Phantom Phallus – The Completed Saga by CarnationWriting

Unfortunately, she had no idea how to take it any further. She wanted to, really, but she couldn’t find an in.

On the second to last day before break, she made it all the way home after school, and managed to shower and eat dinner and do a tarot spread before she realized the voodoo-doll was missing. She dug in her backpack for it, hoping to spend another night playing with herself, and her heart dropped when she realized that it was gone. She ended up dumping the entire contents of her bag onto her bed, but she couldn’t find it.

Panicking, she retraced her steps in her mind. The only place it could’ve gotten lost was at school…


Trina barely slept that night, endlessly worried about the outcome of her mistake. She hated herself for it – she’d let herself get sloppy, and she was angry and embarrassed. She spent several hours that night flipping through her spellbook, praying to her deities that there was some sort of solution. This was just supposed to be her game, and she worried that if she couldn’t at least “turn off” the voodoo-doll, Alex could get hurt.

But unfortunately, she found nothing, and was forced to go to the final day of school with a pit in her stomach.

Even Alex seemed a little confused when she left him alone for the first time in over a week. There was no tingling today, no stroking, no squeeze around his balls. Trina spent the day in a haze of frustration, and her mind was so foggy that she almost didn’t hear her fifth-period History teacher call her name on the way out. She turned around, meeting the older woman’s gaze as best as she could.

Ms. Delaney was young for a history teacher, but still old enough that a lot of Trina’s classmates called her a “MILF”. She was average height, and fit, with good-sized tits and a shapely ass that swayed enticingly when she walked up and down the rows of desks. She had long ginger hair that she often kept tied up in a messy bun, and piercing green eyes with long lashes that would, admittedly, look incredibly alluring while she was on her knees in front of a man. Hell, Trina was pretty sure she was straight, but Ms. Delaney was definitely a reason to question that.

“Trina,” Ms. Delaney said firmly as the rest of the class dissipated, “I’d like to speak with you.” She took her black-framed glasses off, her other hand holding up something small and red.

The voodoo-doll.

“Do you mind explaining to me what this is?” she asked, leaning on her desk and glaring at Trina.

Say something, she urged herself. Anything. Fuck, what do you even say to that? Fuck it, play dumb. “I… um, no, I don’t… I don’t know -”

“You don’t know.” Ms. Delaney wasn’t asking for confirmation of what Trina had just said – she was repeating it firmly, disbelievingly. It was a statement that she threw to the air between them with utter disdain. “You don’t know what fell out of your backpack yesterday afternoon.” She lowered her head, and Trina let herself breathe at the break of eye contact. “Do you honestly expect me to believe that?”

“Ms. Delaney… with all due respect, I don’t know if you’d believe me if I told you. And it’s… kind of… inappropriate.” Though both were true, she was also very worried that she would be in trouble for it. But the teacher simply raised her head again to look Trina right in the eye once more, silently urging her on, and she sighed. At least no one was around to hear them. “It’s uh… it’s a voodoo doll.”

“And is there any reason it’s so phallic?”

Fuck, Trina couldn’t deny that part. The damn thing was shaped like some sort of weird cloth dildo. “Um… it’s… it’s for a boy. Like, it… I made it for a boy. Or, about him, I guess. I dunno.”

Ms. Delaney nodded slowly. “Alex?”

Trina blushed fiercely at the mention of the name. “No!” she stammered, “no, no, I don’t – I, uh -”

“Come on, Trina,” Ms. Delaney said, quirking an eyebrow. “Everyone knows you two like each other.”

“I – wait, he likes me back?”

“Not the point. The point is, you don’t need to construct some sort of fake voodoo-doll just to get closer to him, you can -”

“It’s not fake.”

” – I’m sorry?”

“It’s not fake.” Trina had felt a spark of anger at the unwitting challenge. She hated when people called her practice fake – she tried to ignore it, as most fellow witches told her to, but it pissed her off to no end anyway. What she did had real effects, effects that she had seen first hand, effects that couldn’t be explained away with “placebo” or “just your imagination”. It was real, and she didn’t like the condescension in her teacher’s voice.

But Ms. Delaney almost seemed amused at Trina’s defiance. “Trina, there’s no such thing as witchcraft. I have been trying to tell you this since you first started in my class.”

“But you’re wrong! Magic is real, it’s just manipulating the energies of the world around you.”

Ms. Delaney laughed. “So – so you mean to tell me, this -” She squeezed the cloth bundle tight by the balls – “is really connected to Alex’s penis?”

Trina flinched as she watched her teacher’s long, dark-green nails dig into the cloth, knowing it was hurting her crush. “Yes, they really are connected, and you’re going to hurt him, so please just -”

“Just what?”

“Just give it back, please -”

“No, I don’t think I will, young lady. Enough with this magic you claim is so powerful. This is not Alex Griffith’s dick, and I’m going to prove it to you. See? Nothing is going to happen.”

Everything happened so fast.

Alex, of all people, walked into the room – Trina knew he had Ms. Delaney’s history class for his final period, and that he liked to get there early – just as the teacher dropped his voodoo-doll on the floor, slipped her bare foot out of her sleek black heels, and stomped purposefully on the little cloth bundle.

Her toes pressed hard into the balls of the voodoo-doll, her heel landing right on the tip of it, and Alex suddenly gasped and collapsed just inside the doorway to the classroom. Both women immediately turned around, and Trina found herself rushing to help Alex up. “Alex! Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” he stammered, “yeah, just – fuck, my stomach just started hurting.”

Trina looked up to see Ms. Delaney return her foot to its shoe, horror and shock written across her pretty face as she stared at her sixth-period student. For a moment there was silence between them – then she made eye contact with Trina, and suddenly there was an entire conversation and an agreement between them. Trina had felt Ms. Delaney’s entire vibe change. She liked this. She was turned on by this.

“Well,” Ms. Delaney said curtly, straightening her tight-fitting skirt and blouse, “if that’s all you have to say, Trina, I suggest you hurry on to your next class. But I will be seeing you for detention after school. Understand? And I will be keeping your – uh – cellphone, for the rest of the day.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Trina said softly, noting the tiny wink the teacher shot her and the subtle hand tucking the voodoo-doll into the older woman’s desk. She bid goodbye to Alex, and left the room, anxious and excited for her detention. Something told her Alex would be there, too.

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