Lost Empire 77 by pars001

Lost Empire 77 by pars001

Explore the thrilling world of 'Lost Empire 77' by pars001, an erotic sex story that delves into passion, seduction, and forbidden desires. Uncover hidden adventures and intense connections in a tale that will ignite your imagination. Read now for an unforgettable journey into desire!<br/>

just when you thought things were getting better

0001 – Tempro

0003 – Conner- Thomas

0097 – Ace – Zimmel

0098 – Lucy

0101 – Shelby (mother ship)

0125 – Lars

0130 – Gillese

0200 – Ellen

0250 – Tendra

0301 – Rodrick

0403 – Johnathon

0778 – Jan

0798 – Celeste – Shelby (human)

0805 – Toran

0808 – Radella

0881 – Handrax

0908 – Tara – Mara

1000 – Sherry


Ungrown – unnumbered


0100 – Derry (father ship)

Rescued from Tendraxians

so far


4 on Shelby 2 in re-gen

8 on Lucy


Known and OR numbered


0501 – Thaddeus

???? – Lena


missing – 0667 – Marco

0999 – Zan – still lost


Kimon sighed as once again, both Jimison and Difina were flying across the room. He himself hadn’t even started to teach them.

Kimon’s thoughts were interrupted as Captain David Greeson’s voice snapped out. “Get up, you worthless flotsam. If you can’t learn this, then there is no use trying to teach you more!”

A small smile crept to Kimon’s lips. Though not quite to master level, Greeson was an excellent teacher.

A look out the door to the training area, showed that there were more than a few of the male cat crew. when they had first arrived, the Emperor had announced who they were, to more than a few scoffs.

As the four of them had made their way to their quarters, Kimon had incapacitated quite a few. This of course hadn’t stopped many more from also trying. They also hadn’t fared much better.

Once they had reached the training room, no one had dared to enter. This all of them knew would be a death sentence. Well, one had dared, he of course, Kimon, had nearly decapitated. That at least had deterred the rest to remain outside the room.

Kimon watched as Greeson rapidly advanced on the two. “I said on your feet! You have only been going twelve hours, we have barely started!”

Both stood, both of their legs were wobbly as they took their stance. Greeson was about to start again when Kimon spoke. “Hold Greeson!”

Greeson turned to Kimon bowed then sat in meditation. Both Jimison and Difina stayed alert expecting an attack at any moment.

“You have done well my student.” Kimon stated to Greeson who did not move. “As for the two of you, I expect much from the both of you, unfortunately neither of you have ever trained in the art. Go, eat, rest I expect the both of you here at the same time tomorrow.” When neither relaxed their stance, Kimon nodded, then slightly bowed. “Go, expect more tomorrow.”

Both bowed to Kimon, though neither relaxed much at all. “Thank you master.” They said as they exited the room.

Kimon was about to speak when there were several screams. Looking out, Kimon could see several of the males that had been standing there, on the deck writhing in pain.

Kimon smirked, he had warned all the crew. The couple might be only half as good as Jimison, they were still deadly in their own right.

A small chuckle escaped his throat as, he saw the rest of the males rapidly part, then get as far from the couple as they could.

So far, the both were actually starting to get faster though, they would have to get much faster quick. All that he wished to teach them, would definitely help them survive far better.

The problem is that they only have three weeks, possibly four. He wasn’t sure even with as fast as the two seem to be progressing, if it was enough.

A heavy sigh escaped his lips as he sat in front of Jimison. “You must remember Gakusei kyōshi (student teacher), they have not trained most of their lives as we have. This first week will be nothing but expanding their bodies. Then, we will commence the real training.”

“Hai Shujin,” Greeson stated bowing his forehead to the deck. “I will do my best to improve their bodies for you. I will also remember that they cannot take true training as of yet.”

Kimon nodded to Greeson then stood. “I suggest that we train a bit.” Greeson nodded, bowed then assumed a defensive stance.

All the males near the door way watched in surprise as both males seemed to disappear. No one dared to step inside, though they couldn’t see them they could still feel them. The amount of power they felt made more than a few tremble as the moved away.

Jimison and Difina went to a door that he thought was their quarters. When the door refused to open Difina turned to Jimison. “I am sorry my mate to be. We cannot be together in the same room, ’til we are joined. I do not wish this though; we do have to abide by traditions. Your room is there,” Difina pointed to a doorway across the hall. “Rest well.” Then she stepped into her room the door closing rapidly.

Jimison stood there in the hallway blinking a moment then nodded. Walking into his room, he started to search for anything out of the ordinary. An hour later he’d found over a hundred small bombs, several gas cylinders. Over twenty needle projectiles, plus several spring-loaded knives set to come out when he laid down.

With a flip of the communicator, Jimison called Kandra. “I was wondering if you wanted all of this that I found.”

Kandra looked then shook his head no. “Dispose of them as you see fit. There is a space shute in the wall if they are dangerous to the ship.”

Jimison looked over what he had showed to Kandra, then started to rid himself of the explosives’, the gas plus the needles. The knives he kept for possible use later.

“I am glad that I was able to make the ship safer.” Jimison told Kandra who just nodded his head then clicked off. Well, Jimison thought, this is going to be interesting.

Try as he might he couldn’t remember the commands for the door. Grabbing several of the knives Jimison placed them in such a way that, no one who entered could survive. Laying with a groan Jimison thought about the training as his sore muscles screamed in protest. This is going to be far harder than I thought.

Across the hall, Difina smiled when she saw that her mate had found all of the things that were in his room. A small chuckle escaped her lips when her mate tossed all but the weapons. Her smile growing larger when she saw the configuration, he had placed the weapons on the door. Lying down she sighed, soon she thought they would no longer be apart.


Hartwell awoke with a jerk. What in the hell was going on he thought, his mind and thoughts jumbled a few moments?

As he sat there, he looked around his room, something had stirred him though what he was unsure. Getting out of bed, he almost stepped on Bee, who was asleep on the floor next to the bed.

Trying to remain quiet he cursed to his self when he saw that he’d awoken her.

“I am sorry Bee; I didn’t mean to wake you.” Hartwell said.

Briefly looking up then her eyes falling to the floor again she said, “I am sorry that I was not awake before you. Please forgive me for sleeping, not attending to your needs.”

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