C6 – Serendipity Pass – Freshly Paved Streets / Final Edit by JoeRogue

C6 – Serendipity Pass – Freshly Paved Streets / Final Edit by JoeRogue

Discover passion and unexpected encounters in ‘C6 – Serendipity Pass – Freshly Paved Streets.’ Join JoeRogue on a tantalizing journey filled with desire, romance, and steamy surprises that will ignite your senses and leave you breathless. Dive into this sultry tale and explore the depths of temptation!

A hard day, a cold driving rain, a lonely figure and a night of chance.

This is a work of fiction. Any resemblances to actual events, characters, persons, alive or dead, or beings of Earth or the multiverse, past, present or future, is purely coincidental. Unless, of course, I’m psychic, in which case this a work of non-fiction. But I highly doubt that, I’m not that attuned. I mean if I was, I’d have won Powerball by now and been able to afford creative writing classes. And a proofreader.

Be forewarned, these writings, including this warning, may trigger some issue or issues that you have. Either by the language used or it’s content in general. If you are one to get bothered by every little thing, you have to make a decision now. You have two choices. One, you can decide, you can be a mature adult about things and continue. Or Two, you can’t, in which case just close it now and step away from wherever the hell it is that you are reading this.

Serendipity Pass


Chapter 6: Freshly Paved Streets


I woke up to a deep, gentle, rolling growl. It thrummed in my ears, filling my head with a pleasant reverberation, pulling me from my slumber.

My eyes slowly opened, attempting to pinpoint the source, as I rose into consciousness. My brain started to put together the clues. First, a reverberation in my throat… and… in my chest.

And I realized, without the tiniest of doubts… that, that noise…

Was coming from me.

She, on the other hand, was quiet. Studiously quiet. With her head on my thigh, gazing intently at a very sensitive muscle. Gently running a finger up a vein.

She felt me rise and smiled. But she never let her attention waiver.

“Hey Old Man.”

*“Hey Little Miss.”

The vision, through the windows, revealed a fresh morning light. Time slipped by at a more normal pace, rather than the staggered ebb and flow it had the night before.

I was watching her trace the wanderings of her fingertip, up and down my flesh. And I could see the focus of her examination rising to meet her touch. She kept away, just far enough to barely brush against the skin.

I got lost in her play. *“Tease.”


Her smile grew, just snarky enough to let me know that she was playing with a purpose. “I think it’s teasing me more than I’m teasing it though.” She toyed a little more, in silence, then she cast her gaze to my face and broke the hush with an earnest question, “Where do you think we go from here?”

*”I don’t know. Do we have to go anywhere?”

“No. I suppose not.”

*”I mean, this is a pretty nice place I’m in. At the very least, I wouldn’t mind visiting again.”

She sat up, crossed her legs, and hunched down looking at me. Her elbows on her knees, her chin on her fists. I propped myself up to see her a little more comfortably.

She was intently deciphering the expression on my face. Then she just smiled, “Me too… It’s seven in the morning. Hungry? We could have some breakfast.”

Her head tilted down towards me a bit. I leaned up and kissed her.

*”Yeah we could do that, or you could come over here, slide me inside, and we could talk. Not move. Just talk. Then, we could have some breakfast.”

She leaned forward and pulled my arms out from my sides. I fell back to the bed with a very solid thump. She climbed over my stomach, took me in her hand and slid me right inside her.

She was slowly inching her way down.


*”Still sensitive?”

“Yeah, a little. It’s, WOW, woooo, forgot about that. Okay. It’s okay now.” She sat back.

I put my arms on her waist and sat up. Then I held her steady, with my fingers on her shoulders and my palms on her shoulder blades.

She laughed when my nose brushed hers. “Hi.”

I took in her face, *“Good morning.”

“You know, this is a pretty nice way to wake up.”

*”I’ve had worse.”

“Me too.”

*”Life can be a tore up, bumfuck, backwater road sometimes. Can’t it?”

“Potholes as deep as your knees.”

“True that. But, you know? Some of the rest stops, on those hard packed trails, have the best, fucking, views around. If only you stop, take a breath and look.”

She just, lazily, twiddled a finger around my chest.

Her words came out, off the top of her head, “You know I meant what I said before?”


“Loving you.”

*”I know you did and I meant every word myself.”

Her eyes went quizzical, once again, “Hmmmm… Did I, miss something?”

*”?My other first, has that heart-string?”

I looked at her eyes and then, pointedly, looked at her hand with mine. Then I returned my gaze back up, to see if she had tracked my vision.

She had.

*“And she’s playing it, right now.”

She watched her fingers circling the flesh right over my heart.

It only took a couple of more twirls.


Her eyes shot up to mine and the corners of her mouth rose even higher. Deep, purple irises imprisoned my thoughts and dragged me in to mingle with hers. My blood pumped and I swelled inside her.


She brought her face closer, our noses brushed and teased. Our lips played no touch. Dancing into and away from each other, with that electric, ethereal feeling of somehow being connected.

Other than the obvious connection that is.

She rocked back and forth as I rolled side to side. She leaned back and shook.

I looked down at our meeting.

She was soft.

It was the first time I had seen her like that, mostly it had been half hard or more but now it gracefully curved, arcing gently between us. It peeked out like a luscious, full, clit, hooded under a oddly angled foreskin. It was the first cock I ever saw that kind of turned me on and I realized she wasn’t circumcised to boot. If I hadn’t seen it hard I’d swear it could never get as big as it did. But then again, she could probably say the same about me.

The slow grinding movements and gentle whispers of scent stirred up the pleasures, increasing the level of desire. Her hands clamped strenuously into my back as she sucked my tongue and held it fast with her teeth. She trembled and rose up, kissing my forehead.

“Oh fuck, I’m…”

I was pushed over the line when she arched her back offering me her breast. I sucked in her nipple and started to cum within her tenuous trembling. She was stirring me on with rippling muscles and sighs.

The orgasm was slow and steady and strong and long.

We shook and rumbled then settled into each other, overheated and well fucked.

*”Fuck that was…”

“Different…. Wow. Dizzy.”

*”That’s putting it… yeah, different, that works, and definitely a little dizzy.”

Once again the laughter took hold. I rolled her over and stayed inside.

“I love, shit, those heart… beats.”

*”They’re like an exclamation point to it all, aren’t they?” I slyed, stroking her skin with angel breath touches. Adding fuel to the spasms and the giggles she already displayed.


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