Health Services Center: Body Disposal Department by baebutcher

Health Services Center: Body Disposal Department by baebutcher

Explore the tantalizing tale of desire and taboo in 'Health Services Center: Body Disposal Department' by baebutcher. Dive into an erotic journey where passion meets forbidden fantasies in a unique setting. Uncover the secrets of lust, intrigue, and the human experience. Perfect for fans of steamy, provocative stories. Read now!<br/>

Disclaimer: Everyone in this story is over 18. This is a work of fantasy, and any relationship to existing people, living or dead, is purely a coincidence. This story contains intense and graphic indications of rape, violence, bondage, gore, and murder. If that isn’t your cup of tea, please take your viewing pleasure elsewhere.

About a decade ago, scientists working for DARPA made a breakthrough discovery: They perfected 3D scanning and printing technology. By simply passing an object through the scanner, a complete duplicate could be made in real time. With such a breakthrough coming from the government, it immediately became highly regulated. The first uses of it were in high precision computer chip manufacturing, where graphic processors could be built in record time, and with increasing complexity. After the technology had been proven out, it was allowed to expand into the medical field: Donor organs were scanned and shipped out across the country until the global shortage of donated organs was completely remedied.

Once this was established as a reliable mechanism, research started going into how to change the output of the 3D scan. First would be things like scanning a liver, duplicating it, and removing a tumor in the new copy. The new liver would then be re-inserted into the human who it was taken from. Eventually however, in the effort to lessen the pain of a surgery, scientists began experimenting with scanning and duplicating whole human bodies. Thus, if someone was diagnosed with a tumor, a fresh copy would be made of their entire body, cell by cell, exactly replicating the old one, except without the tumor. This new body would then blink, wake up, sit up off the table, and scream at the sight of themselves lying unconscious across from them on the scanning side of the device.

Eventually doctors figured out that patients should be placed inside scanning boxes. These were devices that looked like two coffins next to one another: A sick person would lie down inside one of the coffins, a scan would be made, and the other coffin would open, and out would step an entirely healthy person.

The healthy individual would go on with their lives as if nothing had happened. The original bodies? Those got delivered to me.

I’m Steven. I work for the National Health Services Center, in the Human Waste, Storage, and Retrieval department, sometimes called the “Body Dump”. The original bodies get gassed inside of the coffin, put into a state of deep sleep, and loaded onto trucks, which then are delivered to my warehouse. Per some national board of ethics, we need to hang onto the bodies for 72 hours so that if anything is noticed to be wrong with the new body, the old body can be pulled out and woken back up. After that point though, the old bodies (still sleeping) get put through the processing plant, which we jokingly call “the blender”. Out the other side comes highly refined human mush, which is perfect recycling material to 3D print more bodies. Pretty efficient system.

In the intervening years since this technology took the world by storm, government regulation has gotten quite a bit more lax. There used to be a time when even a single hair amount missing from the recycled material would be enough to cause a squad of human rights watch journalists to descend on my warehouse, but now no one bats an eye if a body goes missing for a few days, as long as the tallies at the end of the month mostly check out.

Elizabeth was so upset. This was supposed to be the first football game of her senior year of highschool on the Spring Meadow Silverettes. She just turned 18 a few days before, and was dressed to the nines to make every horny underclassman have wet dreams about her for months. She was a pale, tall, well endowed girl with wavy blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She was wearing her dance team uniform, a short blue skirt with sparkly fringe, skin colored tights, little white leather cowgirl boots and belt, a blue leotard that stretched tight across her larger-than-average bust, and a white cowgirl hat to top it all off. Her face was heavily makeup-ed so that her gorgeous features could be seen from the crowd, where the entire student body was supposed to be waiting with bated breath to try to capture a glimpse of her silver sparkling hot shorts underneath her skirt every time the team did a high-kick.

But no: today was not going well at all. In practice earlier this morning, she had slipped on some dewy grass, and fallen hard on her knee. The team members had rushed over to her and helped her up, and given her some pain meds to help the swelling go down. That had helped for a while, but now her knee was in a ton of pain. More meds weren’t helping, and looking distraught, she went up to her drill team director.

“Ms. Kelly, can I have a word?”

“Sure Elizabeth, what’s up?”

“It’s my knee, it keeps acting up and is really painful!”

“Have you tried taking some pain meds?”

“Yes, and they don’t seem to be working!”

“Ah, it might be best if you sit this game out then! I know that will be hard for you, since you’re so excited, but best to do this to avoid hurting yourself more!”

“But Ms. Kelly, the ambulance over there, they have one of those new body scanners, right? They should be able to scan me and fix my knee right now, shouldn’t they?”

“Ah, Elizabeth, scanners like that should really only be used in emergency situations you know – I’m not sure a bruised knee would really count as -”

“But Ms. Kelly, this IS an emergency! I’m positive my leg is broken! I need help NOW!”

Elizabeth was lying and she knew it. And from the look on Ms. Kelly’s face, she knew it too. She glanced around at the crowd that had gathered for the game. It was just nearing the end of the first quarter. If Elizabeth went and got treated, she would be back in time to perform in the halftime show.

“Ok, go, but be quick! And take a buddy with you!”

And that was how Elizabeth found herself lying down, 3 minutes later, inside the scanning side of a body-scan box. The EMT had been equally skeptical, but under the glaring eye of Elizabeth and her best friend, he gave way and programmed the device to focus on repairing a knee injury.

Thirty seconds later, Elizabeth was leaping out of the printing side of the device, running off with her friend to re-join the festivities and dance her heart out on the field, while the old Elizabeth, bruised leg and all, was quietly hushed to sleep with some sleeping gas inside of the body scanner.

I don’t know why hospitals always deliver their bodies to me at midnight. These shipments could come at any time during the day, but for some reason they deliver the stack of boxes right around 12:15. Something something transit times and saving gas because no traffic, but at the end of the day, it means I end up working a night shift at my warehouse that goes from about 10pm to 6am. I had just finished unloading the received shipment, and the delivery truck was pulling out, when I turned my attention to my favorite part of the day: Unboxing the 3-day old bodies.


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