Sexy Sardines Part 2 by storybeedee

Sexy Sardines Part 2 by storybeedee

Explore the tantalizing world of desire in 'Sexy Sardines Part 2' by storybeedee. This electrifying erotic tale delves into passion, connection, and sizzling chemistry that will leave you breathless. Dive into a story where every moment ignites the senses—perfect for fans of steamy romance and adventurous encounters. Don't miss out on this captivating read!

Follow on story from the Uncles perspective. It’s about a girl who ‘accidently’ had a sexy moment with her Aunties boyfriend while playing games in the grandparents house.

[45m] I pleasured my 19 year old niece Amy while playing Sardines.

This is a story of how I ended up pleasuring my niece after a family game of Sardines. Sardines is the one where one person hides and anyone who finds that person hides with them until everyone has found the group. It was our usual Sunday family dinner after church with the parents of my long time partner Emma. Amy was her niece and daughter of Emma’s younger sister. She had grown up with me from an early age and we were a close family, although Emma’s sister wasn’t really a devout christian and neither was I.

Amy had been playing with her younger sisters, who were both very young, before she got bored and asked me to play as well. I reluctantly agreed if I could hide first knowing that if you find a decent spot you can just sit for ages and relax. The house was amazing for hide and seek, with several bedrooms and closets upstairs, a large converted attic and about 6 rooms downstairs so hide and seek could take 20 minutes sometimes.

I shot upstairs and entered a room that was an unused guest room. I closed the door so there was only a tiny amount of light coming through the small window above the door. I was about to hide under the bed when I spotted a wardrobe against the walls in the corner and decided to be clever and slide it across for the perfect original hiding place. Only a minute or so had passed before I heard the door open. I knew it was Amy as the girls were always noisy when searching and could hear them in another room upstairs. I held my breath so she couldn’t hear me but after about 30 seconds she popped her head around the corner and laughed. She said she’d have to come in there with me but really didn’t think she would as it was quite tight for 2 people and the last thing she probably wanted was to squeeze up against her uncle, but to my surprise she did.

I squeezed up with my back against the wall while she faced towards the side of the wardrobe, her right shoulder near to my chest. I could see quite a bit down her top where I was standing as it was baggy. She had good tits with a good cleavage to be honest and I could easily see her gray cotton bra she had on. I thought to myself that this was a little awkward and tried not to look again. I’d never looked at Amy sexually even though she was very attractive and she had developed an incredible figure recently. I always found her to be a bit dorky in her teens but she had certainly filled out in the last year and now had quite an athletic body. She always looked great in sun dresses and used to get a lot of compliments.

We were completely silent, knowing that the girls were nearby. Out of the blue the door flung open, the light from the landing illuminated the room. Amy panicked and threw her back against me so as not to get caught. Her bum pressed up right against my groin area of my cargo shorts so I gently grabbed her waist to move her away by a couple of inches, thinking she would probably get creeped out if she knew exactly what she was pressing against. I held her as one of the girls searched around the room before she eventually gave up and left. We were laughing quietly to each other, not being sure if one of the girls was still there. She put her finger to her lips and we stayed silent, I was breathing heavily and could see my breath was blowing Amy’s hair on the back of her neck. I think she was finally aware of the physical contact and how her ass was practically touching my dick. I thought, “Shit, this is going to freak her out slightly, we had better stop”. I could hear her breathing become erratic and she shifted her body around uncomfortably, before her cheeks and neck went bright red with embarrassment.

I let go of her waist and she immediately went back to the same position as before. She was laughing awkwardly and all I could do was smile awkwardly back thinking, “Yep she’s definitely freaked out”. We stayed silent for a while before I started saying how the girls were useless, that we’d never be caught and maybe we should give up. More likely it was because this situation was getting a bit weird and I really didn’t want my 19 year old niece to think I was a creep. But she stayed put, invested in the game, periodically leaning forward to peer around the wardrobe. I glanced down at her red neck and could see her erect nipples through her crop top. They definitely weren’t like this before and I thought, “Was she seriously getting aroused by what just happened?” She turned to look at me again, I just stared at her, contemplating what just happened, then to make the situation a little more awkward subconsciously looked down at her erect nipples again. “You twat, she just saw that!”, I thought to myself before finally deciding we had better quit. “I think we should probably get caught now”, I said. Without hesitation she whispered back, “No way!”, and looked up at me flirtatiously. At that point I was sure she was proably enjoying this far more than I was.

“Okay”, I thought, “We can have a little fun and a little flirt if you’re okay with it, what’s the worst that could happen?”. After all, I had harmlessly flirted endlessly with her mother for the last 20 years or so and we both enjoyed it. I talked to Amy about the family and what she’d been up to recently before we heard footsteps outside the door followed by silence. Amy leant out to see if anyone was there, before turning to speak to me again. Out of nowhere the door flung open and without time to spin around so her back was towards me, Amy flung herself onto me face first. I didn’t have time to move my hands which were resting on my chest and her breasts squeezed against them as she moved forward. Again her sister searched the same areas, not thinking about looking elsewhere. This must have been the younger sister this time as she wasn’t so thorough and ran out after 10 seconds.

Amy looked down to see the back of my hands almost touching her tits. I could feel the underwire of her bra pressing against the backs of my fingers. We both burst out laughing and I moved my hands down by my side. Both of us couldn’t stop giggling for a good 30 seconds, partly because of the game but also because of the situation we were in. Once we had settled down I realized that this situation had become far more intense. This was a young girl, my niece, inches away from my face and she clearly showed that she didn’t want to move. A million thoughts shot through my mind, “Does she really want something to happen? Does she really fancy me? There’s flirting and then there’s serious intimate contact! Oh shit am I getting turned on by this? Oh shit what if we get caught now?”. She looked up at me, I knew that look, that was a submissive look I’d seen a million times before! Fuck she did want this!


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