control of the local slave traders, and government officials with the blessings of well paid politicians of India who chose to look the other way! So what really changed?

Mistress “M” with Maya hanging upside down has brought in several clinical assistants. One, it is their job to take cultures of her blood an urine to insure that she as well as other women are in good health. As to do this insures the buyer that as the time of sale she is ready for any type of submissive sex play! The other assistant is to record all of Maya’s vital statistics, hair and eye color, height, bust size, hips and waist as well as throat size and vaginal depth!

This is so it can all be transferred to a bidders sheet, and this detailed information will provide all of the women’s appealing finer points to prospective bidders at the upcoming sex slave auction!

This is also where traditions of the past and current meet in the way of medical pharmacology and sexually stimulating aphrodisiacs, those that can be given to these women in order to enhance their sexual interest and performance!

India once a third world country has now become very modern in many ways especially the medical profession and has produced some of the best doctors and medical minds in the world! Many of them have set up practices all over the world! This has not been lost on the slave traders. That in order to sell their women and get the best price for them have done every thing to insure that they are free of most all of the well known problems! They have also enlisted the help of these expert medical technicians to provide a number of sexual stimulants that can both be injected or taken orally with food they are given!

After this close inspection several young Nigerian women enter the room and under Mistress “M’” watchful eye expertly shave and wax removing all Maya’s body hair completely, leaving her naked bare and cleaner than she has ever been in her life, especially her pubic area! This is an incredible sensation to have others while tied upside down naked and totally helpless, especially beautiful young black women do something like this. The thought alone to Maya is both tantalizing and erotically stimulating!

When these young women are finally finished one of the girls has easily grabbed Maya’s bare buttocks, pulls her over and sticks her head in between Maya’s thighs and tenderly french kisses her inviting vaginal mound paying close attention to her silt and clit! Then buries her face in Maya’s cunt, as the well trained tongue of the young girl snakes its way in, ever so deep!

It is a most incredible sight to watch a naked woman’s body, ass cheeks thighs and breasts that are hanging upside down subjected to gravity react by shuddering, and then tremble with stimulating sensations, not only from this pleasurable sexual stimulation. But also with the perverted sexual abuse from Mistress “M’s” leather whip! This sexual attention has caused Maya’s body to react with a pleasurable jerk, followed by several more sensual spasm’s as she helplessly orgasms,.. now bare and left swinging slowly back and forth!

Before Maya is released from her pleasurable hanging ordeal Mistress “M” explains to her what will be required not only of Maya, but of the other women. This is what she needs, to learn as the nasty woven leather snake whip again accurately whips around in the thin air several time before striking first her nipples and then her soft tender clitoris!

Oh! No, no no no Maya cry’s out! As the stinging lash has turned the pleasurable oral lovemaking into a painful stinging as her naked body, still hanging up side down reacts in the most erotic way as the bare skin and pubic muscles do a most sadistic dance as Maya squeals squirms and jerks around trying to alter her position from the whip and its stinging touch!

No sooner has this perverted display ended “M’s” two big black male charges appear and have easily released her from the unnatural hanging bonds and placed her knees, on the stone floor of the punishment chamber.

Mistress “M” then cracks the doubled up whip in the palm of her hand several times to accent her training requirements! The first position she goes on to say, that you need to learn and master as an obedieant and well trained slave, is the “Oral Position”! This is a position required in order to perform oral stimulation on a new master or anyone that has paid the price to own a well trained slave that you will become!

She then explains to Maya,.. you are to place your hands behind your back and tilt your head back and then open your mouth wide, the only exception is that one hand can be used to masturbate yourself while you are pleasuring your new master! If you can not keep your hands behind your back or on your privates they will be bound or chained so that you have no choice, do you understand? Well do you? I can’t here you, you slutty little cunt face whore?

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