Phantom Phallus – The Completed Saga by CarnationWriting

“Morning, sunshine,” Megan teased, grinning. “Ready for a little playtime? I think you’re gonna like our plans for you today.”

As she spoke, Justin felt Celeste handling his dick in the other room. There was a moment of silence broken only by the sound of the front door opening, in which Justin let himself be both fearful and excited for their plans; then suddenly, he yelped in pain and shock as he felt something feathery and cold against his bare cock. The chill bit deep into the metal spiked through his flesh, shaking him to the bone, and he scrambled up from the floor to hurry into the living room with Megan laughing after him.

The sight of what had happened to his dick horrified him.

Celeste had thrown his dick out the door and into the snow, and was standing beside the door like the queen she was, bundled in just as many layers as her best friend. Justin rushed past her, his legs shaking so bad that he stumbled and damn near fell face-first into the snow. He ended up on his knees instead, and just as he reached to rescue his dick, Celeste turned and kicked it away, her foot landing right against his balls. His stomach churned, his face burning despite the cold, and he leaped into the snow after his freezing cock without a second thought.

The biting cold air was hair-raisingly thin against his naked skin, and he was sure his cock was about to get frostbite. The freezing snow was almost burning him, and he dug desperately through the powdery white mess in a desperate attempt to save his dick from these girls’ sick game.

“Wow, you look adorable when you’re panicking,” one of his captors jeered.

He spun around to see the girls standing in front of the closed front door, their arms crossed as they watched him search. “You’re not gonna find it,” Celeste purred, “not if we don’t want you to.”

“We can’t let you ruin our big surprise,” Megan added.

Justin stood up, his feet freezing in the snow, shivering all over. “Where is it?” he demanded softly, his teeth chattering in his skull. The sun was barely rising over the tops of the snow-capped trees, and the purple pre-dawn sky did nothing to warm him up.

Celeste uncrossed her arms and sauntered over to him with a smile, nudging aside some of the snow with her foot to reveal his shriveling cock. The bitter cold had made it screw up tighter on itself, making the still-sore piercings hurt even worse. The short length of it was red and flaky, clearly reacting poorly to the icy weather. He reached for it, only for his sadistic girlfriend to kick it away again, this time with her foot hitting the deep shaft piercing and making him gag at the agony. His mind was blank, solely focused on getting his cock back. Not because he wanted to stop playing this twisted, ugly game that he loved so dearly, but because he wanted it to continue – and it couldn’t continue if his dick was frozen solid, right?

But as he reached for it again, his stomach turning over and his face burning against the frigid air. Megan was the one to kick it away this time, her foot hitting his dick hard enough to make him see stars, but he chased it again, knowing that his desperation was entertaining them. They were laughing and egging him on, jeering about how they should step on it just to fuck with him. He knew it should be difficult to get hard right now, but he could feel his cock throbbing with desire as they continued to kick it like a goddamn soccer ball.

Before he could catch up with them, they stopped, and he could only stand there and stare as Celeste suddenly picked up his dick and held it out between her and her best friend. Panting with exhaustion, his lungs aching, he glanced around in his first attempt to finally take in his surroundings. The trees and foliage here looked different; they were sparser, carelessly dotted across the snowy rim of the clearing.

No, this wasn’t a clearing. This was the lake. Yes, this was the lake that bordered one side of the cabin, the lake that he’d thought would be fully iced over by now. Instead, from where he was kneeling, he could see random patches of darker blue that indicated holes in the ice, as if the girls had spent time leaving little pockmarks in the ice on purpose. The same girls that were holding his dick.

“Celeste… Megan…” Justin said, his voice hoarse. “Please… don’t do anything crazy…”

“Awww, but crazy is what makes all of this so much fun,” Megan teased.

“Besides, you know you can’t stop us,” Celeste said with a giggle. She dangled Justin’s dick in the air, taunting him, and he knew what was about to happen. He tried to scream, tried to beg her not to do what she was so easily ready to do, but the only sound that came out was a short rasp of air that grated angrily against his neck muscles. He clutched his throat with one hand, his eyes wide with terror, and the girls laughed at him. “Holy shit, he can’t even say anything!” Celeste taunted.

“Can’t,” Megan urged her with a grin, “or won’t?”

“True,” Celeste answered with a knowing look. She turned back to Justin, who hoped his eyes were pleading with her enough. He knew it was no use – he enjoyed the thrill of it all too much to ever truly beg her to stop. His girlfriend looked him right in the eye, and suddenly his entire life purpose was to serve her. “You must want this, then, if you won’t talk.” He was frozen in place, his eyes glued to his own cock, pierced and bruised and bleeding and sore, as Celeste flicked her wrist, and let go of it.

It was an odd feeling, to have just a part of him hit the water, when he wasn’t even near it. The water was crisp and glacial, and he would’ve hit his knees if he wasn’t already there. Instead his arms gave way, and his head hit the snowy ground a second before his left shoulder as he collapsed, gasping. His chest heaved as his breathing bordered hyperventilating, his heart suddenly pounding so hard that he was sure it would leave a mark on his chest. The girls’ laughter faded to a distant blur of ringing in his ears as he felt his dick sink lower and lower into the depths of the lake, the metal bars and rings only serving to conduct the icy pain straight through the innermost nerves of his cock.

Still gasping for air, tears streaming down his face, he let the girls drag him by the arms back to the cabin, and through the whirlwind of pain he’d never imagined he’d feel before, he could feel his brain rewiring itself. This was his purpose. He didn’t need his cock and balls to serve these two. If being completely castrated was what entertained them, so be it.


When they made it back to the cabin, the girls took care of him for a bit before playing with him. They sat his dazed and reeling form in front of the fire, stripping for him before running their hands over his naked body, feeling him up like the toy they knew was theirs. Justin was still in shock, forced to constantly endure the sensation of his dick freezing to the core. He barely noticed the girls bring him to the bedroom, until he was suddenly on his knees at the foot of the bed; one of the girls had put her ankles behind his head and dragged him up against both of their bodies, and suddenly he was smothered between their naked, wet pussies.

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