A Family Betrayal Chapter 1 by Hawkrider

A Family Betrayal Chapter 1 by Hawkrider

Discover the thrilling opening of 'A Family Betrayal Chapter 1' by Hawkrider. Dive into an electrifying erotic tale filled with passion, intrigue, and complex relationships that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Explore the depths of desire and betrayal in this captivating sex story. Read now!<br/>

This is my third story installment. The names are fictional. I hope everyone enjoys

I was always told family was everything through the good and bad times. When my mother Maggie gave birth to me it was a day that started everything in my life. I was born with bright blue eyes and red hair. I don’t remember my birth, but I do have bits and pieces of my youth that flows through my mind. My father Greg was a very caring, loving and hard working man. He had his own business in which he was very successful. He had a partner at that time named Mike. Mike Jarvison was my dad’s best friend and a close friend of the family. Mike and his wife Ellie were made my god parents not long after my birth. So you might say I had two sets of parents my father and mother then my God parents. They had a son named Chris who I grew up with. Dad and Mike had two best friends that they both got to know through years at work.

Nate Anderson and Ricky Greenhart, both were close to Dad and Mike’s age. My mother was a nurse, but decided to quit after I was born to be a full time mother/ housewife. After I was born my sister Michelle who is 5 years older then me thought of me as her baby. She was protective of me as she was with Travis who was my older brother by 4 years older. Both took a vow to protect and love me. When I was 3 years old my family went camping by the local lake for a week during the summer in July before my 4th birthday. Michelle took Travis and my hands while leading us down to the lake which wasn’t that far from the campsite dad and mom chose. I didn’t know what was going on, but I trusted my sister who Travis and I called Shellie. Once at the edge she looked down at me with a smile.

” Now Heathie take that pacifier out of your mouth and throw it in the lake so the baby fishes can have it.” Shellie tells me as I look at her confused

” Go ahead Heath do has sissy says.” Travis tells me as I watch Shellie do a motion

She acted out what she wanted me to do by take her hand from her mouth to act like she was throwing something in the lake. I took the pacifier out of my mouth and looked at it. I then looked at her and Travis then looked back up at the camp to see my dad and mom looking on smiling, but also nodding encouraging me to throw the piece of plastic.

” Heathie your a big boy now. Throw that pacy in for the baby fishes.” Shellie tells me again as I look at what was in my hand

I let out a sigh as I threw the pacifier into the water. At that moment I felt a few tears as Shellie and Travis stepped over to me wrapping their arms around me.

” Don’t cry honey mommy Shellie is going to help you get over that old pacy.” Shellie says to me as if she was a mommy

Dad and Mom came down to us squatting to hug us kids.

” Heath you took a big step son. And I am sure you will be taking many more.” My father tells me as I cried

After the hug mom suggested ice cream cones which got me smiling. Shellie, Travis, and I ran to camp with Shellie grabbing Travis and my hands to help us back. I heard dad and mom laughing at the scene of their oldest helping her younger brothers. Once back at camp dad helped mom make ice cream cones for us kids. I was sitting between Shellie and Travis as we started eating the ice cream cones. I don’t know what exactly happened, but the top of mine fell off in my lap. I looked down and started to sob. Shellie caught wind of my sobbing.

” Aww Heathie don’t cry honey. Here let me help you.” Shellie tells me as I look at her

She transfered the top portion of hers to mine. I loved my sister so much as I did my brother. Travis helped Shellie by lifting the ice cream off my lap and dropped it under the table. Dad and mom just chuckled and giggled saying how cute. Those were the happiest times of my life.

As time went by Shellie, Travis, and I grew stronger as siblings. When other kids tried to bully me Shellie or Travis would be right there standing up for me. It was times like that which brought us closer. When Shellie and Travis went to spend the night with their friends, dad and mom would make time for me by having movie night. I would sit between them with my head on either one’s arm. Mom always called me her bright blue eyed baby boy. I would also giggle when she would get tongue tied a few times saying it.

When I was 8 years old and during the weekends over the summer. Dad and mom would hold family gatherings. The families consisted of the Jarvison’s, Anderson’s, and Greenhart’s. That was when I met Selena and Tiffany. Selena’s parents were Nate and Kiko Anderson. Selena was Asian American and clinged to Chris. Tiffany’s parents were Ricky and Verna Greenhart as she clung to me for some reason. Shellie thought of them as younger sister’s as Travis just well laughed at Chris and I. All the parents you might say claimed the others kid as their own. So to sum it up we had 4 sets of parents. Except Mike and Ellie being my god parents. Those following summers were fun as my friendships with Chris, Selena, and Tiffany grew and matured. I found out I was the youngest of us four, but only by months. Seems Chris was born in February, Selena in March as Tiffany was born in April. While I was born in the month of July.

It was when I was 13 when my life took it’s first tragic toll. My father went out of state for a meeting. On his way back his plane crashed. We were all devastated for various reasons. My mother lost her husband, the Jarvison’s/Greenhart’s and Anderson’s lost a brother and us kids lost a father and uncle. I tried to be the big man for my family by comforting them. I especially tried to comfort Shellie and mom. Travis would be the one to comfort me when i couldn’t take it anymore. This happened in May. I still had school in which mom took me out the second week, for my father’s funeral. It was the worst week of our lives. The day of the funeral I sat between mom and Shellie as Travis sat on mom’s left. She had her arms around Travis and I as Shellie held my right hand in her left. As we listened to the preacher as well as those that knew our dad Shellie laid her head on my shoulder. I don’t know what came over her, but she whispered in my ear as her tears ran down the cheeks of her face.

” Don’t you ever leave me. I don’t ever want to lose you Heathie as your my baby brother and I love you.” She told me as I squeezed her had

” I will never leave you Shellie as I need you as much as you need me. I love you so much.” I whispered back to get a squeeze of my hand

As that day went by Mike, Ellie, and Chris stayed around us to give us comfort. Mike and Ellie helped my mom plus gave her comfort. Chris was doing his best helping Shellie, Travis, and I. He had grown close to us taking us in as his own brothers and sister. He would start telling jokes and make us laugh which helped. Shellie although clinged to me as I did her. As the evening turned to night Shellie and Travis went to spend the night with their friends leaving my mother and I alone in the house. Mom asked if I would hold her in her bed for the night. I told her yes as we got ready. I slept in shorts as she slept in her pajamas. Getting in my mothers bed She pulled me to her quickly. My head was on her left shoulder as the arms that held me as a baby were wrapped around me. I placed my left hand on her belly as she sobbed for a bit then started talking to me.


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